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HRDV5630Mid-Term Exam

February 8, 2018

Name: ____________________________________

Chapter 1

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1. Which of the following is considered the backdrop and purpose of organization development?

a. training and development

b. management consulting

c. change

d. employee participation

2. Change is required by which of the following?

a. individual


b. team members

c. organizations

d. all the above

3. ______ can be benefical to learn another’s role in an effort to see how others view them.

a. Interviews

b. OD interventions

c. Role play or dramatic exercises

d. Surveys

4. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are among the largest employers in the United States ?

a. private sector businesses

b. public sector businesses

c. federal, state, and local governments

d. international governments

5. Large-scale organizational change is often simple and met without skepticism.

a. True

b. False

6. OD includes anyone who must lead organizational change as part of his or her role.

a. True
b. False

7. How does OD differ from Management Consulting?

Chapter 2

8. . What is referred to now as a commonly used form of scale for measurement?

a. Rensis Scale

b. Likert Scale

c. Survey Scale

d. Research Scale

9. Which of the following was identified as a notable research program within management practices?

a. MacGregor’s Theory X and Y

b. Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid

c. Herzberg’s studies of worker motivation

d. all the above

10. The Managerial Grid mapped scores related to concern for production and concern for people; the scores ranged from ______ to ______.

a. 1; 5

b. 1; 7

c. 1; 9

d. 1;11

11. As firms realized that the ______ of a product strongly impacted the profitability and competitiveness of the organization, they began to pay attention to management styles that would increase workers’ ability and motivation.

a. ROI

b. quality

c. defects

d. capabilities

12. Organizational cultures also exist within local or national cultures that have their own influence on the behaviors of organizational members.

a. True
b. False

13. The ability to effectively adopt change became the difference between successful and mediocre organizations.

a. True
b. False

14. Distinguish between Theory X and Theory Y.

Chapter 3

15. A ______ is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.”

a. value

b. value statement

c. value system

d. value framework

16. ______ is perhaps the most foundational of OD’s democratic values.

a. Management

b. Change

c. Participation

d. Growth

17. What value, perhaps, differentiates OD from most other management and consulting work?

a. The Importance of Groups and Teams

b. Growth, Development, and Learning

c. Valuing the Whole Person

d. Dialogue and Collaboration

18. Being authentic means

a. being competitive while seeking status and authority.

b. withholding information in an effort to succeed.

c. telling followers what they want to hear.

d. being straightforward, genuine, honest, truthful.

19. Individual employees can often make contributions to an organization beyond those for which they were originally hired.

a. True
b. False

20. Discuss in depth the four key challenges to holding organization development values.

Chapter 4

21. Changes can occur at the ______ level when people learn new skills or develop new ways of working through mentoring or education and training.

a. individual

b. suprasystem

c. team

d. organization

22. Kegan and Lahey wrote about a language shift, for example, from the language of complaint to the language of ______.

a. commitment

b. personal


c. competing commitments

d. ongoing regard

23. Which practical tool was created to analyze and interpret the four kinds of change conversations?

a. manager’s handbook

b. discussion inventory

c. conversational profile

d. gap analysis

24. Which level of social construction conversation deals with offical discourses and statements of mission and values?

a. intrapersonal

b. personal

c. interpersonal and small group

d. organizational

25. . OD, as a field, has primarily been concerned with the successful implementation of unplanned change.

a. True
b. False

26. Discuss three benefits that systems theory offers OD practitioners.

Chapter 5

27. Which consulting approach most focuses on a shared view of all responsibilities?

a. Expert

b. Doctor-Patient

c. Mechanic

d. Organization Development

28. Having less political involvement, resulting in being more truthful with less consequence is an example of which of the following?

a. advantage of internal consulting

b. advantage of external consulting

c. disadvantage of internal consulting

d. disadvantage of external consulting

29. In becoming an OD consultant, many observers note a background in ______ is a good starting point to expose beginners to introductory OD concepts.

a. history

b. social and behavioral sciences

c. biological sciences

d. information technology

30. Finance and accounting, HRM, and legal issues are examples of which of the following OD consultant competencies?

a. Organizational Behavior

b. Training and Development

c. Business and Management Knowledge Areas

d. General Professional Skills

31. The mechanic model gives the consultant responsibility over virtually every aspect of the problem and the solution, and it permits the client to relinquish both accountability and responsibility for the problem.

a. True
b. False

32. What are some ethical issues for internal and external consultants?

Chapter 6

33. In the contracting process, the practitioner and client explore both the formal and______ contractual elements of their relationship.

a. psychological

b. biological

c. social

d. fiscal

34. Which type of client is identified as those that are included in meetings or from whom data are gathered during the course of the engagement?

a. contact clients

b. intermediate clients

c. primary clients

d. indirect clients

35. Which of the following purposes of contracting deals with sharing expectations about mutual involvement during the project?

a. To understand the organization’s commitment to change

b. To create an environment in which consultation can succeed by agreeing on mutual roles and needs

c. To clarify time pressures and expectations

d. To clarify how the client and consultant will interact

36. When parties agree on a contract, the next phase begins

a. evaluation

b. intervention

c. diagnosis

d. data gathering

37. All client types have the same needs or expectations as do others.

a. True
b. False

38. Discuss why it is critical to invest time early during the first three phases.

Chapter 7

39. Which step in the data gathering process discusses the client or another representative explaining to organizational members what data are being gathered, by whom, using what methods, and for what purposes?

a. Determine approach to be used

b. Announce project

c. Prepare for data collection

d. Collect data

40. Given the nature of a global environment, which of the following is necessary when development surveys/questionnaires?

a. translate or localize questions

b. indicate a bias toward particular groups/regions

c. ask questions that can be answered multiple ways

d. do not define terms

41. Data gathering through the use of ______ is when data are generally readily available because they are produced during the ordinary course of organizational activity.

a. interviews

b. surveys/questionnaires

c. observations

d. unobtrusive measures

42. A few members dominating the discussion is a critical disadvantage of which data gathering method?

a. interviews

b. focus groups

c. observations
d. unobtrusive measures

43. An organizational survey that appears to promise change will only deepen or increase cynicism among members if nothing is done with the results.

a. True
b. False

44. What are three reasons that data gathering should be taken seriously?

Chapter 8

45. Practitioners agree that the purpose of ______ is to “help an organization understand its behavior and its present situation—what’s going on, how it’s going on—so that something can be done about it.”

a. feedback

b. data gathering

c. interviews

d. diagnosis

46. Feedback ______ action when it is inconsistent with what is already believed so that it produces a level of discomfort and the recipient is prompted to take different actions to reach different results.

a. directs

b. supports

c. prohibits

d. motivates

47. Feedback ______ action when it is inconsistent with what is already believed so that it produces a level of discomfort and the recipient is prompted to take different actions to reach different results.

a. directs
b. supports
c. prohibits
d. motivates

48. Which benefit of resistance is described as an opportunity for recipients to share their feedback, whether positive or negative, to be taken into account to create a better solution?

a. Resistance can keep the change alive in the organization’s conversations.

b. Resistance can enhance the quality of the change and its implementation.

c. Resistance can provide additional data about how employees feel about past change attempts and the organization itself.

d. Resistance can reflect, and potentially build, involvement in and commitment to the organization.

49. The inductive approach may require more knowledge of the organization, the data, or organizational theory in general than the deductive approach.

a. True
b. False

50. Discuss the general steps that practitioners utilize when performing inductive coding.

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