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Updated: August 2012 MN502 – Unit 5 Page 1 of 2


MN502: Unit 5 Assignment

Concept Usage in a Professional Practice Model Paper
The purpose of this paper is for you to examine the philosophy of nursing and/or professional
practice model in your facility (if you are not working or the facility does not have one, then you
may choose one from your readings).

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Example: My hospital’s framework is based on Jean Watson’s Caring model.

1. Select a concept which is included or defined within your professional practice model or
philosophy, as a characteristic of the model.

2. For this paper, include a discussion of:
 Select a concept from your organization’s nursing philosophy or professional practice

model. Example (safety, patient satisfaction, quality healthcare, accessible
healthcare, responsibility, caring).

 Provide the organizational definition if stated. Also list your organization’s mission
and vision statement. If the organizational definition, mission and/or vision are not
stated, explain this in your paper.

 From the nursing literature find several definitions and uses of the concept (as in
Assignment 1)

 From your reading and the organization’s definition, develop your own definition of
the concept as if you are preparing it to submit to your workplace as a needed
refinement (why you have modified the definition). In other words, modify it as you
would like to see it developed into the framework and organizational structure of the
facility and tell why you feel the definition of the concept should be modified.

 Describe how this concept supports your professional practice model.

3. Use 4–6 nursing scholarly sources to support your definitions.
4. Use the APA manual to cite in text and your reference list.
5. Your Assignment will be 4–6 pages, and should include a title page and reference page

(not included in the 4–6 pages for the Assignment).

To complete this Assignment, you will write fully developed paragraphs on each
definition/use/interpretation of the term you have chosen. Use 4–6 nursing scholarly sources to
support your definitions. Your Assignment will be 4–6 pages and should include a title page and

Updated: August 2012 MN502 – Unit 5 Page 2 of 2

reference page (not included in the 4–6 pages for the Assignment). Cite all your references in
correct APA format both in the text and on a reference page.

When your paper is complete, save as a Word document, and upload to the Dropbox basket:
Unit 5 Assignment.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section
of the Course Home.

MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing

Scoring Rubric: Personal Philosophy Rubric



00 points] – Due Unit 5

















Project Content Criteria



Above Average


Total Points


Describes the organizational definition and/or mission/vision statement. If not available, provides an explanation.

No paper or does not provide the organizational definition and/or mission/vision statement; or if not available, does not provide an explanation.

The evaluation is brief and contains only a few concrete details.

The evaluation contains many concrete details.

The evaluation is thorough and extensive.





A = ____ pts

Provision of definitions of a concept from within the nursing philosophy using nursing literature.

No paper or does not provide any definitions from the nursing literature.

Definitions provided are not from the nursing literature.

Provides a 2-3 definitions from the nursing literature.

Provides 4-6 definitions from within the nursing literature.

B = ____pts

Develops definition of the concept for your organization with an explanation for the definition.

No paper or does not redefine concept for the organization.

Redefines the concept to apply to your organization, but it is poorly presented.

Redefines the concept to apply to your organization; focus needs to be clearer.

Redefines the concept to apply to your organization; definition and explanation are clear and well stated.

C = ____ pts

Description of how the concept supports your professional practice model.

No paper or does not describe how the concept supports your professional practice model.

The description is superficial or unclear.

The description is brief and needs more detail.

The student clearly described how this concept supports the model of practice.

D = ____ pts


There are frequent errors in consistency of the text, title page, and references page with APA format.

There are numerous errors in which iIdeas and information from other sources are not cited correctly.

There are numerous errors in rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation.

There are numerous spelling and/or proofreading errors.

Overall style is inadequate for formal, professional work; many areas needs need style improvement.

There are some errors, but much of the text, title page, and references page is consistent with the APA format.

Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly with few exceptions.

Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed with few exceptions.

Assignment has few spelling and/or proofreading errors.

Overall style is adequate for formal, professional work; some areas need style improvement.

There are rare errors; most of the text, title page, and references page is consistent with APA format.

Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly with rare exceptions.

Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed with rare exceptions.

Assignment has rare spelling and/or proofreading errors.

Overall style is consistent with that expected of formal, professional work with rare exceptions.

Text, title page, and references page are consistent with APA format.

Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly.

Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed.

Assignment is spellchecked and proofread.

Overall style is consistent with that expected of formal, professional work.

E = ____ pts.


A + B + C + D + E = TOTAL PTS

_____ pts.



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