
 Redo this whole chapter this need a little more fixing and upgrading: say whether does education have an effect on your income or wages, what is the quality of life, does having a licensed trade does it impacted your affordability, what correlates to your living wage, some people certied in people make minimum wage, do they consider minimum wage like skilled workers or non skilled workers. Some on the paragraphs I had are all over the place please do not be all over the place stick to the chapter what it says which is to explain the difference between minimum wage and living wage. And make sure have a good transition. You can’t say the young people wasting all their money partying some people don’t party and still can’t save no money. You need to say what is the average apartment cost and can a person on a minimum wage can afford an apartment. You can’t go into people sending average like you have to go like what the making and correlate it to the skill set. This information must be ABOUT THE BAHAMAS. And do not write in big words because my vocabulary is not that good. Make sure the information you get form online is updated information and accurate 

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