Entrepreneurial and Strategic Thinking :ONLINE CLASS /syllabus attached


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will gain a well-developed understanding of business enterprises and the entrepreneurial and strategic thinking that drives them in a dynamic, competitive regional, national, and global economy. Students will learn to apply entrepreneurial and strategic management practices (e.g., using case analysis) to organizations of varying sizes. 


All Assignments are due on the Sunday of the week at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

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Assignments marked BSG should be done within the BSG website.


Assignments marked BB should be uploaded in the Assignment Section of Blackboard.  




& Week 10

x 2





End of Week 6







Deliverable & % of Grade

Date Due

10 Week Format




Business Strategy Game company performance: TEAM

Weekly actively; BSG schedule on BSG website



BSG Peer evaluations: INDIVDUAL

End of Week 6





End of Week 2: BSG Website


End of  Week 9: BSG Website

Final BSG Presentation: INDIVIDUAL

End of Week 9

Case Study 1: TEAM

End of Week 4

Case Study 2: INDIVIDUAL



Case Study 3: TEAM

End of Week 8

Case Study 4: INDIVIDUAL

End of Week 10

Group Exercise Discussion Questions: INDIVIDUAL

3X during term


30 per submission*

9×30 = 270




* Each team member is expected to pull together at least three reports.  Each author is awarded 10 points for authoring a report giving a total of 300 points for Discussion Questions.


H. Wayne Huizenga School
of Business and Entrepreneurship
Masters Programs

MGT 5090 – Entrepreneurial and Strategic Thinking  

Appendix C: Online Format

Note # 1: The syllabus for this course consists of 2 parts: (a) Core Syllabus, and (b) The Appendix that pertains to the format of your class as follows: Appendix A = Weekend format; Appendix B = Day format; Appendix C = Online; Appendix D = Week night

Note # 2: Each class, regardless of format, has a Course Website which can be accessed at


. Click on Shark Link, then Blackboard and use your NSU email credentials to access your class.


Deliverable & % of Grade

Date Due

10 Week Format



Total Points

Business Strategy Game company performance: TEAM

Weekly actively; BSG schedule on BSG website




BSG Peer evaluations: INDIVDUAL

End of Week 6

& Week 10



x 2



End of Week 2: BSG Website





End of Week 9: BSG Website




Final BSG Presentation: INDIVIDUAL

End of Week 9




Case Study 1: TEAM

End of Week 4




Case Study 2: INDIVIDUAL

End of Week 6




Case Study 3: TEAM

End of Week 8




Case Study 4: INDIVIDUAL

End of Week 10




Group Exercise Discussion Questions: INDIVIDUAL

3X during term


30 per submission*

9×30 = 270





* Each team member is expected to pull together at least three reports. Each author is awarded 10 points for authoring a report giving a total of 300 points for Discussion Questions.


Weekly Schedules

All Assignments are due on the Sunday of the week at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Assignments marked BSG should be done within the BSG website.

Assignments marked BB should be uploaded in the Assignment Section of Blackboard.

Week One

Learning Objectives

1. Become familiar with classmates and class requirements


Understand the role of business strategies

3. Begin familiarizing yourself with the Business Strategy Game (BSG)

Major Topics

1. The role of Business Strategy

2. Foundations of Strategy

3. The Business Strategy Game

Week 1 Assignments

1. Register for the Business Strategy Game (BSG)

2. Read and understand the BSG Player’s Guide – at least 2x (BSG)

3. Read Chapter 1 in Thompson/Strickland /Gamble/ Text (T/S/G/)

4. Get to know BSG teammates through the team building exercise.

5. SUBMIT Short biographical sketch (Individual; Blackboard (BB))


SUBMIT Week 1 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment) See note below

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Two

Learning Objectives

1. Develop an awareness of the four (five?) strategic approaches for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.

2. Become aware of the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors

3. Understand the importance of and distinctions between Mission and Strategic Vision.

4. Continue familiarizing yourself with the Business Strategy Game (BSG)

Major Topics

1. Leadership in strategic management

2. Board of Directors and more

3. Mission and Vision

4. The Business Strategy Game

Week 2 Assignments

1 Read BSG Players Manual – again

Understanding the BSG is critical to 20% of your grade.

2 Read Chapter 2 in Thompson/Strickland /Gamble/ Text (T/S/G/)

3 Get to know BSG teammates

4 SUBMIT BSG Team Vision and Mission Statement (Team; BB)

5 SUBMIT Quiz 1 (Individual; BSG Website)

6 SUBMIT Practice Year 11 decisions (Team; BSG Website)

7 SUBMIT Week 2 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Three

Learning Objectives

1. Gain command of the basic concepts and analytical tools widely used to diagnose a company’s industry and competitive conditions.

2. Recognize the factors that cause competition in an industry to be fierce, normal or relatively weak.

Major Topics

1. Analyzing the Macroenvironment

2. Industry Analysis

Week 3 Assignments

1. Read Chapter 3 (T/S/G/)

2. Begin to prepare Case # 1 (Team; BB)

4 SUBMIT Week 3 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

5 SUBMIT Year 11 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Four

Learning Objectives

1 Understand how to evaluate a company’s internal situation and capabilities.

2 Grasp how and why internal activities combined with the actions of suppliers and forward channel allies affect competitive factors.

Major Topics

1 Analyzing company capabilities

2 The Resource-Base View of the Firm

3 Financial analysis

Week 4 Assignments

1 Read Chapter 4 (T/S/G/)

2 View Video 5 on Course Website

3 SUBMIT Case Study #1 (Team; BB)

4 SUBMIT Week 4 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

5 SUBMIT Year 12 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Five

Learning Objectives

1. Gain command of how each of the five generic competitive strategies can lead to competitive advantage.

2. Gain an understanding of how strategic alliances and collaborative partnerships can improve competitive capabilities and resource strengths.

3. Gain an understanding of the strategic benefits of mergers and acquisitions.

4. Evaluate when companies should consider a vertical integration strategy.

5. Recognize the conditions that favor outsourcing value chain activities

6. Recognize the market conditions that affect business strategy choices.

7. Gain command of tools of financial analysis to assess company capabilities and resource strength.


1. Five generic competitive strategies

2. Alliances, partnership, mergers and acquisitions

3. Timing strategic moves

4. Vertical integration strategy and outsourcing

5. Financial analysis revisited

Week 5 Assignments

1. Read Chapters 5 and 6 (T/S/G/)


3. Prepare Case #3 (Individual; BB)

4. SUBMIT Week 5 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

5. SUBMIT Year 13 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Six

Learning Objectives

1. Evaluate the strategic importance of entering foreign markets

2. Gain an understanding of the principal ways multinational companies build competitive advantage.

3. Compare and contrast emerging markets with developed markets


1. Strategies for entering foreign markets

2. Strategies for the multinational

Week 6 Assignments

1. Read Chapter 7 (T/S/G/)


3. SUBMIT Week 6 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

4. SUBMIT Year 14 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

5. SUBMIT BSG peer evaluations (Individual; BSG)

6. SUBMIT Case Study #2 (Individual; BB)

Week Seven

Learning Objectives

1. Compare and contrast diversification strategies

2. Gain command of analytical tools to assess a company’s diversification strategy

3. Understand the principle drivers of unethical business behavior

4. Apply effective frameworks to analyze ethical dilemmas

5. Gain familiarity with the various approaches to managing a company’s ethical conduct


1. Diversification

2. Business ethics for Strategic decision making

Assignments Due

1. Read Chapters 8 and 9 (T/S/G)

2. Prepare Case Study #3 (Individual; BB)

3. SUBMIT Week 7 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

4. SUBMIT Year 15 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Eight

Learning Objectives

1. Gain command of what managers must do to promote successful strategy execution.

2. Compare and contrast decentralized versus centralized organization structures.

3. Understand the importance of best practices in superior strategy execution.

4. Assess the effect of reward systems on strategy execution.

5. Understand what constitutes effective managerial leadership in achieving superior strategy execution and operational excellence.


3. Strategy execution

4. Organization structure

5. Best practiced and continuous improvement

Week 8 Assignments

5. Read Chapters 10 and 11 (T/S/G/)


7. SUBMIT Case #3 (Individual; BB)

8. SUBMIT Week 8 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

9. SUBMIT Year 16 Company Decisions (Team; BSG)

Schedule for Business Strategy Game assignments is available at the BSG-online website

Week Nine

Learning Objectives

1. Identify a company corporate culture.

2. Evaluate the role of culture in driving strategy execution.

3. Understand what constitutes effective managerial leadership in achieving superior strategy execution and operational excellence.


1. Corporate culture

Assignments Due

1. Read Chapter 12 (T/S/G)

2. Prepare Case Study #4

3. SUBMIT BSG Quiz 2 (Individual, BSG)

4. SUBMIT Week 9 Linking Questions (Individual; BB Assignment)

5. SUBMIT Final BSG presentation (Individual; BB)

Week Ten

Assignments Due

1. SUBMIT Case Study #4 (Individual; BB) Nature view Farms

2. SUBMIT BSG peer evaluations (Individual, BSG)

3. Submit Presentation

Further Details on Course Assignments

1. The Business Strategy Game (BSG): See information in Master Syllabus. All activities related to the BSG, BSG decision rounds and BSG assignments take place in the BSG website. It can be accessed at bsg-online.com. The schedule of BSG activities can be found on the BSG website.

2. Case Studies: See instructions and rubric in Master Syllabus. Upload to the Assignments link on your Course Website.

3. Peer Evaluations: Each student will evaluate his or her own performance as a team member and the performance of each teammate twice during the term: at the mid point and at the end of the course. The peer evaluation can be accessed in the BSG website (


). You may examine the questions at any time, enter evaluations, and edit those evaluations until each deadline. The average of those evaluations will comprise your peer evaluation score. All evaluations are confidential. Only the LP and IS see the scores and comments. See the BSG Decision Schedule for the due dates of the peer evaluation assignments. Peer evaluations are 10% of your course grade.

4. Quizzes: There are two quizzes during the term; both are related to the BSG. See the BSG Decision Schedule for the due dates of the quiz assignments. Quiz 1 is 5% of your course grade; Quiz 2 is 5% of your course grade.

5. Final Presentation: Each person will make a final presentation about his or her company in the BSG. Students are encouraged to be as creative as they wish in developing the presentation. Suggested content for the presentation can be found in the BSG website (
). The final presentation is 10% of your course grade. See Master Syllabus for Final Presentation Rubric.

6. Group Exercise Discussion Questions: Each week, in the Assignment section of Blackboard, there will be a series of questions linking the Business Strategy Game experience you and your co-managers are having with the material in the textbook. Each week, one member of the team is responsible for leading the discussion of the questions with his or her teammates, building consensus for a response, summarizing a response and submitting the responses through Blackboard. At the end of the term, each student should have three grades. The average score for the three Linking Questions totals 15% of the course grade.

7. Discussion Questions: The discussion questions are designed to get you thinking about your strategies, evaluating results and taking corrective actions. They are not a repetition of the textbook material but are your opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the content of the curse as it relates to your competitive situation.

Each member of the team must submit the same document to the Assignment Link for each Discussion Question. By doing so I comment, grade and return the document for your team quickly and insure that you get credit for the assignment.

When making any submission be sure to preface your file name with your Last Name if it is an individual assignment or with the Team Name if it is a team assignment.

The rubric for grading the Linking Questions follows:

TITLE OF RUBRIC: Linking Questions

Course: MGT 5090


Date: November 11, 2010

PURPOSE: Apply theory to practice

Name of LP:

VALIDITY: BSG Best practices

Name of Student:


Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT’ column and / or

points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT’ meets standard.

Earning MAXIMUM points in a column equals an overall rating of that column

<<<<<<<<<< less quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more quality >>>>>>>>>>

Performance Criteria








responses clearly

Does not answer questions


Responds incompletely


Answers questions adequately

(3 pts)

Substantially answers questions


Answers comprehensively and concisely

(5 pts)

Applies course content to BSG

Does not relate course content to simulation.

(2 pts)

Relates some course content to simulation.

Presents general statements


Relates course content to simulation.

Illustrates conclusions


Substantially relates course content to simulation.

Provides substantial support for statements


Relates course content to simulation in an insightfully and thoroughly.

Provides compelling evidence in support of conclusions.

(10 pts)

Writes at the



Does not use designated format or standard

(1 pts)

Does not write clearly or in an organized format

(2 pts)

Uses effective format, style, grammar, punctuation, and references


Uses effective format and writes at the graduate level

(4 pts)

Uses effective format and writes at the publishable level

(5 pts)



Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Communicating between Classes. Contact Professor through the Course Messages function of the Blackboard Course Website. Only use direct email in an emergency. You may also contact your Instructional Team with any course-related questions. Groups should communicate through the suite of group tools set up for your team on the Course Website. This includes a discussion board, blog, journal, and chat room.

9. Chat Sessions. The Professor might hold optional chat sessions one or more times during the course. Check announcements on your Course Website regularly regarding this and other information,

Note on uploads to BB9 course website: Because of compatibility issues with certain browsers, only upload Word files saved as 2003 or pdf files.


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