Select the genre most typical of the following authors: Bradstreet, Taylor, Whitman, Dickinson, Frost, Eliot, Pound, Stevens
[removed] |
poetry |
fiction |
drama |
novel |
10 points
Question 2
Select the term for the literary movement that developed in America after the Civil War, emphasizing writing that was based on genuine experience and portrayed probable and ordinary human reactions (as in Daisy Miller or Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
allegory |
realism |
neoclassicism |
romanticism |
10 points
Question 3
Select the era during which the following American authors lived: Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, John Smith, John Winthrop, William Bradford
Colonial Era |
Age of Reason and Revolution |
Era of American |
Romanticism |
Era of American Realism |
10 points
Question 4
Select the term that best describes a literary movement that, influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution, tended to portray human beings as merely biological creatures whose behavior is determined by environment or heredity
naturalism |
parody |
10 points
Question 5
Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne became virtually the first masters of one modern literary form; select the term that best approximates this genre.
autobiography |
impressionistic poem |
short story |
humorous letter |
10 points
Question 6
What is the name of the religious movement of the nineteenth century which emphasized the nearness of man to God in Nature
Cartesian philosophy |
Neoplatonic love |
Transcendentalism |
Existentialism |
10 points
Question 7
Select the author who is not an American
Charlotte Perkins Gilman |
William Shakespeare |
Benjamin Franklin |
Samuel L. Clemens |
10 points
Question 8
Edgar Allan Poe’s work contains elements of each of the following except
Gothicism |
Detective Fiction |
10 points
Question 9
Naturalism is
a literary school of thought that found inspiration in nature and stressed imagination over reason in its presentation |
a literary school of thought that emphasized a truthful and accurat representation of the actual experiences and consequences of everyday life |
a literary school of thought that viewed man much as a scientist viewed animals in the natural world: they are controlled by environmental forces and internal stresses and drives |
a type of writing that made use of specific detail in describing the dialect, dress, customs and scenery associated with a particular geographic region of the country |
10 points
Question 10
Romanticism is
a literary school of thought that emphasized a fidelity in literary representation to the actual experiences and consequences of everyday life |