financial management in healthcare class

 Consider the Ridgeland Heights Medical Center (RHMC) actions presented on pages 11 and 12 of your textbook. The medical center is trying to counter a dwindling inpatient census at the facility. What do you think of the three strategies proposed here? Can you think of any other strategies that RHMC should consider here?  

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Health Care

Chapter One

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Learning Objectives

• Recite the amount of Dollars flowing through
the health care industry

• Describe the importance of health care
financial management

• Explain the role and objective of health care

• Describe the twofold purpose of financial

Learning Objectives continued

• Recognize the category of providers

• Identify how a hospital financial administrator
operates within an annual calendar of
financial events (we are starting with January)

• Build a hospital pro forma financial statement

Financial Management
• Has its own policies and procedures

• Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are
used (GAAP)

• Procedures require estimates and
approximations based on previous experience

• In the health industry—standards represent
the ability to properly report operating results
over time as well as net assets

• Price increase a function of change in volume,
severity, and expense

What is Health Care?

• Maintenance or restoration of health of the
body or mind

• $2.6 trillion dollar industry

• From 1966-2009, health care % of GDP grew
to 17.9 %

• 314 percent increase

• US GDP in health care leads the industrialized

• Projections for 2015=$3 trillion

What is Management?

• For profit—maximize owners/shareholder profit

• Not for profit—produce the best possible bottom

• For profit— “management must administer the
assets of the enterprise in order to obtain the
greatest wealth for the owner”

• Not for profit—produce the best possible
financial outcomes while minimizing risk to the

What is Financial Management?

• Strategizing the organization’s financial
direction as well as the performance of its
day-to-day financial operations

• Dual purpose

• Determine the strategic financial direction

• Manage day to day financial operations

• Sound financial aids the general manager in
carrying out their responsibilities

Financial Highly Visible and Important

• Setting prices for services

• Producing and analyzing discounts

• Recording and analyzing cost information

• Preparing and reporting financial projections

Why is Financial Management

• Primary role—broker of information

• Secondary role—reporting financial results

• If applied properly it maximizes decision
making in uncertain times

Nowicki’s 6 Major Objectives of
Health Care Financial Management

• To generate income

• To respond to regulations

• To facilitate relationships with third party

• To influence method and amount of payment

• To monitor physicians

• To protect the organization’s tax status

Ridgeland Heights Medical Center
• Fictional medium-sized medical center

• Primary statistics

• 11,000 inpatient admissions out paced by
180,000 outpatient services

• Managed care reduces access to care

• Declining inpatient leaves 3 alternatives

• Steal market share

• Grow market share by providing new services

• Grow market share by recruiting new doctors

Decision Time

• Pro forma developed has projected income

• It contains a series of assumptions

• These lead to a go or no go decision

• Decision based on net present value(NVP) or
internal rate of return (IRR)

• Organization may have a “hurdle rate”

• Reflects the minimum % return on its

More on Pro forma

• Volume assumptions

• Revenue assumptions

• Expense assumptions

Finance Committee and BOD calendar

• Board sets policy direction for the organization

• This is carried out by administration/managers

• Standing committees

• Specific formats for $ information needed

• BOD financial committee has specific
authority stated in the bylaws

• Monthly financial statements

• Accounts receivable

Year End Closing

• An outside accounting firm audits the financial
books and records of the organization for the
previous year

• Very time consuming

• Multiple tasks must be completed

• Refer to Ridgeland example for details

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