Page 1POL-10067 Project Rubric
Activity: Submit Your Project Here
Course: POL-10067-10056-M31 Elements of US Legal System 2024 A-2 (May – Aug)
Name: Soufyane Missbahelidrissi
Rubric Criteria Mastered Not Yet Not Evident Criterion Score
Explains which branches
of the U.S. legal system
would likely be involved
in this case, and
describes the branches’
relationship to one
10 / 10
Describes the rules of
jurisdiction to the facts of
this case and determines
what jurisdiction(s) would
be appropriate for
Margolin’s lawsuit against
Funny Face and Novelty
Now, respectively
10 / 10
Describes the role of
state and local court
systems in passing and
enforcing the legislation
5 / 10
Criterion Feedback
7.1.24: Solid start! To master, please expand on your current information.
For federal courts, what other types of cases do these courts hear?
For state/local courts, please be sure to also discuss the role of local courts in the litigation process.
Refer to the following Federalism and States’ Rights and State Courts vs. Federal Courts
10 points
Explains which branches of
the U.S. legal system would
likely be involved in this
case, and describes the
branches’ relationship to
one another
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include defining each
branch and its role in the
U.S. legal system
0 points
Does not attempt to
explain which branches of
the U.S. legal system would
likely be involved in this
10 points
Describes the rules of
jurisdiction to the facts of
this case and determines
what jurisdiction(s) would
be appropriate for
Margolin’s lawsuit against
Funny Face and Novelty
Now, respectively
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include explaining the
principles that determine
which court(s) have the
power to handle the
0 points
Does not describe any rules
of jurisdiction to the facts
of this case
10 points
Describes the role of state
and local court systems in
passing and enforcing the
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include discussing roles in
interpreting legislation,
resolving disputes, and
enforcing legal decisions
0 points
Does not attempt to
describe the role of state
and local court systems in
passing and enforcing the
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Rubric Criteria Mastered Not Yet Not Evident Criterion Score
Describes the parties
involved in the litigation
and their roles;
specifically describes the
plaintiff and the defense
and their role in the
litigation process
5 / 10
Criterion Feedback
7.1.24: Again, solid start, but more information is needed.
For the Plaintiff, please review your statement that “sexual negligence” is the “cause of action”. That is incorrect. Additionally, please expand on
the role of the plaintiff in the litigation process.
For the Defendants, please expand on the role of defendants in the litigation process.
What is the role of each party in litigation?
Refer to the following The Parties Involved
Discusses likely reasoning
for the legislation
supporting the Funny
Face owners in
understanding the
legislation and helping
them avoid similar cases
in the future
10 / 10
Analyzes the advantages
and disadvantages of two
types of ADR appropriate
for this case
10 / 10
Explains the positive and
negative business
impacts on Funny Face if
Margolin is successful or
unsuccessful in his suit
10 / 10
10 points
Describes the parties
involved in the litigation
and their roles
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include describing the roles
of the plaintiff and the
0 points
Does not
describe any of the parties
involved in the litigation
and their roles
10 points
Discusses likely reasoning
for the legislation
supporting the Funny Face
owners in understanding
the legislation and helping
them avoid similar cases in
the future
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include identifying the
reasons that led to the
enactment of this
0 points
Does not attempt to
discuss likely reasoning for
the legislation
10 points
Analyzes the advantages
and disadvantages of two
types of ADR appropriate
for this case
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include identifying two
types of ADR that could be
applied to the case at hand
0 points
Does not attempt to
analyze the advantages and
disadvantages of any types
of ADR appropriate for this
10 points
Explains the positive and
negative business impacts
on Funny Face if Margolin
is successful or
unsuccessful in his suit
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include considering the
potential different
outcomes for the company
depending on winning or
losing the lawsuit
0 points
Does not attempt to
explain the positive and
negative business impacts
on Funny Face if Margolin
is successful or
unsuccessful in his suit
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Total 75 / 90
Overall Score
Rubric Criteria Mastered Not Yet Not Evident Criterion Score
Apply concepts of
criminal law and discuss
the potential criminal
liability of Funny Face,
Chris, Matt, Ian, and
Novelty Now if the use of
the emulsifier PYR, at the
direction of Chris, is a
criminal offense
10 / 10
Consistently and
effectively communicates
in an organized way
5 / 5
Uses citations for areas
requiring attribution
0 / 5
Criterion Feedback
7.1.24: Please ensure that all information learned or obtained from resources is written in your own words and is properly cited and referenced.
The project needs to include in-text citations as well as a corresponding reference page.
Refer to the link Citation Help
10 points
Apply concepts of criminal
law and discuss the
potential criminal liability
of Funny Face, Chris, Matt,
Ian, and Novelty Now if the
use of the emulsifier PYR,
at the direction of Chris, is
a criminal offense
5 points
Shows progress toward
expectations, but with
errors or omissions; areas
for improvement may
include explaining the
relevant criminal law
principles related to the
0 points
Does not attempt to
apply concepts of criminal
law and discuss the
potential criminal liability of
Funny Face, Chris, Matt,
Ian, and Novelty Now if the
use of the emulsifier PYR,
at the direction of Chris, is
a criminal offense
5 points
Consistently and
effectively communicates
in an organized way
2 points
Shows progress towards
expectations, but
communication is
inconsistent or ineffective
in a way that negatively
impacts understanding
0 points
Does not provide an
organized response
5 points
Uses citations for areas
requiring attribution, with
minor errors
2 points
Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution, but
with major omissions
0 points
Does not use citations for
ideas requiring attribution
This submission demonstrates mastery of this competency.
Not Yet
This submission needs improvement and does not yet demonstrate mastery of this competency.
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