English 101 Paper

Comparison Paragraph Instructions

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Choose two items to either compare or contrast. Use any one or any combination of prewriting strategies to generate topic ideas. There is also a list of suggested topics in your textbook.  Your paragraph must be at least 200 words.


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Either choose to show the similarities between two things or the differences. You cannot do both for this assignment. Just write “similarities” or “differences” here.



This should be your attitude toward your two subjects. Do not just write that they are similar or different. What truth or significance can be drawn from the fact that they are similar or different?



Be specific in selecting your audience. Who would be interested in hearing this comparison and the point you want to make? Who would benefit from acknowledging the significance of your comparison?



To inform? To entertain? To persuade? Choose one or perhaps a combination of two.


Categories of Comparison: 

You must have at least three general categories where your two subjects are similar or different. (Like comparing LU now with LU then based on food service, rules, and dress code)


Topic Sentence:

Combine your topic, your attitude/point into a complete sentence, and your categories of comparison into a sentence. (See sample outlines for a topic sentence example.)


Brainstorm Details: 

Brainstorm a list of similarities (or differences) for each of your three categories of comparison.


Outline Examples

(Choose Only One of the Two Following Methods)


1.     Point By Point Comparison Outline Method


Topic Sentence: The fact that LU tries to keep up with the changes in student population can be seen in their changes to dress code, food services, and rules.


I . The dress code at Liberty has relaxed.



Then, girls had to wear skirts and guys had to wear ties

B.       Now, girls can wear pants and guys don’t have to wear ties


II. The food choices at LU have expanded.

A.       We only had one small cafeteria

B.        Now there is the Hangar, a huge cafeteria, and an a la carte place


III.  The Rules at LU are less strict.

A.       We were required to attend church & prayer groups

B.       Now church is encouraged but not required

C.      Televisions were not allowed in dorm rooms

D.     Now they students can have televisions.


2.     Topic By Topic Comparison Outline Method

  Topic Sentence: The fact that LU tries to keep up with the changes in student population can be seen in their changes to dress code, food services, and rules.  

I. Liberty used to be more strict and less convenient.

A.       Dress Code was more strict

1.      Girls had to wear skirts

2.      Guys had to wear ties

B.       Food Services was less convenient

1.      Only had one small cafeteria

2.      Lines were SO long

C.       Rules were more strict

1.      Had to attend church & prayer groups

2.      Could not have TV in our rooms

3.      Could only listen to Christian music


II. Now Liberty has become more convenient and less strict.

A.       Dress code is more relaxed

1.      Girls can wear pants

2.      Guys don’t have to wear ties

B.       Food Services are more convenient

1.      Hangar, large cafeteria, à la carte place

2.      Lines are shorter (believe it or not)

C.       Rules are less strict

1.      Church and prayer groups are not required

2.      Can have TVs in the dorm rooms

3.      Can listen to secular music





Step 1: Comparison Paragraph Prewriting & Outline


Complete all of the elements of the prewriting; otherwise, the content of your piece will not be accurate.

   Topics:    Plan:    Attitude/Point:    Audience:    Purpose:    Categories of Comparison:     Topic Sentence:    Brainstorm Details:         

Comparison Outline:


Step 2: Comparison Paragraph Rough Draft


Directions: Write a rough draft that follows your paragraph outline, beginning with your topic sentence. Do not worry about spelling or grammar; just let your thoughts flow. Be sure to use transitional phrases such as “On the other hand” or “Similarly” to show contrast or comparison. End with a good concluding sentence that restates the significance of the similarities or differences. It should be approximately 200 words, no less and not too much more.


Step 3: Comparison Paragraph Revised Draft


Directions: Copy your Comparison Paragraph Rough Draft and paste it below, click on “Tools” or “Review” if you are using Microsoft Word, and hit “Track Changes.” This is so your instructor can see all the changes you make. Begin reading through your rough draft and make changes to the content as you see fit. Add more comparative details if needed or delete irrelevant details that do not help prove the significance of the comparison. Add transitional words or phrases to help the paragraph flow in a logical order. Then, save the draft with the changes.


                        Step 4: Comparison Paragraph Edited Draft


Directions: Turn off the Track Changes feature.  Copy your Revised Comparison Paragraph Draft, paste it below, click on “Tools” or “Review” if you are using Microsoft Word, and make sure you turn on the track changes feature. Edit for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Focus especially on revising for subject-verb agreement and verb tense consistency like you should have recently studied. Save these changes. NOTE: Use of contractions (can’t, won’t, doesn’t, etc.) and second person (any form of the pronoun “you”) is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of points on writing assignments.



                          Step 5: Comparison Paragraph Final Draft

Directions: Turn off the Track Changes feature.  Copy and paste your edited draft (from above).  Highlight it and choose “accept changes” if the document does not automatically make the changes for you.  Save the changes to this document; save it as “Comparison Assignment.” Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit the document to your instructor.  The instructor should then be able to see the entire process you took to create your final draft.




                                   Graded Example: Comparison

                                     Step 5: Comparison Paragraph Final Draft

Directions: Copy and paste your edited draft into this document.  Highlight it and choose “accept changes” if the document does not automatically make the changes for you.  Save the changes to this document; save it as “Comparison Assignment.” Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit the document to your instructor.  The instructor should then be able to see your final draft.

                                                              FINAL DRAFT

My life after marriage is a far cry from what it was before I married. As a single teenager and the daughter of an evangelistic minister, traveling was a way of life. I packed in less than thirty minutes for a journey of a few weeks to a month. I journeyed all over the United States and some in Canada and Mexico. Now, I find myself hesitating to leave the house to acquire groceries. My week usually consists of departing for church, which is situated across the street. Once upon a time, I knew tens of thousands of people in all the churches we visited; meeting new people as we traveled back to these places yearly. Unfortunately, in my husband’s home town, I have found it difficult to even make new friends or meet new people. Prior, traveling meant that I was surrounded by people all the time. Currently, I spend most of my days alone, seldom leaving my bedroom except to do chores or spend time with the kids. As a minister and minster’s daughter, I found myself in church several days a week; ministering in each service to one degree or another. In my husband’s home church I am seldom asked to minister, yet I still receive calls from time- to- time asking me to minister in other churches. I do not like traveling alone, so I seldom accept many offers to minister outside my home church. This change of lifestyle is the hardest transition of my adult life; from the life I had to the life I have.


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