Finance Work – PLAGIARISM FREE due Tomorrow at 4PM EST


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1. What is an aggressive financing strategy? What are components of aggressive finance strategies? What is the difference between the aggressive and conservative financing models? Under what circumstances would you use either model?

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1b. What are the benefits of Aggressive financial strategy? Provide example.


1c. What are the disadvantages of Agressive financial strategy? Provide example.


1d. What is conservative financial models? Provide example.


1e. What are the benefits of conservative financial models? Provide example.


1f. What are the disadvantages of conservation financial models? Provide example.


2a. What is an asset?  What is a liability? Provide an example of each.


2b. How do assets differ from liability? Provide example.


2c. What are the benefits of having assets? Provide example.


2d. How can liabilities affect your financial stability? Explain.


2e. What are the different types of assets and liability? Explain


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