EconM5 A1 LASA 2: International Trade

Assignment 1: LASA 2: International Trade

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Visit the U.S. Government Web site:

  1. Go to the Import/Export Data link.
  2. Find TradeStats Express.
  3. Find National Trade Data.
  4. Determine the trade balance between the U.S. and China for the most recent five year period.
  5. Illustrate the trend over this period with a graph of the data.

Based on the data provided, create a report in Microsoft Word discussing the trade balance between China and the U.S. for the most recent five year period. In your discussion, include an analysis of the effect of such trade balance on the economies of China and the U.S., both individually and comparatively. Justify your discussion and analysis by using appropriate examples and references.  Include in your report an analysis of the impact on the U.S. economy of the situation where China holds such a large amount of the U.S. debt.

By Saturday, September 7, 2013, submit your responses to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

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Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Accurately determined the trade balance between China and the U.S. for the most recent five year period. (40 points)Illustrated the trend over this period with a graph of the data. Cited the source. (8 points)
Researched and analyzed the impact of foreign trade between the two countries and their economic growth during this period. (8 points)Discussed the issues, concerns, and ramifications of the trade balance on China’s economy.(20 points)Discussed the issues, concerns, and ramifications of the trade balance on the U.S. economy. (20 Points)Compared the impact of trade balance between China and the U.S. for this period. (20 Points)Used appropriate terminology (4 Points)
Provided adequate and appropriate examples and references to justify conclusions. Used a variety of credible texts, Web sites and other references.
Discussed the nature and possible future effects upon the U.S. economy. (30 Points)Discussed the ability of the U.S. to sustain growth and development. (20 Points)Justified these conclusions with appropriate data and other resources.(20 Points)Used appropriate terminology. (2 Points)
Organization (16 points): Introduction, Transitions, and ConclusionUsage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structureAPA Elements (20 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and QuotationsStyle (8 points): Audience and Word Choice
Total: 300

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