FIN 571 Final Exam

Final Exam Please provide your answers as follows in the Assignment newsgroup (Excel spreadsheet is preferred): 1. A 2. B 3. B, etc Chapter 1 The Goals and Functions of Financial Management Multiple Choice Questions 1. What is the primary goal of financial management? A) Increased earnings B) Maximizing cash flow C) Maximizing shareholder wealth D) Minimizing risk of the firm Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Type: Memorization 2. The partnership form of organization A) avoids the double taxation of earnings and dividends found in the corporate form of organization. B) usually provides limited liability to the partners. C) has unlimited life. D) simplifies decision making. Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Type: Memorization 3. Increased productivity due to technology has A) increased corporations’ reliance on debt for capital expansion needs. B) created larger asset values on the firm’s historical balance sheet. C) made it cheaper (in terms of interest costs) for firms to borrow money. D) helped to keep corporate costs in check. Answer: D Difficulty: Medium Type: Conceptual 4. Insider trading occurs when A) someone has information not available to the public which they use to profit from trading in stocks. B) corporate officers buy stock in their company. C) lawyers, investment bankers, and others buy common stock in companies represented by their firms. D) any stock transactions occur in violation of the Federal Trade Commissions restrictions on monopolies. Answer: A Difficulty: Medium Type: Memorization Chapter 2 Review of Accounting 5. When a firm’s earnings are falling more rapidly than its stock price, its P/E ratio will: A) remain the same B) go up C) go down D) could go either up or down

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