Ethical Framework – APA

Need tonight 11:45pm 1/6/2018  5 pages does not include cover or reference page

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Description of the population (or sub-group of a population) and social problem:

· Choose a population (or sub-population) and a social problem that you are interested in examining. In other words, think about the question: Which area of social work practice are you interested in and what population do you want to advocate for? [For example: Children and Health Policy; Elders and Food Security; LGBT Youth and Housing; Veterans and Substance Abuse Treatment; Young Men of Color and School Discipline; Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Employment].


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· Be sure to make the case that this is a social problem with a few facts and statistics about the problem and the population.

Paragraph 2: Why is social policy for the population you selected a matter of life and death?

· Consider how responding to this social problem through social policy is a matter of life or death for your chosen population. Use citations to back up your claims.


Paragraph 3: Deontological Ethical Framework

· Definition of the framework. Use citations for this definition.

· Using this ethical framework lens, examine the social problem you identified.

· Conclusion sentence


Paragraph 4: Rawlsian Ethical Framework

· Definition of the framework. Use citations for this definition.
· Using this ethical framework lens, examine the social problem you identified.
· Conclusion sentence

Paragraph 5: Utilitarianism Ethical Framework

· Definition of the framework. Use citations for this definition.
· Using this ethical framework lens, examine the social problem you identified.
· Conclusion sentence

Paragraph 6 and 7: Argument

· Use the ethical frameworks to propose policy solutions for your population and social problem.

· Which one of the ethical frameworks is most effective for the needs of your identified population? 


Paragraph 8: Conclusion

· In conclusion, applying the NASW Code of Ethics, why is it essential for the social work profession to address the needs of this population and advocate for adequate policy responses? Cite the NASW Code of Ethics and the course textbooks.



· Definitions

· Textbooks

· Application

· NASW Code of Ethics

If we were in a traditional classroom, students would have easy access to ask me…what do you mean by this statement in the syllabus or what do you expect with respect to that assignment? Online, I will create this sort of announcement to address questions I am receiving or provide more information that I think could be helpful to you as a learner.


First of all…We teach the 3 ethical frameworks highlighting in your assignment to help social workers identify which social problems need to be addressed, why they need to be addressed, and to improve our ability to identify the possible advocacy approaches which might be most effective to secure a policy solution. 



In this paper, you get to select the social problem (e.g. rising rates of child sexual abuse, the opioid epidemic, drug addiction in the elderly population, lack of housing for youth and young adults who are human trafficking victims, or high suicide rates of combat veterans). Pick something you are passionate about. When we ask you to identify why you are addressing your topic and making an argument that it is a matter of life and death, we are asking you to use your critical thinking skills. In advocacy work there is a term called “the cost of failure”. Similarly, what can really happen if your social problem is not addressed? What will the costs be to society, the population involved, the taxpayers, future generations?

Remember to formally define each ethical framework. That way the reader knows what area of the ethical framework you are emphasizing.

Using Child Sexual Abuse as an example:

**For Deontology, you might say…it’s the Moral thing to do or ” it is our duty as a society or it’s categorically the right thing to do” to keep our children safe from harm and the trauma we have research to show occurs. What solution would you argue from that perspective?  

**From a utilitarian point of view, you could make the case that preventing child sexual abuse would result in the following consequences: happier and healthier children, who will not need to be removed from their home and placed in foster care and who will not need physical or mental health treatment. They may experience fewer health and mental health difficulties over a lifetime.

**From a Rawlsian perspective, you might say… in an ideal society (behind the veil of ignorance), it is fair and just to keep all children safe from harm. Then you might propose child sexual abuse prevention plans to produce that “fair” result.


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