Final Assignment


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In the prospectus, proposal and dissertation there are ten key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research. The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on or aligned with, the defined need in the literature as well as the researcher’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. Previously, you drafted the ten strategic points for a potential dissertation research study based on an identified gap in the literature. In this assignment, you will practice the doctoral dispositions of valuing, accepting, and integrating feedback and reflecting on those inputs as you revise your draft of the ten strategic points created in the preceding assignment.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Important note: 
  • Locate the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you created in the preceding assignment and the feedback from your instructor and use them to complete this assignment.
  • This assignment uses a RUBRIC. Please review the RUBRIC prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.


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Reflect on the feedback provided by your instructor on the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you previously completed. Integrate that feedback as well as your own new ideas into a revised draft the 10 Strategic Points for the potential dissertation research study.

Original 10 Strategic Points Revision



Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.



0: Not Present

Good1: Does not meet Expectations 

2: Approaching Meeting Expectations 

3: Meets Expectations 

100.0 %Criteria

10.0 %TOPIC: Provides a board research topic area/title.

Item is not present

Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %LITERATURE REVIEW: Lists primary points for four sections in the Literature Review: (a) Background of the problem/gap and the need for the study based on citations from the literature; (b) Theoretical foundations (models and theories to be foundation for study); (c) Review of literature topics with key theme for each one; (d) Summary.

10.0 %PROBLEM STATEMENT: Describes the problem to address through the study based on defined gaps or needs from the literature.

10.0 %SAMPLE AND LOCATION: Identifies sample, needed sample size, and location (study phenomenon with small numbers and variables/groups with large numbers).

10.0 %RESEARCH QUESTIONS: Provides research questions to all of the collect data needed to address the problem statement.

9.0 %HYPOTHESIS/VARIABLES OR PHENOMENA: Provides hypotheses with variables for each research question (quantitative) or describes the phenomena to be better understood (qualitative).

9.0 %METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN: Describes the selected methodology and specific research design to address problem statement and research questions.

9.0 %PURPOSE STATEMENT: Provides one sentence statement of purpose including the problem statement, methodology, design, population sample, and location.

9.0 %DATA COLLECTION: Describes primary instruments and sources of data to answer research questions.

9.0 %DATA ANALYSIS: Describes the specific data analysis approaches to be used to address research questions.

5.0 %Integration of Instructor Feedback

Integration of instructor feedback is either missing or not evident to the reader.

Integration of instructor feedback is vaguely attempted, but does not address the majority of instructor comments and suggestions.

Integration of instructor feedback is evident though it appears as a disjointed, cursory addition. Most of the instructor comments and suggestions are addressed.

Integration of instructor feedback is evident and meaningful. It is seamlessly incorporated into the flow of the paper. All instructor comments and suggestions are addressed.

100 %Total Weightage

Professor’s Comments

Assignment 1

Dec 13, 2017 20:40:22

You have correctly identified almost all of the 10 SPs, but the evaluation (250-500 words) is missing from your paper. IN the next assignment, please make sure that you complete that part of the assignment.

Assignment 2

Jan 15, 2018 19:08:23

You did a good job with the evaluation, but in some of the 10 KP sections you offered descriptions of what that KP or chapter is about without actually identifying what is in the dissertation. Make sure to actually identify all of the components in future assignments and state what they are.

Assignment 3

Jan 15, 2018 19:57:18

You correctly identified most of the points, but some were not correct. For example, you did not correctly identify the methodology. This was not a mixed methods study, it was a quantitative study with a correlational design. Also, you did not identify any of the analyses that were performed. Most importantly, your evaluation section reads more like a summary than an evaluation. IN an evaluation, we try to weight the positives and negatives of some of the decisions that authors made. I am still having a problem with opening your file for editing, which is why I am not uploading a file here.

Assignment 4

Jan 26, 2018 00:09:03

While you have identified most of the key points correctly, your evaluation is written more like a summary of the study. In my comments, I highlighted some of the guiding questions that are provided with the assignment to indicate what components are not developed in your evaluation.

Assignment 5

Professor still grading



10 Strategic Points of Ethical Leadership

D’Ainsley Smith

Grand Canyon University

10 Strategic Points of Ethical Leadership

Article Citation

Brown, M. E., & Treviño, L. K. (2014). Do role models matter? An investigation of role modeling as an antecedent of perceived ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(4),


-5. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1769-0


The Description


(Page #)

Broad Topic Area

Ethics in Leadership

This study is based on looking at the many types of ethics and their roles in the leadership process and its general impact. It is always understood that when there is a role model, there is a clear lead in the leadership of any organization through the process of influence by either ethical or unethical role model (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).


Lit Review

The previous studies by scholars have found there is a strong link between the leadership traits and the behaviors of the leaders as they relate to the perceptions they portray in their ethical leadership. The major concern are the traits influenced by the process of learning in the society (Hoedel, 2005). 


Problem Statement

“In this research, the paper proposes that ethical role models are influential in the development of ethical leadership in any field of study by providing a practical example of ethical leadership in individuals, and set standards” (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).

Research Questions

“Should role model leaders have a relation with employees who rate their ethical leadership.”



The sample group involved was made of 50 managers, out of the 220 managers who were personally contacted for the study

Average age: 32

Gender: 48 % of the sample used as men.

Average tenancy: 14 years.

Reports: 500, 1, 200 surveys were conducted from the field.


Describe Phenomena (qualitative) or Define Variables/ Hypotheses (quantitative)

“Hypothesis 1: Many people believe that having had ethical leadership role models at a young age is related to what is alleged over the ethical leadership in late stages of life.” (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).

“Hypothesis 2: Having a workplace or preferred ethical role model is related to having the same traits in leadership”

“Hypothesis 3: Any topic leadership is perceived to have ethical leadership in the modeling of management.”

“Hypothesis 4: Age moderate ethical leadership perceived by childhood role models, and ethical leadership in older ages by possessing structured motives in young leaders.” (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).

“Hypothesis 5: Moderately aged relationships between a career in modeling, and perceived ethical leadership, which is viewed strongest in the old stages of life compared to younger individuals.”

521 and 522

Methodology & Design

The surveys went through an internal mail system, and Privacy was provided to the participants.

Managers: The managers provided information on their role models, and added background and demographic information.

Direct Reports: The information expressed management leadership traits.


Purpose Statement

Investigating the relationship between different types of ethical role models, and rating portrayed ethical leadership. (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).


Data Collection Approach

A survey was given to the manager to collect data about their mentors, and collect information about how their mentors.

A survey was sent to direct reports to inform of leadership performance.


Data Analysis Approach

Multiple ordinary least squares regression was applied

The three regression models were completed by the author:

Model 1: The variables of the Leader’s background and demographic information were taken

Model 2: Prediction of role modeling was done

Model 3 Hypothesized moderating

Evaluation (Maximum 250-500 words)

It has regularly been stated that individuals are a result of our condition. This implies individuals design their administration morals based on coaches they encountered as they were realizing their specialty. The creators of the investigation trusted in the event they were in an actual situation based on our condition then it would make sense to go against the initial characteristics of their coaches. At the point an individual chooses a coach, they process their moral initiative example from that point. This can have positive and negative influence on a leader’s ethical improvement (Brown, & Treviño, 2014).

To gather the required information, the authors issued studies requesting point by point data regarding moral administration procedures and statistic data. The reports were question concerning the administrations leadership methods. The reviews were processed through inside mail framework, and discretion was provided to the participants. The creators trusted the moral advancement of a pioneer is specifically identified by the impact of the coach’s trough (Yost, & Plunket, 2009). 

The authors overview used an outside organization to assemble information from 600 managers, to which 241 responded. The gathering of troughs provides researchers a cross-area of the organizations leaders in an endeavor they produced precise outcomes. The inquiries the study requested were used to inspire a reaction about how the troughs moral initiative is influenced by the activities of their tutors. The main objective the researchers could have done to obtain an exact reaction is review more organizations (Hoedel, 2005). 


Brown, M. E., & Treviño, L. K. (2014). Do role models matter? An investigation of role modeling as an antecedent of perceived ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(4), 587-598. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1769-0.

Hoedel, J. M. (2005). Role models: Examples of character & leadership. Chapel Hill, NC: Character Development Group, Inc.

Yost, P. R., & Plunket, M. M. (2009). Real-time leadership development. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Hopefully, this week has been fruitful for everyone in terms of narrowing down their dissertation topic. You have an assignment coming up called “Original 10 Key Points”, which is a very important assignment because here you will be constructing one 10 Key Points document, which is based on your research topic. Please make sure you read the announcement about how to do this assignment because often students think that they need to turn in one 10KP template per the five articles, which they use in the assignment. That is not the case. The five articles are meant to be used to support your own dissertation research topic, so you should only use them to justify the gap in research, which your dissertation will address.

The Week 7 assignment (due January 17, 2018) tends to cause confusion for most students. Please read this explanation in order to do the assignment correctly. For this assignment, you DO NOT need to fill out a 10KP Extraction template for each of the five articles.

This assignment is meant to be the beginning of YOUR OWN 10 Key Points Draft, which will eventually become finalized, then turn into the Prospectus, Proposal, and finally the dissertation. Therefore, this assignment needs to be done around your dissertation research idea. The five articles that you are being asked to cite are for the Literature Review section of the 10KP templte.

If you turn in five different 10KP templates, each for a different academic article, I will not be able to grade your assignment and will reassign it back to you, asking that you complete it correctly.




In the prospectus, proposal and dissertation there are ten key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research. The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on or aligned with, the defined need in the literature as well as the researcher’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. You have practiced identifying the ten points in published studies, the next required skill is to define the ten points for an original as yet conducted research study. In this assignment, you will consider a potential gap in the literature that is emerging from your ongoing reading in your field of interest including

including no less than five specific research studies, and you will draft the 10 Strategic Points for a potential dissertation research study based on that identified gap.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

· Important note: Successful completion of this assignment does not indicate that this topic and the related 10 Strategic Points have been approved for use as your dissertation research study topic.

· Locate and download “10 Strategic Points Template with Instructions” located in the DC (

) and use it to complete this assignment.

· This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

· You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


Consider a potential gap in the literature that is emerging from your ongoing reading in your field of interest including no less than five specific research studies. Using the information from those research studies, state the potential gap that you identified and describe how it emerged from the studies you read.

Based on that identified gap, draft the 10 Strategic Points for a potential dissertation research study.



In the prospectus, proposal and dissertation there are ten key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research. The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on or aligned with, the defined need in the literature as well as the researcher’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. Previously, you drafted the ten strategic points for a potential dissertation research study based on an identified gap in the literature. In this assignment, you will practice the doctoral dispositions of valuing, accepting, and integrating feedback and reflecting on those inputs as you revise your draft of the ten strategic points created in the preceding assignment.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

· Important note: Successful completion of this assignment does not indicate that this topic and the related 10 Strategic Points have been approved for use as your dissertation research study topic.

· Locate the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you created in the preceding assignment and the feedback from your instructor and use them to complete this assignment.

· This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 
· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

· You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Reflect on the feedback provided by your instructor on the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you previously completed. Integrate that feedback as well as your own new ideas into a revised draft the 10 Strategic Points for the potential dissertation research study.

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