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Running head: BIBIOGRAPHY 1



Laura Dunkerson

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South University Online


Cyber bullying is one of the current social problems that has flourished with the advancement in technology. Many people have access to technology today. Because of this technology has gone to both good and bad hands. In bad hands, technology has been used to orchestrate various criminal activities. This not all criminal activity involves cyber bullying, which is what this sentence indicates activity is known as cyber bullying. Various studies have been conducted on cyber bullying. This paper highlights some of the arguments in these studies. Develop a thesis that shows more specifically what is in the research.

First, Thaxter (2010) did a delete research and wrote an article titled Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies faced by juvenile police officers. Article titles are placed in quotation marks, not italics In this article, the author claims that juvenile police officers convey a firm perceptive ? of the regulations as well as a strong knowledge of security issues to the classroom making them an outstanding educational reserve. Cyber bullying is an educational approach ? that officers use like in the case parents and students and this definition is illustrated by unfolding true cases that I and other officers have dealt with this sentence doesn’t make sense. It is centered towards the consequences of cyber bullying on the victims and also impacts of word choice the behavior on the environment and ambiance at the school. A vital technique to link the differing levels of involvement in bullying is by calling attention to all students to take part in the responsibility of ending cyber bullying.

On the same topic of cyber bullying, Sugarman (2009) did a study on online bullies and wrote an article titled Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. In this article, he argues that like researchers, authors are able to give well-timed update assessment about cyber bullying. It has been viewed that wordy bullying has been around for a while, and swift improvement in communication technology have word form modified it and caused it to become bigger. There is inefficient acknowledgment of the effects of online bullying young people among themselves. Editing ends here.

The other research on cyber bullying was done by Moore, Huebner & Hills in 2012. From this study, these researchers drafted an article titled Electronic bullying and victimization and life satisfaction in middle school students. In the article, the study by these authors assessed the character and frequency of electronic bullying and oppression in a section of middle school students in a southeastern USA school. There was also examination of the link between events of electronic bullying and victimization and also global and domain specific life approvals. A sum of 855 US students of 7th and 8th grade replied on to the questions concerning global and domain-based life satisfaction, electronic bullying and victimization behaviors. There were a small percentage of students that gave information about their engagement in or them being victims of electronic bullying and point out that the activities to place several times a week. Statistics showed that a large relationship between electronic bullying and self-reported grades in schools, gender and parent marital status. Also, there was a large relationship between victimization and self-reported grades in school, parent marital status and ethnicity. This lead to the recommendation of a humble but the all-encompassing association between experiences of electronic bullying and victimization and adolescents’ life fulfillment details across a diversity of important life domains.

Cyber bullying is also studied by Sontag, Clemans, Graber & Lyndon (2011). Through their article titled Traditional and cyber aggressors and victims: A comparison of psychosocial characteristics, they argue that until now, there is slight knowledge about the difference between perpetrators and victims’ cyber and traditional types of aggression and this was the reason for this particular study especially on psychosocial characteristics, which were assessed in research on traditional aggression and victimization. Cyber aggressors showed small levels of reactive aggression compared to both traditional-only and combined aggressors. It was also discovered that combined aggressors showed the poorest psychosocial outline compared to other aggressor groups. Results advocated for exceptional aspects about cyber aggression and victimization that may lead to further research.

On the other hand, Englander (2010) uses the article titled Editorial for the special issue on cyber-bullying to justify the fact that electronic aggression is different from offline in the twisted relative goal to actual damage. The steady accessibility of electronic communication appeal to individuals to use it in a more awkward or complex social exchanges which in turn may cause more social problems. These complex social exchanges in particular, lead to prevalence of cyber bullying. In other words, cyber bullying is one of the prominent social problems in this regard.

Focusing on cyber bullying among high school students, Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, (2012), came up with the article titled Cyber bullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students. In this article, the dominance of cyber bullying and schooling bullying victimization and their relationship with psychosocial distress was found out in relation to a research carried out from a regional census of high school students. It was found out that victimization was higher in non-heterosexually known youths. The victims showed low school performance and school attachment. Results of regulated analyses showed that distress was high in victims of cyber bullying and school bullying.

In relation to culture, Keith & Martin (2005) researched on cyber bullying and authored the article titled Cyber-bullying: Creating a culture of respect in a cyber world. According to these authors, the numerous occasions that revolved around students on students’ brutality involved guns and this was done in the 1990s. School managements came up with programs that would keep guns and gangs out of schools. In the 21st century, the violence has taken a new dimension which has been helped by advancement in the technology hence making it easy for cyber bullies to have easier access to their victims. This article offers suggestions for overcoming the challenge of cyber bulling.

Last, Rigby & Smith (2011) studied on cyber bullying in schools and wrote an article titled Is school bullying really on the rise? In this study, these authors conducted an assessment in different countries on whether school cyber bullying was rising or not. The results from their assessment show that dominance of cyber bullying in schools increased at different points in a particular time between 1990 and 2009. The report also shows that cyber bullying has increased compared to traditional bullying in the period the research took place.

Laura: This draft has a clear focus and some useful information. It lacks a thesis, though, and has numerous confusing and unclear sentences. In revision, I have several suggestions. First, develop a thesis that shows specifically what all of the research adds up to. Review the sample thesis in the assignment instructions for an example. Second, try reading your draft out loud to catch unclear and wordy sentences. Don’t use seven words if three will do. Third, develop a conclusion.


Englander, E. K. (2010). Editorial for the special issue on cyber-bullying. Journal of Social
Sciences, 6(4), 508-509. Retrieved from

Keith, S., & Martin, M. E. (2005). Cyber-bullying: Creating a culture of respect in a cyber world.
Reclaiming Children and Youth, 13(4), 224-228. Retrieved from

Moore, P. M., Huebner, E. S., & Hills, K. J. (2012). Electronic bullying and victimization and
life satisfaction in middle school students. Social Indicators Research, 107(3), 429-447.

Rigby, K., & Smith, P. K. (2011). Is school bullying really on the rise? Social Psychology of
Education : An International Journal, 14(4), 441-455.


Schneider, S. K., O’Donnell, L., Stueve, A., & Coulter, R. W. (2012). Cyberbullying, school
bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students. American
Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 171-7. Retrieved from

Sontag, L. M., Clemans, K. H., Graber, J. A., & Lyndon, S. T. (2011). Traditional and cyber
aggressors and victims: A comparison of psychosocial characteristics. Journal of Youth
and Adolescence, 40(4), 392-404. Retrieved from

Sugarman, S. (2009). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Choice,
47(2), 397. Retrieved from

Sugarman, S. (2011). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Choice,
48(10), 1851. Retrieved from

Thaxter, K. (2010). Cyber bullying: Challenges and strategies faced by juvenile police officers.
Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 529-531. Retrieved from

1. Evaluate the thesis statement: note whether the author’s thesis and overall representation of these particular articles are clearly stated.  Make suggestions to help with the wording if you think it will help the author’s clarity.

Don’t forget your title at the beginning of the essay. When you say “This activity is known as cyber bullying” I think you should reword it as maybe “one example is…”.With the sentence before it to me it reads that cyber bullying is the only criminal activity. In your first source paragraph I kind of get a little lost with the third sentence with how it is worded.

2. Share any concerns you have about the accuracy of the author’s sources. You can also suggest other sources that would help the author to have the most comprehensive understanding of his or her particular topic.

Without more information listed on your author’s or where their information came from in the bibliography it’s hard to get a sense of how credible the sources are. Maybe you could add what type of document the information came from like a magazine or scholarly journal. Also you could mention where the author works to help prove their credibility.

3. Note whether the organization of the essay is effective. Suggest an alternate organizational strategy if you think one is needed or would be useful.

The organization of your essay is nice and flows smoothly. Don’t forget to add a paragraph at the end to wrap up your opinion on the usefulness of your sources.

4. Note whether this short essay convinces you that the author has located sufficient materials to be knowledgeable about his or her topic for the final essay and, therefore, is ready to proceed to taking a stand on the issue, which is our next step in the research process.

I believe you have great resources for your final essay, I like that you found one by Sugarman that shows that this is not a new subject and has been around for a long time. It is more common though it seems now. I think it was wise of you to find a source that goes deeper looking into who is doing the bullying so we can understand why this is happening and better ways to put an end to it.

5. Offer corrections to errors in in-text citations and references. We want to have a discussion about how to correctly format citations and references so that this aspect of writing is also made clear in the process of writing.

Your in-text citations seem to be correct; I can easily find who you are talking about in the paragraphs down on your reference page.


1. Evaluate the thesis statement: note whether the author’s thesis and overall representation of these particular articles are clearly stated. Make suggestions to help with the wording if you think it will help the author’s clarity.

I really don’t get the thesis, although I do get what you are trying to get across. I had the same problem with my paper.

2. Share any concerns you have about the accuracy of the author’s sources. You can also suggest other sources that would help the author to have the most comprehensive understanding of his or her particular topic.

Your sources look credible; I also got some advice from one of our classmates about the hyperlink. You can remove it by right clicking and selecting remove hyperlink, if that helps.

3. Note whether the organization of the essay is effective. Suggest an alternate organizational strategy if you think one is needed or would be useful.

I think that the long paragraph in your essay can be shortened into small segments, so you don’t have to read a long passage.

4. Note whether this short essay convinces you that the author has located sufficient materials to be knowledgeable about his or her topic for the final essay and, therefore, is ready to proceed to taking a stand on the issue, which is our next step in the research process.

It seems like your well on your way to creating a good paper, all your resources are good and you have a a sense of where you are going with the paper.

5. Offer corrections to errors in in-text citations and references. We want to have a discussion about how to correctly format citations and references so that this aspect of writing is also made clear in the process of writing.

Your APA format needs to be corrected a little. The citation should include the author’s last name and year. If that helps. Other than that good job

1. Evaluate the thesis statement: note whether the author’s thesis and overall representation of these particular articles are clearly stated.  Make suggestions to help with the wording if you think it will help the author’s clarity.

After reading your thesis statement I think it could be worded a little better than you have worded it.

In your first sentence change the word has to have.

I think these two sentence sound better joined together.

Many people have access to technology today. Because of this technology has gone to both good and bad hands.

(Because people have access to technology today it has gone from good to bad hands.)

2. Share any concerns you have about the accuracy of the author’s sources. You can also suggest other sources that would help the author to have the most comprehensive understanding of his or her particular topic.

I think you have some really good sources to support your thesis statement.

3. Note whether the organization of the essay is effective. Suggest an alternate organizational strategy if you think one is needed or would be useful.

It could be organized a little better and just add a little more incite to the thesis statement.

4. Note whether this short essay convinces you that the author has located sufficient materials to be knowledgeable about his or her topic for the final essay and, therefore, is ready to proceed to taking a stand on the issue, which is our next step in the research process.

I think you have sufficient enough materials to support your essay.

5. Offer corrections to errors in in-text citations and references. We want to have a discussion about how to correctly format citations and references so that this aspect of writing is also made clear in the process of writing.

You need to put your references in APA format. Other than that you did a great job!!!

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