EDCP 103 Final Exam

EDCP 103 Final ExamSection I: Multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank  Three passages out of the four in each question contain sentence fragments or run-on sentences. Choose the one correct sentence that is error-free.1.    A)     I am hoping for a job in human resources, I have been training in this field for two years. B)     I am hoping for a job in human resources; I have been training in this field for two years. C)    I am hoping for a job in human resources. Because I have been training in this field for two years. D)     I am hoping for a job in human resources I have been training in this field for two years. 2.       A)     All of the hotel’s rooms offer wireless internet service, which is free for our guests. B)     The hotel offers copying and faxing services. Only for hotel guests, though. C)     The swimming pool is open every evening. Be careful, there is no lifeguard. D)     When you check out, leave your key in the room. Or at the front desk. 3.      A)     Parking spaces are limited often I must park far away and walk. B)     Before exercising, you should stretch and warm up to avoid any future injury. C)     The skydiver jumped from the plane, when she had fallen far enough she then released her parachute. D)     The rooms in the maternity section of the hospital have colored wallpaper, they are cheerful and pleasant.             4.      A)     After Max finished high school. He had an easier time getting a job. B)     Many computer problems are difficult to figure out. Most definitely hard drive problems. Mostly due to the fact that the hard drive is difficult to see. C)     The street was beginning to show its wear, potholes dotted its rough surface. But also gave it character. D)     Janet inquired about my résumé; she felt that the dates of my employment were confusing. 5.      A)     The girls woke up screaming. Because someone entered the room. B)     The girls woke up screaming because someone entered the room. C)     The girls woke up screaming. When someone entered the room. D)     Someone entered the room the girls woke up screaming. 6.      A)     Many students do not have a specific career goal. Though they have a general direction in mind. B)     I especially enjoy poetry by Walt Whitman, his poems are intense and revealing. C)     Before visiting Israel, Carolyn read several guidebooks, but in the end none were very helpful. D)     Take courses in a variety of disciplines you may discover new interests. 7.      The executive committee __ __ its decisions through our newsletter. (publicizes, publicize)8.      The children or the babysitter ______ going to clean up that mess. (is, are) 9.     Sprawled across the floor ____ numerous clues to who committed the crime. (was, were) 10.      There ___ four areas of the park in which dogs are welcome. (is, are)     11.       A cup of tea and a good TV show _______ me relax after a long day. (helps, help)    12.       A full box of cookies ____ too tempting for the children to pass up. (was, were) Questions 13-16Choose the sentence that uses correct parallel structure.13.      A)     My favorite aerobic activities are running, skiing, and I also like kickboxing. B)     To run, to ski, and kickboxing are my favorite aerobic activities. C)     My favorite aerobic activities are running, skiing, and to go kickboxing. D)     Running, skiing, and kickboxing are my favorite aerobic activities. 14.      A)     The tortoise and the hare stood at the starting line, took a deep breath, glanced at the official, and both hope he blows the whistle. B)     The tortoise and the hare stood at the starting line, took a deep breath, glanced at the official, and they both hoped he would blow the whistle. C)     The tortoise and the hare both stood at the starting line, took deep breaths, glanced at the official, and hoped he would blow the whistle. D)     The tortoise and the hare stood at the starting line, taking a deep breath, glancing at the official, and both hoped he blows the whistle. 15.      A)     Getting calls from telemarketers, missing my morning bus, and receiving large bills are my biggest annoyances. B)     My biggest annoyances are to get calls from telemarketers, missing my morning bus, and to receive large bills. C)     Getting calls from telemarketers, having missed my morning bus, and to receive large bills are my biggest annoyances. D)     My biggest annoyances are getting calls from telemarketers, missing my morning bus, and receiving large bills is the worst. 16.      A)     I asked the children to hang up their coats, place their mittens in the box, and taking their boots off. B)     I asked the children to hang up their coats, place their mittens in the box, and to take their boots off. C)     I informed the children that they needed to hang up their coats, placing their mittens in the box was very important, and that they should have taken their boots off. D)     I asked the children to hang up their coats, to place their mittens in the box, and to take their boots off.17.      A)     Juan is the smartest student in our class, Juliet said. B)     “Juan is the smartest student in our class,” Juliet said. C)     “Juan is the smartest student in our class” Juliet said. D)     “Juan is the smartest student in our class, Juliet said.” 18.      A)     The father picked up his two daughters skate’s. B)     The father picked up his two daughter’s skates. C)     The father picked up his two daughters skates. D)     The father picked up his two daughters’ skates. 19.      A)     Whenever, it rains heavily the basement floods.B)     Whenever it rains heavily, the basement floods. C)     Whenever, it rains heavily, the basement floods.D)     Whenever it rains heavily the basement, floods.20.      A)     I have studied for hours but I’m still nervous about my history test. B)     I have studied for hours, but I’m still nervous about my history test. C)     I have studied for hours but; I’m still nervous about my history test. D)     I have studied for hours but, I’m still nervous about my history test. 21.      A)     UMUC, which is located in Maryland is the largest public nontraditional university. B)     UMUC which, is located in Maryland, is the largest public nontraditional university. C)     UMUC, which is located in Maryland, is the largest public nontraditional university. D)     UMUC which is located in Maryland is the largest public nontraditional university. 22.      A)     Its too warm to wear a coat in this spring weather. B)     It’s’ too warm to wear a coat in this spring weather C)     It’s too warm to wear a coat in this spring weather. D)     Its’ too warm to wear a coat in this spring weather. 23.      A)     There is one goal that Traci put before all others: graduating by December.B)     My Mother and Father are hoping that I will move out by next year.C)     Visiting the eiffel tower was an unforgettable experience.D)     Jordan is studying Psychology with a minor in Anthropology. 24.    A)     We plan to visit a Theme Park during our next weekend trip.B)     Driving East in the morning can irritate one’s eyes because of the sun.C)     The Presidents’ Day picnic will be held at Fairview Park.D)     The President of our Book Club will preside over the monthly meeting.  25.    The aquarium had not been cleaned in months, algae was building up on the glass.  And was starting to obscure the view of the fish.26.    John’s computer got the virus but didn’t crash mine did.27.    Their dog needs to go to obedience classes he’s always jumping on people at the door.28.    Online classes offer many conveniences, on the other hand there are some unique challenges faced by online students.29.    There are many issues that parents of teenagers need to be aware of. Such as peer pressure to use drugs.30.    If a new employee wants to make a good impression. Make sure to arrive on time, also dress appropriately for the job.31.    I work much better when the boss doesn’t hover over you with instructions on what to do.  32.    My older brother is an electrician, but I’m not interested in it. 33.    I discovered when I went to sell my old textbooks that they’ve put out new editions, and nobody wants to buy them.34.    If the team leader wants to hold a meeting, then they should choose a time that is convenient for everyone.35.    When an athlete is getting ready for competition, you have to be mentally and physically prepared.Questions 36-40Each passage contains one or more shifts in tense. Revise each passage so that it maintains consistent tense.36.    A deer makes its way cautiously out of the woods and steps into the meadow, but when a flock of geese flies noisily overhead, the deer ran back to the shelter of the trees. 37.    As I look through the file folder, I wonder if I might have thrown away this month’s bank statement by accident. Then I remembered that I brought it to work and never brought it home.38.    Martin stayed home from work when his son had the flu, and he discovered just how busy a day at home can be. His son was constantly asking for drinks and wants to be entertained. 39.    When we decided to throw a surprise party, we had no idea it would be so surprising for everyone. We were waiting for the guest of honor to show up at the front door when suddenly he sneaks in from the back door and yells “Surprise!”40.    When the kids arrived at the field, their coach was waiting for them. To their surprise, he says, “Come on! We’ve been waiting for you.” 41.    Do you ever wonder about the future of the Internet asked George What will be the browser of the future 42.    Sally told me that my socks were dirty my shoes were unpolished and my shirt was wrinkled but I didn’t pay any attention to her because I was in a hurry43.    Weve decided that the groups presentation will be on conserving water     44.    The passengers hurried toward the trains platform as the conductor shouted All aboard45.    Saving money staying healthy and spending time with family are three reasons to eat more meals at home46.    When looking at a web page ask yourself whether the information comes from a reliable source  47.    Following are a topic sentence and a concluding sentence. Use these sentences and additional sentences with supporting details to write a well-developed paragraph of approximately 150 words.   48.      The following paragraph is not unified. Please re-write the paragraph to improve its unity by removing any sentences that do not focus on the paragraph’s main topic.                   49.      The following paragraph is not coherent.  The ideas do not flow logically from one sentence to the next.  Please re-write the paragraph to improve its coherence.  You will want to consider adding transitional expressions to the paragraph as you rewrite the paragraph.  In addition, you will want to consider the logical order of the sentences as you rewrite the paragraph. You need to use all sentences in the paragraph.  In other words, do not eliminate any sentences when you rewrite the paragraph.           Section IV: EssayThe essay is worth 20 points.  50.        In a five-paragraph essay of at least 450 words, explain three ways that people can help improve their communities. Your essay will be graded based on the effectiveness of the introduction (including thesis statement) and conclusion; the unity, coherence, and support in the body paragraphs; and mechanical correctness.   

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