Looking for someone todo my homework. I just don’t have time.
There’s two of them in the English subject. Both fairly easy and should be written at a grade 12 level. Doesn’t have to be 100% perfect.
Due as soon as possible. No later then Thursday night.
You are hereby summoned
o be a guest at a “symposium” for students of the great
philosophers (or scientists), hosted by none other than the renowned would-be philosopher
Glennicus Hallinias. Unlike the symposiums of old, this one will be somewhat more progressive
in that it will allow members of both genders to partake in the festivities. In addition, the laws
of the sacred Rdult Academy forbid hetairai and slaves from attending, so we will be forced to
serve ourselves-a difficult undertaking, I know, but a necessary one. And what will we be
serving? Wine, of course (sufficiently watered-down that the manufacturers have seen fit to
label it “gup”juice”). Perhaps there will even be a few food items and sweets to promote
richly phiiosophical discussion.
In preparation for this great event, you must research both the life and the philoso phy of an
ancient Greek philosopher (who, for the purposes of this activity, will be considered your
teacher). You must prepare abrief writtenbiography of your teacher to be read aloud to the
class. Also, you must prepare an equally brief description of one or more of the key
philosophical ideas that your teacher has brought forth to the ancient world. This, too, vrill be
read aloud to the assembled sfudents. Each student wi1i, therefore, in turn, introduce
themselves (using a pseudo-Greek name, of course) and introduce their fellow intellectuals to
the life and lessons of their great master and teacher.
You will be assigned, through random lot, a number. Philosophers will then be chosen in
order. Next, a short period of time, perhaps a class or two, will be given to research your
philosopher using a variely of resources from both the library and the Internet. In addition to
“presenting” yo* philosopher during the symposium, you wiil also be required to submit a
written version, including at least two bibliographical sources (with minimum of one print and
one online source). The written copy must be typed and must be no more than 300 words in
length (not inciuding the bibliography).
Marking Guide
The following categories will each receive a level grade. These will then be combined into an
overall mark for the whole assignment.
‘ reads the material in a clear voice with proper volume and intonation
‘ parlicipates in the spirit of the “symposium” assignment
‘ presents relevant details about the philosopher (e.g. approximate dates, locations, etc.)
‘ chooses an appropriate (i.e., both important and interesting) philosophic al td,eato present
‘ explains the philosophical idea in a clear manner
‘ includes a properly format listing of all sources used
In order to create your bibliography, also known as a “Works Cited” please use the MLA style.
For information on how to do this, consult the followin$website:
hnp: / / owl.english.purdue.edu/ow lf r esour ce / 7 47 / os /
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Report: Informotionol Response (Sgeech)
. you qre to write o report bosed on the following informotion. Your report should be
150-200. o* tU, meee tho’r 4ars
. Be sure to write in o style thot is oppropriote for the purpose ond oudience ond to
include additionol ond creative detfu’ls that complement the informotion provided. ‘ 3:.
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Instructions: ‘i:1i’r.” ”’h
You ore o trovel agent who hos been asked by Poradise Folls Notionol Pork to speok to o
group of Conodion tourists plonning o visit to see Porodise folls. Your speech must be
informotive ond inviting. You need to prbvide togSists with oil{ov eview obout the regwt
ond its history)You must olso give the tourists ftidg,of the;onders they will see and
experience\ruhdn they get there. Finolly, you should olsVpoution them obout the dongers of
such qn ex$edition) Cnoos” relevont focts f rom the inf brmotion below. Remember to give
your speech o suitobletitle.
Porodise Folls Foct Sheet
Q .4/Parodise Folls is locoted inVenezuela /
l^{ r’ the cost for o roundtrip f light from Ottqwq to Buenos Aires (in Venezuelo) is $t,5OO ,/
G ./r*4.tne Amozon roinforest is opproximotely 5.5 million sguare kilometers in size u.
O .y{the Mount Roroimo ploteou is one of the lorgest ond highest in the world \/
@ . rftlnany unusual rock formotions ore formed by erosion V i
€) . visibility is often limited due to cloud formotions v 1.
g .@he ploteou is 2,810 metershigh ;
Q). Porodise Folls is the tollest wqterfoll in the world /
6 . climbing the cliffs to reoch the ploteou is o diff icult journey thot tokes 12 hours \’/’
@ . mony visitors pref er to be tronsported to the top of the ploteou in o helicopter /
O . f lash f loods are common on the ploteou \/
Q: qz the exposed rock of the plateou is 1.8 billion yeors old v”
Q . the ploteou wos formed by tectonic octivity when Africo ond South Americo split
{4 ./i, violent storms ore.clfnmon ond occur very quickly in the region .g
G . there ore mony rare species of plonts ond onimols ‘/’
A .4.explorer Chorles Muntz clqims he discovered o giont bird skeleton near Porqdise Folls /
O . the fqlls ore so high thot the woter evoporotes bef ore it reoches the
lor j o children under the age of 12 ore not allowed to visit the ploteou .,/”
G . o house wos recently discovered otop the cliffs neor the folls ‘.”
* .4rcharles Muntz f irst explo red the oreo in his dirigibl e The Spirit of Advent ure /
\r. it con be easy to get lost inside lorge rock formotions ‘zr
severol species of dog havebeen spotted on the ploteou
Venezuela has o populotion of 29 million -/
.%Charles Muntz hqs not been seen f or 7A yeors \,/
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the terroin on the ploteou is rocky ond diff icult to wolk ocross ‘,/
propen hiking ottire should be worn ot oll times ‘,/
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