FIN6644 – Global Financial Strategy


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The purpose of the term paper is to make you an expert in some phase global financial strategy as it pertains to the Internet. More specifically,

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“How the development of the Web and Internet has impacted global finances?”

The student can choose any “one company” (say, Barnes and Nobles) or “one industry” (say, Music Industry).The paper should be based on current research articles as well as other reading materials. The paper should be well written and Proper end notes and bibliography are required. As a general guideline, the paper should be approximately
 TWENTY pages long, 

You should choose a very specific topic and do in depth research in that topic.
 Analytical and Quantitative/Computer analysis will be amply rewarded. Some suggested topics are below. But please choose a topic of your own. The first criteria for grading the final project are the originality of the topic.

  1. Impact of Internet on any individual participant in supply chain
  2. Impact of Internet on Global Financial Management Strategies of an industry
  3. Impact of Internet on Global Portfolio Management Strategies for a mutual fund
  4. Impact of Internet on any Electronic Markets
  5. Taxability of Assets in Electronic markets
  6. E-Credit markets
  7. E-Debt / Bond markets
  8. Impact of the Internet on a specific industry: say Airlines or, Book-sellers, or Music, or Auctions, etc.
  9. Global Strategies to combat E-frauds
  10. Effect of Web on Auction Markets: Implications for Global Pricing Issues
  11. Effect of Web in Derivative Trading Strategies: Program Trading, Portfolio Insurance:
  12. Internet and World Currency
  13. Effect of Internet in a particular Industry or Company. [Airlines, Amazon, Block Buster, to Virtual Zoos]

SOURCES: 1.Wall Street Journal 2. Business Week 3. Fortune 4. Forbes 5. The Economist 6. Financial Times 7. International Finance Corporation’s publications. 8. Numerous Online publications 9. Numerous Academic Publications 10. The Banker 11. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 12. Journal of International Business Studies 13. Journal Of Banking And Finance 14. Money 15. Federal Reserve Bank’s Regional Review’s 16. Barron’s 17. Management International Review 18. Latin Finance. 19. Annual Reports. 20. IMF/World Bank publications.


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