ENG 221 Week 1; Individual Assignment; Workplace Communication Comparison


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ENG 221 Week 1; Individual Assignment; Workplace Communication  Comparison

Workplace Communication Comparison


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21 Version 3


Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.


Written communication method

Purpose in the workplace


or expository writing

Why classification was chosen


To either inform or make a request.

Technical and expository

An email could be technical if the sender was providing information on products or services. It could also be expository if the sender was trying to persuade the receiver to buy something.


To inform employees/co-workers of policy changes.

Could be technical and expository

The reason for choosing both is because if the memo is a policy it would not only state the change but also explain it.


Could be used for communicating outside of the business.


I chose expository because letters are can be sent to either sell something or file a complaint. Either one of these examples would have to be explained.


Training material


I chose technical because manuals show the user how to use a product and how to fix or troubleshoot a product.

Web pages

Company Intranet or internet. Provides information on the company.

Could be technical or expository

I chose both options because depending on the content of the web page it could go either way. For example if the site is DYI that would be more technical and if it was a site like Progressive Insurance it would be expository.

Other – Communicator

To send short quick request for information.

I said technical because this is mainly used to get quick answers on work related issues.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most common form of written communication in your workplace or in a workplace you are familiar with? Is expository or technical writing the most common form of written communication in this workplace? Who is responsible for most of the technical writing in this workplace?

The most common form of written communication in my current job is technical. I am in the engineering department so each engineer is responsible for documenting their part of the project. I set up purchase orders for the engineers so that too is technical in the since that I need to be specific when parts are ordered. Along with documenting new products we use email and communicator quite a bit. These exchanges can be technical and expository.

**Note: communicator is instant messaging software that we use.

2. What are some common issues you have seen with written communication in the workplace?

One issue that comes to mind is clarity. There are times when coworkers make request that are not clear. This in turn needs follow up with the requester for clarification. Other issues that I have seen are incorrect spelling and grammar. This happens most often in emails and the use of communicator.

3. How can an organization benefit from well written communication?

An organization can benefit from well written communication in a number of ways. When written communication is clear there is less time spent by employees trying to figure out what to do and more time spent producing product, therefore making more money for the company. Clear communication can also cut the cost of material by reducing scrap.

4. How do written communication skills differ from verbal communication skills? What are the challenges a skilled verbal communicator might face when creating technical writing?

Written communication skills have to be clear and straight to the point where as the verbal communicator can be more descriptive when explaining a process. They can also show the person how to do the process.

One of the challenges that a skilled verbal communicator could have when creating technical writing is not having the ability to actually show the person what they are talking about. The verbal communicator would have to be able to get all of the facts straight so that there is not confusion on the reader’s part. They may also get to wordy and use technical terms that are not familiar to the normal person.

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