International Business Essay

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Essay Length: 2000 words

Deadline: 15th July 2013


Answer ONE ESSAY QUESTION from the list below:

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Question 1:

Outline the reasons why a company may choose to operate beyond the host country’s national borders, clearly distinguishing between demand led and supply led drivers. Where appropriate, make reference to the theoretical arguments detailed in Eclectic Theory, the Uppsala Model and the Product Life-Cycle Theory, explaining how these theories help clarify the varied reasons for an international footprint.


Question 2:

‘The law of comparative advantage forms the basis of international trade’.

Explain the above statement with reference to the trade theories of David Ricardo and Heckscher and Ohlin. To what extent do these theories explain the patterns of trade in the real world?


Marking criteria


Students will be marked based on the following:

A.Content and analysis

Your answers ought to be clear and show evidence of an understanding of the topic. Relevant arguments should be presented coherently and critically analysed where required. Supporting materials and examples should be provided and evidence of research needs to be demonstrated.


B.Written expression

Due consideration must be given to your writing style and the use of academic English. You should ensure that your essay is well-structured and is written in a style which has flow and sequence.  Make sure that your essay has an introduction (what you will be discussing) followed by the main discussion and a conclusion (what has been demonstrated).

C.Referencing (acknowledgments of sources in text) and bibliography

It is very important to refer in the main text to material written or produced by others. The full reference should then be provided in the bibliography.  Remember to use quotation marks when providing quotes, otherwise you are plagiarising the work of others! All sources need to be incorporated and appropriately acknowledged.


D. Word count

A word count (available in Word) should be given on the title (front) page. You should present this as a SCREEN PRINTcopied into Word. Please do not exceed the word limit as otherwise you will be penalised.


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