EEX 6051 Rank Ordering Six Evidence-Based Practices for Intensifying Instruction

Please, I need the work before December 3rd at 10 p.m. Please read all the instructions and references carefully, which are provided to guide you. Also, send the template, which is the Word document into which the work must be entered.

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EEX 6051

Rank Ordering Six Evidence-Based Practices for Intensifying Instruction

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Paper Submission

This paper must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Central Time (USA) on Wednesday, December 4.

Take note if you are in another time zone. Specifically, the paper must be submitted in Canvas

using the link for this assignment that is in the “EEX6051 Assignments Module.”


Your paper must be based on the circumstances of Lakeisha, a 2nd-grade student at Pinkston

Elementary School. Her case is an example of using what is referred to as Early Intervening

Services in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004).

Thus, one hoped-for outcome of this assignment is for you to learn how intensifying instruction

can be quite similar for a student without a disability who is demonstrating a significant,

persistent academic achievement deficit and a student with a disability who is demonstrating a

significant, persistent academic achievement deficit and is receiving special education services.

That is to say, early intervening services may function as precursor services to the provision of

special education services that, in some instances, might be very closely related to the precursor

services (i.e., nearly the same in terms of dosage, etc.)

Lakeisha is a 2nd-grade student receiving Tier 2 instruction to address significant, persistent

academic achievement deficits she is demonstrating in mathematics and reading. She has just

completed what her school considers a second “round” of Tier 2 instruction for each subject

matter area.

A round means that Lakeisha has received 12 weeks of Tier 2 instruction. Specifically, each of

the two rounds involved Lakeisha participating in a small group of 6 students and getting 30

additional minutes of instruction two or three days per week in each subject matter area: reading

and mathematics. Her school’s master schedule for each grade level has a 30-minute block set

aside daily for Tier 2 interventions. Lakeisha spends three days one week, then two days the next

week, receiving Tier 2 mathematics instruction. Conversely, she spends two days one week, then

three days the next week, receiving Tier 2 reading instruction. The Tier 2 instruction in each

subject matter area is based on commercially available programs that, in the MTSS literature, are

referred to as standard protocol approaches.

You must remain cognizant that Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction is supplemental to the Tier 1

instruction presented in the general education classroom. Thus, Lakeisha continued to receive

Tier 1 mathematics and reading instruction in her general education classroom. During this time,

Lakeisha’s teacher noted that Lakeisha attended to the instruction (while needing to be redirected

quite often), complied with the teacher’s directives, interacted appropriately with her classmates,

and completed all assigned tasks – even though she made numerous incorrect responses.

To date, Lakeisha’s rate of improvement in each subject matter area has been well below the rate

needed to resolve her academic achievement deficits. Consequently, the school’s MTSS

oversight team has decided to reconfigure her MTSS services such that they are considered to be

Tier 3 services and will, in the team’s professional opinion, result in Lakeisha realizing a higher

probability of demonstrating an appropriate rate of improvement than has been the case up to this

point in time.

Additionally, in conjunction with Lakeisha’s parents, the MTSS oversight team has requested a

multi-disciplinary evaluation to determine whether Lakeisha meets the IDEA criteria for being

identified as a student with a disability who is eligible to receive special education services.


For this assignment, you must write a two-page paper discussing six evidence-based practices

you would employ in Lakeisha’s first round of Tier 3 instruction in either mathematics or

reading. In particular, you must rank these practices in order in your discussion. First, discuss the

evidence-based practice you think has the highest probability of being effective, followed by the

practice you believe has the second highest probability of being effective, until you have ranked

all six practices.

In your discussion, (a) identify the evidence-based practice, (b) explain the rationale for selecting

it, and (c) explain why you believe it is appropriate to use while simultaneously justifying its

ranking among the six practices you selected. Further, you must reference the information

provided about Lakeisha’s circumstances. This information is presented next.

Overall Learner Profile for Lakeisha

• Hypersensitive to certain environmental stimuli (sound, movement). Requires frequent

redirection to the task.

• Follows class rules. Needs to develop self-regulation skills – which is one of her long-

term goals.

• Is receptive to the teacher’s feedback (i.e., she does not get upset when error correction is

provided; also, she responds exceptionally well to verbal praise)

• Welcomes Tier 2 and Tier 3 services. She wants to be successful and is not ashamed to

receive remedial instruction

• Can be impulsive if not reminded to “think things through;” Specifically, Lakeisha

responds at times without reflecting on the directions or the steps she needs to perform to

decode a word or use an algorithm to solve a math equation

• When appropriately reflective, she needs extended time to process input, formulate a

response, and then execute the response.

• Has occasional days when she performs as if she has never been taught a basic skill. This

aspect of her learning profile means that she must be provided systematic, cumulative

practice after demonstrating the acquisition of a targeted learning outcome.

• Has commented on how much modeling and practice she needs (e.g., She once said, “The

teacher shows us four examples, but I need to see 18 examples to be able to understand

what to do.”). Data have documented her need for multiple opportunities to practice a

skill and receive immediate, behavior-specific feedback to master it.

• Demonstrates fine motor skill deficits; Her handwriting can be challenging to decipher;

further, she labors to produce legible handwriting.

• Attributes academic success to luck rather than her effort


• Demonstrates deficits in (a) phonics (i.e., sounds spelled by single letters, consonant

blends and diagraphs, and vowel diagraphs); (b) total sight word vocabulary concerning

irregular, high-frequency words; and (c) fluency (reads less than 50 words per minute

with halting/limited prosody)

• Excellent listening comprehension skills. She can answer questions about 3rd and 4th-

grade level passages that are read to her. On the other hand, she is routinely unable to

correctly answer the vast majority of comprehension questions that pertain to a 1st or 2nd-

grade-level reading passage when she is required to read the text independently because

she cannot accurately decode most of the text. Likewise, she inadequately retells a story

she has read.


• Has mastered basic counting skills (1:1 correspondence, cardinality, reversibility); Can

rote count to 200; Names numerals to 200; and Demonstrates a rudimentary

understanding of place value through the use of base ten blocks

• Addition and subtraction fact fluency is extremely poor; Uses her fingers to solve basic

facts and struggles when both numbers (addends/minuend and subtrahend) in the

equation are six or greater; Poor fine motor skills extend the time she needs to solve

addition and subtraction basic facts

• Sometimes performs the incorrect operation because she does not attend to the sign (+,-)

• Exhibits challenges with adding a single-digit or two-digit number to a two-digit number

when regrouping is required; likewise, demonstrates difficulty subtracting a one-digit or

two-digit number from a two-digit number when regrouping is required

• Solving word problems is impaired by calculation difficulties and not the ability to

understand the procedure to follow to solve a word problem

In addition to the directions you are currently reading, refer to the Microsoft Word template you

must use to write your paper. I have placed this template in the assignment directions presented

in the aforementioned Canvas modules. The template contains all of the proper formatting,

which is as follows:

1. Your name, the paper’s title, and page number are to be listed in the header.

2. Use 1” top, bottom, left, and right margins.

3. Use the following font: 12-point Times New Roman. Use plain text for the content in the

body of the paper.

4. Single space throughout the entire body of the document, and indent the first line of each


5. Write in complete sentences throughout the paper

You will note that I put example text in the template. To efficiently use the template, replace my

example text with yours. Begin by putting your name in place of the words “Your Name” in the

header, and then replace all of the example text I put in the template.

Grading Criteria

The assignment is worth 100 points. I will evaluate the paper you submit in Canvas based on

proper grammar (i.e., spelling, punctuation, sentence structure), content (i.e., properly addressing

the required content in each part of the paper), and formatting. A copy of the grading criteria is

available in the directions for this assignment presented in the aforementioned Canvas modules.

Finally, be sure that you stay within the two-page limit. I will only consider something you write

up to two pages and deduct points for not properly formatting the paper.

Contact me with any questions you have about the assignment.


Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., & Malone, A. S. (2017). The taxonomy of intervention intensity.

Teaching Exceptional Children, 50(1), 35–43.



Harlacher, J. (2023). If you’ve got a problem, ICE-L will solve it. Using the RIOT/ICEL matrix to

help guide intensification decisions! [Webinar]. Retrieved from

Harlacher, J. (2023). Using the problem-solving flipbook to support individual students.

Retrieved from


National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Introduction to intensive intervention.

Retrieved from

National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). Overview of the taxonomy of intervention

intensity. Retrieved from


National Center on Intensive Intervention. (n.d.). The five steps of DBI. Retrieved from https://

Potter, J. (2023). What to do when students don’t respond to interventions. Retrieved from

The IRIS Center. (2006). RTI (part 1): An overview. Retrieved from

Vaughn, S., & Zumeta, R. (2014). So what do I do now? Strategies for intensifying intervention

when standard approaches don’t work [Webinar]. Retrieved from


Your Name

Rank Ordering Six Evidence-Based Practices to Intensify Instruction


In this paper, I discuss six evidence-based practices that address Lakeisha’s need for Tier 3 intensive instruction in mathematics. For each evidence-based practice, I (a) identify it, (b) explain my rationale for selecting it, (c) discuss how it would be employed, and (d) explain why I believe it is appropriate to use while simultaneously justifying its ranking among the six practices I have selected.

The evidence-based practice that I think has the highest probability of being effective as part of Lakeisha’s Tier 3 mathematics instruction is reducing the size of the group in which she receives instruction because reducing the group’s size will enable the teacher to….

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