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1″Foreign Exchange Derivative Markets” Please respond to the following:

· From the first e-Activity, speculate one specific area in which the next Triennial report may show a significant change. Explain how you arrived at your conclusion. 

· Considering the U.S. Federal Reserve Board announced that U.S. interest rates will stay low through mid-2014, analyze how this will affect the foreign exchange derivatives market. Suggest whether or not you agree with this strategy. Provide support for your rationale.

2. “Commercial Bank Operations” Please respond to the following:

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· Assess the obligation commercial banks have in building consumer confidence and rate how the banks are doing in this regard. Support your response with evidence or an example.

· From the second e-Activity, summary the author’s or authors’ criticism of commercial banks. Provide a counter argument to the criticism using examples or evidence to support your response. 


· Go to the Bank for International Settlements Website to read the results summarized in the article titled “Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity in April 2010 – Preliminary Global Results – Turnover”, dated September 2010, located at

. Be prepared to discuss. 

· Research the Internet or the Strayer Library for recent articles (within the last 12 months) that criticizes the activities or performance of commercial banks. Be prepared to discuss.  


· 1. Geneticists compare DNA base sequences among organisms and from this data determine a gene’s rate of evolution. Different genes have been found to evolve at different rates. 

· – Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation.

· 2.Species have been traditionally characterized as “primitive” and “advanced.” For example, mosses were considered to be primitive, and flowering plants advanced; crocodiles were primitive and mammals were advanced. Most biologists of today think it is incorrect to characterize any modern species as primitive.

· Determine whether or not you believe it is incorrect to refer to any modern species as primitive, and explain why.

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