ENG 121 wk 5 Discussion 2

Prepare: As you prepare to write your final discussion for this class, take a few moments to do the following: •Review the full tutorial: “The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..” 

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•Set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so).  

•Use Grammarly to review at least two paragraphs from your rough draft. Remember, your draft is an academic essay. 

•Carefully read all issues found by Grammarly and revise your paragraphs.    head with Qmarks Reflect: Consider the revision, proofreading, and editing steps you have taken in the last two weeks. Were they effective? How can you make the revision process – especially proofreading and editing – a part of every assignment in college and the workplace?      writting hand  Write: (due Thursday, Day 3) 

Post your original paragraphs and your final, revised paragraphs in the discussion. Be sure to label them accordingly.

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 Then, in 200 to 300 words, describe your Grammarly experience. Address the following areas: •Identify the top three issues Grammarly uncovered in your work (e.g. wordiness, passive voice, subject-verb agreement).  ◦Were any of those issues surprising? 

•Share some of the feedback Grammarly provided as explanations.

 ◦What did you learn? Was it helpful? 

•Describe the usefulness of the Grammarly tool. ◦Did your writing improve? ◦Will you use Grammarly to help you proofread your entire paper? Why or why not? ◦Will you use Grammarly for your future class assignments? Why or why not?

 •Share any remaining proofreading questions or concerns.




Running head:



Going Back to School

Melissa Maclean

ENG 121 English Composition 1

Jeremy Pilarski

January 1, 2018


The modern world has several adults who are pursuing education for various reasons that include getting a sense of accomplishment, job security, and career advancement. For instance, acquiring a degree can assist an individual stay ahead of the immense competition for jobs in the contemporary workplace. Going back to school is one of the toughest decisions to make mainly due to age, lack of adequate money to pay school fees. However, several people are making this decision despite the challenges, as going back to school and advancing one’s education level has several benefits. In this regard, I decided to go back to school for self-fulfillment, advance my career and have better pay, act as a role model to my children and set their education standards, and increase my chances of getting a better and well-paying job as well as rise to the management levels.

Since my childhood, I have had a dream of achieving the highest possible level of education because of my immense passion for learning. However, my goal of pursuing further education has been delayed by some circumstances in my life, but hope has never been lost. In this regard, I have always taken advantage of opportunities to learn at home, at work or at school with the expectation that one day; I will enroll in a university to acquire more knowledge in the field of my career. Since I believe that advancing education is essential for both career advancement and for living a good life, I decided to go back to school to fulfill this dream. Therefore, I will mark my graduation day as a point of self-fulfillment in reaching the desired level of education and a significant milestone towards the achievement of my goals in life. However, deciding to go back to school was hard for me. Sometimes, I would ask myself, “How will I manage to study for a degree at my age, how will I manage work, school work, and parental duties, what if I fail in some units due to limited study time or perform poorly at work due to spending a lot of time studying?” At some point I felt that going back to school would be a wrong choice but later decided that since it was a dream, I have had for a long time, I would do all that is required to achieve my goal.

Notably, in the modern world, several graduates are joining the workforce; subsequently, making the working environment more competitive than ever before. Therefore, because of the increase of graduates, the employers are currently seeking to employ people with university degrees and encouraging their employees to go back to school to advance their education. As such, the number of people simultaneously working, and learning has tremendously increased over the last few years. In this case, I decided to go back to school too I improve my credentials and be able to compete with the other fresh graduates. Furthermore, the competitive world requires a continuous upgrade of skills, which is enhanced by a university degree among different methods. Also, seeing a significant number of people lose their jobs because of low levels of education created an immense fear of losing mine and failing to secure another one. In this regard, I felt that going back to school was the best way of dealing with the fear. Therefore, I decided to go back to school to improve my chances of getting a better paying job, advance my career as well as rise to managerial levels. I have realized that most of the well-paying and managerial openings require a university degree; hence, believe that obtaining one would increase my chances of rising through the ranks in my current workplace or landing a prime job elsewhere since it comes along with advanced skills.

Although I have gained experience in my career, it is inadequate to guarantee job security due to the competitive state of the job market. In this regard, I decided to go back to school to increase my job security and avoid early retirement that may arise as many companies start laying off workers due to the hard economic times. I also felt that even if I lost my job at my current workplace, a combination of a degree and experience would help me secure a position at another place; hence, avoid early retirement. Availability of online degree programs, which have considerably eased learning while working was also a significant source of motivation when deciding to go back to school. Notably, the online approach to attaining a degree is flexible since it does not require my physical presence at the university; hence, I can comfortably study and do all the assignments after work and during weekends from home.

Lastly, like many parents, I decided to go back to school to set an example and act as a role model to my children. I believe that convincing my children to advance their education will be more accessible to me when having an advanced level of knowledge than without. Also, I feel that going back to school is an excellent way to prove to my children that education is essential; therefore, motivate them to follow my educational path. I remember how surprised my children were the day in informed them that I was planning to enroll in a degree course. “Mum, you mean you will go back to school at this time?” My son inquired. “Yes son,” I replied, “Nowadays people of the same age as me who did not get a chance of obtaining a degree are going back to school. I do not require going to class physically as I can enroll in online courses and I can read class notes and do my assignments from home.” “Mum can you also study from your place of work and after doing your assignments from home how does the lecturer mark your assignments?” my daughter asked. “Yes, I can study from work or any other place with internet connection. Since it is an online course, I will be submitting the assignments and projects online through the university website or by emailing directly to the supervisor.” I answered. My children have always taken keen interest whenever am studying from home and always ask questions about what I was doing. I have been taking this opportunity to advise them that it is my desire for them to advance their education to a doctorate level in future. “My children, do you see the manner in which your mother works hard to obtain a university degree, I would also like you to do well in school and in future advance to obtain doctorate degrees.”

My going back to school has not been a smooth one. To begin with, I had spent several years after completing education, and I took a long time to mentally adjust to school life despite being it part-time. I have faced the stress and anxiety of meeting course requirements to ensure that I perform well in the course and increase my chances of completing the degree in the stipulated time. The other major challenge I have faced after going back to school is the time constraints, as I have to manage work, school and family duties. Some classes require attending online lectures that take some of the time I spend with my family in the evenings. To manage these responsibilities effectively, I have had to do away with some things like leisure time, and spend that time to complete course assignments. Despite the challenges, my resolve to achieve a university degree is still firm, and I feel that the decision to go back to school was the right and I look forward to my graduation.

Apparently, my decision to go back to school for an undergraduate degree was motivated by the full range of benefits attributed to advanced education levels, which include increasing the potential to earn a higher salary; hence, improve living standard, intensifying job security, as well as extending chances to advance to managerial positions, strengthen job satisfaction, and reducing early retirement risk. I am aware that these benefits will not occur automatically, and I will need to continue improving my skills and acquire more knowledge regarding my field of career. Nevertheless, I plan to undertake master and doctorate degrees in the line of my job after completing mine undergraduate degree in supply chain management.

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