EconM3 A1 Your Recession Strategy


Assignment 1: Your Recession Strategy

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Suppose that you are the chief economic advisor to the president of the United States. You are asked to propose a strategy to bring the economy out of recession. Unemployment is at 13 percent and inflation is relatively low. Your goal is to avoid an increase in inflation and bring the economy to full employment as rapidly as possible.

Applying the principles of the Keynesian model, what specific economic policies would you propose to accomplish these goals? What do you believe would be the short- and long-term effects of your policies on both inflation and unemployment rates? Provide justification and examples to support your conclusions. 

By Saturday, August 24, 2013, post your initial discussion response in the M3: Assignment 1 Discussion Area. By Wednesday, August 28, 2013, read all of the other students’ postings, and post comments in the Discussion Area on at least two other responses.

For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use theProblems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.

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