FIN 571 Week 3 DQs

There are three types of short-term bank loans.  Explain how each is used by people or businesses.  Do not cut and paste a definition or you will not receive credit.

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Payday / Auto Title / Tax Refund / Loans are a fact of life in our society.  What are the advantages to consumers who use them?  The down falls (high interest) are unfortunately obvious.  How and why did they become so common?

Also, most people are not aware that these loans will show up on your credit report.


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What are possible advantages and disadvantages of using credit-scoring models?  Do not cut and paste a definition or you will not receive credit.


How does a just-in-time inventory system help cash flow?  Must all conditions be met for JIT to be successful in order to realize savings?  Why or why not?  Do not cut and paste a definition or you will not receive credit.

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