Education: Critical Thinking.

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Number of sources: 1

Topic: educational resources

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Language Style: English (U.S.)

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Writing Style: APA

My Instructions:

unit and lesson planning is playing a game of averages in which you attempt to provide most of the instruction at the current level of understanding of most of the learners. Unless an entire course of study is individualized (sometimes the case with programmed and computer-assisted instruction curricula), most instruction must be directed at the ‘average’ learner in your classroom while attempting to meet the needs of special learners” (Borich, 2006).
A.Identify at least seven different educational resources that are appropriate for a diverse student population. Choose one resource from five of the following eight categories:
1.Multi-media files (e.g., software programs, multi-media kits) 
2.Audio (e.g., CD, podcast, cassette) 
3.Video (e.g., DVD, video clips) 
5.Graphical representations (e.g., charts, graphs, diagrams) 
7.Visuals (e.g., photos, illustrations, cartoons, artifacts, models) 
8.Real-time communication ( e.g., live TV broadcast, guest presenter)
You are to find five real educational resources that might be used in a third-grade or secondary subject-specific classroom and provide source or reference information.
B.Create a matrix (refer to the note and attached framework matrix below) which provides an evaluation of the effectiveness of the resources you selected for each of the following categories: 1.Early childhood* 
2.Learning disabled 
3.Hearing impaired 
4.Gifted and talented 
5.Visually impaired 
6.Behaviorally challenged 
7.English Language Learner
*Note: Early childhood refers to elementary-aged children who are still in the Early Childhood stage of development. 
Note: The matrix should identify the appropriateness of learning materials by category. List the material categories and names of specific resources down the left side of the matrix and the categories across the top. In the column under each category, mark an X for those that are recommended for classroom use and an O for those that are not recommended. (See the attached framework matrix below.)
C.Write a rationale (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs per resource) justifying why each resource is or is not appropriate to support a diverse student population.
D.If you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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