Field Observation

Give an overview of your field experience- (7th and 8th grade ELA Special Education)

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  • Elaborate on your observations of Universal Design for learning, instances when you saw it in effect, and times when you would have suggested more inclusive practices re: engagement, representation and action/expression.
  • Elaborate on your observations of Differentiated Instruction, instances when you saw it in effect, and times when you would have suggested tiered instruction to meet the needs of all of the students
  • Elaborate on your observations of inclusive practices in the content areas and cultural responsiveness, instances when you saw them in effect, and activities you would have suggested to align the instruction with inclusive practices.

The attached document is questions that you want to ensure that you are answering.

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Stages 1 & 2 Field Experience Observation & Exploration Form

Name of Observer: ____________________________________ Observation Number: ____

School/Agency: ________________________________ Date of Observation: ______________ Teacher Observed: _________________________________________ Grade: ______________

Hours Observed: ______________________ Time: ____________

Danielson’s Domains, Components, and Elements Observed

Planning and Preparation

1. Identify the PA state standards to be addressed in the lesson (if observable).

2. Identify the Instructional Outcomes for the lesson: Students will be able to…..

3. What resources/technology were used to facilitate the lesson and/or to differentiate instruction? (may not be observable until section 3)

4. What provisions were made for individuals with special needs? (may not be observable until Section 3)

Classroom Environment

1. Describe any unique characteristics and learning needs of students in the classroom (age, gender, culture or ability).

2. How would you describe the classroom’s physical space? To what degree is the teacher

prepared for the day’s lesson?

3. Describe classroom management techniques the teacher used. What are some observable procedures and routines? What clear student and teacher expectations are already in place?

4. Observe and reflect on teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions. Does this

reflect an environment of respect and rapport?

5. How were student behaviors addressed?


6. What evidence do you see that indicate that the classroom is a “culture of learning?)

Instructional Delivery

1. Anticipatory set used by the teacher:

2. How were instructional goals, procedure and/or content communicated?

3. Provide a brief description of the lesson (I do it; We do it; You do it).

4. Teaching methods/techniques/strategies used by the teacher – how did the teacher

communicate both verbally and non-verbally with the students? Does the teacher give students appropriate feedback?

5. To what degree were students actively engaged in the lesson?

6. List some of the questions posed to the students. What is the expectation when asking for

students to answer (raise hand, open discussion, etc)?

7. Observe the teacher being flexible or in any way responding to the students by making adjustment to a lesson. When did this occur and what adjustments were made?

8. What assessment methods/techniques/strategies were used by the teacher (formal/informal)?

9. Describe how the teacher brought closure to the lesson.

10. Do you believe instructional goals were met? Why or why not?

Professional Responsibility

1. How does the teacher maintain accurate records (if possible to observe)?

2. Does the teacher have a standard teacher-family communication system? If so, what is it?


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