Education week 5 assignment


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Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

  • Review Chapters 6, 7, and 8, along with the chapters covered until now of your course textbook Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator : Using the NAEYC Code.
  • Review Chapter 14, along with the chapters covered until now of your course textbook The Law and Special Education.
  • Review the feedback received from your instructor on previous assignments.
  • Revise course work as needed for components needed in this final project.
  • Review the required bullet points of the assignment instructions to ensure you apply pieces of previous work to this final project in a way that addresses the prompts given.
  • Review the Student Video Script Outline Template Download Student Video Script Outline Templateand download it to work on your video submission.

Assignment Instructions

Create an informational session which includes the listed sections for the entire educational staff within the workplace using a tool of your choice (Adobe Express, Canva, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Video).

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Section 1: Professional Ethical Introduction (1-2 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Share your professional ethical statement created within the class as a way for those in the district to understand a little bit more about you after introducing yourself as a member of the special education team.

    Please refer to the Ethical Statement created and revised over the weeks in this class.

Section 2: History of Special Education Law (2-3 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Summarize the most important laws within special education law that impact the work of all educators in meeting the needs of diverse children while sharing the visual of the Special Education Law Timeline created in Week 1.

Section 3: Basic Overview of the Special Education Identification Process (3 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Outline the overall process of the steps involved to identify a child for Special Education.

    Consider the audience does not have the same background as you do; provide an understandable but not overwhelming explanation.
    Refer to your work from Week 3 to prepare for this section.

  • Summarize how assessments and evaluations are used to determine placement considerations.
  • Differentiate between the components of IDEA and Section 504.
  • Explain how plans are adjusted for the children moving from the preschool program into kindergarten as they transition to IDEA part B from IDEA part C.

Section 4: Least Restrictive Environment (1 slide or page)

In this section,

  • Explain to the staff what the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is and the considerations when creating service plans for students.

Section 5: The Individual Education Program (4 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Present an overview of the IEP process for the general education staff in a way that helps them to understand how these plans work and important components they could be responsible for. Please refer to the work done in Week 3, especially the IEP Overview interactive to support you with this section.

    Distinguish typical members of the IEP team.
    Describe how an IEP functions to serve students.
    Break down responsibilities that might fall on the regular education teacher.
    Elaborate on the reasons for open communication between the general education and special education staff.

Section 6: Recommendations for Preventing and Addressing Bullying (1-2 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Explain, using research or data, the prevalence of bullying in the school setting.
  • Illustrate how bullying of special education children might negate FAPE and LRE.
  • Propose at least three steps staff can take to prevent and minimize bullying of special education students.

Section 7: Introduction of Malcom (1-2 slides or pages)

In this section,

  • Create an overview of the plan created for the new special education student, Malcom, for the upcoming school year as he transitions from preschool to the early learning program within the school.
  • Describe who will be working with Malcom and how he will receive services throughout the school year. Refer to your assignment from Week 3 as you develop this section.

Section 8: Confidentiality (1 slide or page)

In this section,

  • Present at least three key facts about legal and ethical requirements related to confidentiality of student records and private information.

Section 9: Closing Thoughts on Advocacy (1 slide or page)

In this section,

  • Compose a closing to your presentation reminding staff of the ethical responsibility of all educators to support student learning and secure needed services for the diverse needs of students.


Submission Requirements

The Special Education Overview: A Staff Presentation final project

  • must meet one of the following format options

    Adobe Express—You are required to complete 16 to 18 sections, including all the bullet points from the assignment instructions. Download the project as a PDF and upload the PDF to Waypoint for grading. Review the frequently asked questions on Adobe ExpressLinks to an external site. website for support.
    Canva—Create a presentation, ensuring you have the 16 to 18 required components from the bullet points in the assignment directions. Download the presentation as a PDF and upload the PDF to Waypoint for grading. Review An Easy Guide to Creating a Presentation in CanvaLinks to an external site. for support.
    MS Word—Must be 12–16 pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA styleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
    PowerPoint—You are required to create 16 to 18 slides (not including title & reference slides).

    To prepare a PowerPoint presentation, refer to the Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationLinks to an external site. and PresentationsLinks to an external site..
    Add detailed Speaker Notes for each content slide to explain the content of the slide deck.
    Speaker notes should contain a minimum of 150 words for each of the main content slides.
    You can also narrate your slides with the audio record feature.
    Save your PowerPoint as a PDF with the speaker notes visible and submit it in Waypoint. For help with this, review this guide: Saving a PowerPoint as a PDF With the Speaker Notes VisibleLinks to an external site..

    Video—Create an oral presentation that you record on video to share. If you create a video or narrated presentation, you will need to download and complete the Student Video Script Outline Template Download Student Video Script Outline Templateupload it to Waypoint for grading. Additionally, upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video and place the URL for your video in Waypoint’s comments section and in the Student Video Script Outline Template Download Student Video Script Outline Template.

    If you would like to use Zoom for video recording, refer to the Zoom Quick Start GuideLinks to an external site. and How to Record a Presentation Using Zoom And Upload to YouTubeLinks to an external site.
    If you would like to use ScreenPal for video recording, refer to the ScreenPalLinks to an external site. and Beginner’s Guide to ScreenPal’s Free Screen RecorderLinks to an external site..

  • must use at least 4 scholarly sources.

    The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
    To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, review this Quick and Easy Library ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

  • must document any information used from sources in APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. resource guide.
  • must include a separate references page or slide that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center.

    Refer to the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.


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