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McWhorter 2

Darrell McWhorter

English Comp II

Mrs, Montgomery

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September 10, 2013

Narrow Topic, Research Questions, Tentative Thesis, and Search Strategy

Topic: Television Impacts

Narrowed Topic: Television Impacts on America’s families

More Restricted Topic: Television Impacts on America’s Families Social Lives

Most Restricted: Impacts of Television on America’s Social-Cultural Lives


Due to its constant presence in American’s lives, television due to its entertaining, fast-moving, and visually interesting style, commands many American’s attention for a substantial period of time acting as a mode of competition against other methods of human interaction, thus, producing substantial impact on the social and cultural composition of the society.

Research Questions:

1. Is the television a source of distraction to most American’s lives?

2. Does the television surpass other modes of human interaction?

3. Did the invention of the television influence the way American’s think?

4. How has the television affected social issues in the society?

5. Through its influence on the society, does the television affect other sectors including the political process?

6. How has the television contributed towards spreading of the American culture?

7. How did the television contribute towards the spread or reduction of racism in America?

8. In what ways did the television affect the division of the American population into groups?

Search Strategy

Given that the research topic is narrowed, and the research questions been broken down into simple sentence structures, I will use the random means of finding the sources of data. Each of the sources will be searched by ensuring that its title is in congruence with the specific research question under consideration. Some of the texts to be used as sources of information include the list described by the details in the “Works cited” section below.

Since the history of the television dates back to centuries, it will be essential to search for sources of information that provide first hand information. Such sources would include journal articles such as . In addition, memoirs by historical icons in the American history may be consulted. General information sources will be searched from the internet as well as from social, political, and cultural libraries and data centers. Reliable information may be sourced from state department literature including Herr (2007).

Works Cited

Herr, Norman. Television and Health
. 2007. 10 September 2013 <.

McFedries, Paul (2001). 

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to a Smart Vocabulary

. Alpha Books. p. 88.

Steinbern, L.; Monahan, K. (March 2011). “Who Adolescents’ exposure to sexy media does not hasten the initiation of sexual intercourse.”. Developmental Psychology 47 (2): 562–576.

Savage, J (2008). “The role of exposure to media violence in the etiology of violent behavior: A criminologist weighs in”. American Behavioral Scientist 51 (8): 1123–1136.

Bushman, B; Anderson, C (2001). “Media violence and the American public”.American Psychologist 56 (6–7): 477–489

Klesges, PhD, Robert C.; Mary L. Shelton, MS; Lisa M. Klesges, MS (1993). 

“Effects of Television on Metabolic Rate: Potential Implications for Childhood Obesity”

.Pediatrics 91 (2): 281–286. 

Robinson, John P.; Martin, Steven (2008-07-31). 

“What Do Happy People Do?”

Social Indicators Research

 : 565–571. 

Ferguson, C.; Winegard, B., Winegard, B.M. (March 2011). 

“Who is the fairest one of all: How evolution guides peer and media influences on female body dissatisfaction”

. Review of General Psychology 15 (1): 11–28.

Assignment: Writing Your Working Bibliography

You should have been gathering ten (10) potential sources for your research paper and writing notes. This list should look like a works cited list, but it is actually the working bibliography—sources that you might be able to use as evidence in your research paper.

Set your paper up according to MLA as if you are writing an actual works cited page, although the work is a bibliography. The title of this assignment is “Working Bibliography.” Type a copy of your “potential sources.” You should have at least ten of these. The sources should be a variety of magazines, scholarly journals, books, etc. Do not use listservs, chats, Facebook, Twitter, e-mails, blogs, and Wikkipedia as sources. In addition, your sources should be reliable. Make sure to follow the conventions of MLA and your textbook. Upload your work as an attachment. A works cited example is found in your textbook. Follow the conventions.

Remember to do the following:

1. Alphabetize by the author’s last name. Don’t include the person’s degree’s title before or after the name, for example, Dr. or M.D

2. If you have no author, begin with the title of the source.

3. When the title begins with “a, an, the,” you should alphabetize by using the next important word in the title.

4. Books may be italicized or underlined.

5. Articles are enclosed in quotation marks.

6. Use your text for citing sources properly from chapter 35. Follow the formats and punctuation.

7. Abbreviate the publisher’s name.

8. Abbreviate months except May, June, and July.

9. If you have no publisher’s name, use the abbreviation (n. p.).

10. If you have no page number, use the abbreviation (n. pag.).

11. If you have no city where the source was published, use the abbreviation (n. p.).

12. Don’t number the entries.

13. Double-space the entire document.

14. Use a hanging indention.

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