Essay – Assignment


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You have just invented a new product that you believe will make you a millionaire in Canada. However, you do not have sufficient funds to start a company. You have heard that you may get assistance from venture capital organizations or angel investors. You have decided to do some research on the Internet to get more information about venture capital organizations and angel investors in Canada.


Write a short essay summarizing your research. Your report should cover the following:

· Explanation of the terms venture capital organization and angel investors;

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· Differences between venture capital organizations and angel investors;

· Discuss potential venture capital organizations and/or angel investors in Canada;

· What factors will a venture capital organization and/or angel investors take into account when assessing your financing request.


– Late submissions will attract a deduction of 10% per day late.
-Length of report:
2 pages
typed in Word.
Clear references to online sources used/consulted should be supplied in text and supplemented with a list of resources at the end of the essay.

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