Educational Policy Brief One

Locate and read at least one educational policy brief online. They should be on topics such as strategies for developing and monitoring long-range plans for school and district improvement, data relating to student achievement and school improvement, engaging all stakeholders and instructional leadership, goal-setting and problem-solving, teacher professional development, and current technologies for the improvement of school management and business procedures. Prepare a 2 page single-spaced page written brief summarizing and critiquing essential information about the topic. NOTE! Remember that this policy brief critique is intended to identify, define, and solve obstacles that militate against school improvement. Here are some sources where you might look: Educational advocacy and professional organizations: • National School Boards Association: (look under “Advocacy” for a policy brief about vouchers) • American Federation of Teachers: (look under “AFT on the Issues” for a number of policy statements) • National Education Association: • American Association of School Administrators: • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: • Phi Delta Kappa: • National PTA: The issue HAS to be happening now not an old issue. Any other sources need to with tthe last year.

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