in the first response, in addition to what you said, you should give a specific stereotype about women…you could even give a stereotype of Russian women (or me) that you have heard.
In the veil response, you should use lustful and not lustrous, and scapegoat not escape goat
Running Head:
Student’s Name
University Affiliation
Women Studies
1.) Stereotypes have been noted to have profound effects on the victimized persons, where they are reacted to and treated on the basis of others’ expectations rather than one’s knowledge of the persons as individuals. We all take our identities and roles from a variety of culturally imposed and individually claimed social constructions such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class, age and sexual orientation. All these aspects are subject to stereotype, most of which hinder the female gender from pursuing various paths. Stereotypes based on all these factors have been known affect women from all over. Negative images portrayed about women in issues such as their basic ethnicity has barred them from venturing into certain fields as their role has already been predetermined due to their ethnicity.
Despite the various differences among women of various groups, there are possible commonalities that do exist among them. This is the need for them to unify and strive forward as a unit and not various sub-entities that can be easily subdued and oppressed. They are blessed with motherly instincts that make them pillars of the family. They also have the option of assuming alternatives roles in the society.
2.) The workplace is a platform where various persons with different personalities present themselves. Stereotypes and discrimination are prominently present at such places and not much has been done to do away with such vices. Many are judged and treated in accordance with their race, social status and even gender. With continuity of such uncultured practices, dominant class power is reinforced not only at the particular location but in the society as a whole. Nevertheless, there does exist resistance towards such mislead images. Many are aware of the fact that there is more to a person that what simply meets the eye. In combating this vice, stringent laws should be implemented in curbing the menace completely.
3.) The veil has been a fundamental part of the Muslim culture since the very existence of Islam as a culture. Its use is not merely for beauty purposes but as a means of takings all society members into consideration. It is a known fact that a woman is a beautiful creation, arguable God’s best creation. She has features that can tempt the rather susceptible males and the veils helps in ensuring that all the features of a woman are hidden away from the lustrous eyes of men. To those who may be oblivious of such information, it becomes a questionable issue, more so to those such as U.S civilians and Europeans who are of paranoid nature. Despite of the fact that they have been subject to attack by persons of this culture, some through the veil as an escape-goat, they should adopt a positive attitude towards the use of veils and appreciate the culture as it is. All social, cultural and individual factors should be balanced when formulating a public a policy which takes all factors into account.
4.) Just as it is illustrated by the Nigerian writer, diversity is important in fully understanding the subject issue. This is to imply that all stories have more than one side and all of them ought to be heard. This writer’s idea is closely related to feminism, as it is also based on expressing the woman’s ideologies, opinions and understanding on various issues.
Collective, H. C. W. s. S. (2005). Women’s realities, women’s choices: an introduction to women’s studies: Oxford University Press.