Finance question for

Find five different online mortgage lenders such as 

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From these five lenders, find the following mortgage rates: 15 year (if available) and 30 year.

Convert the Annual Percentage Rates into Effective Annual Rates (EAR’s).  

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Discuss which rate is actually the lowest rate and highest rate. Why is this the case? 

  • Present the quoted (stated) rate, APR, and EAR rates in a table listing the lender, and length of loan.
  • Why do the different lenders have different rates?
  • Explain how the Truth in Lending Act governs the APR?
  • What are three common mistakes most homebuyers make when looking at quoted mortgage rates?
  • Considering the time value of money, if an investor choses a 30 year mortgage, what does that choice indicate about their expectations of the time value of money?
  • Is the difference in rates going to have a material impact on the cost to the home buyer? Explain your answer.  

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