ECON test 2


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long-run average cost curve indicates

the lowest average costs of production at each level of output

the lowest average costs of production for each plant size

the lowest point along each of the firm’s short-run average total cost curves

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the lowest point along each of the firm’s short-run marginal cost curves

Question 2

As long as economic profits are being made, new firms will enter a perfectly competitive industry.



Question 3

er conditions of perfect competition, AR always equals MR.



Question 4

Under conditions of perfect competition, if losses occur in an industry, market forces may come into play to

reduce supply

lower average revenue

increase supply

attract new firms

Question 5

Under conditions of perfect competition, marginal revenue

exceeds average revenue

is less than average revenue

always exceeds marginal cost

equals average revenue

Question 6

f economies of scale are present, a firm can enhance its profits by

operating at any larger scale

operating at any larger scale up to the optimal scale

operating beyond the optimal scale

operating at a lower scale

Question 7

Under conditions of perfect competition, an individual producer

always maximizes output

operates where MR equals MC

never suffers a loss

operates where MR is greater than MC

Question 8

The entry and exit of firms drive economic profits to zero in the long run in a perfectly competitive industry.



Question 9

If all firms adhere to the conditions of perfect competition, short-run losses are avoided.



Question 10

If a perfectly competitive firm is producing an output level for which MR equals $5, MC equals $6, and ATC equals $4, the firm

is earning a profit but should reduce output

is earning a profit and should increase output

is suffering a loss and should reduce output

is suffering a loss but should increase output

Question 11

the long run, perfect competition results in firms producing

at the minimum point of their long-run average cost curves, which indicates allocative efficiency

where price equals marginal cost, which indicates economic efficiency

where price equals marginal cost, which indicates the optimal scale of operation

at the minimum point of their long-run average cost curves, which indicates economic efficiency

Question 12

If a firm
in perfect competition is suffering a loss, it should continue to operate in the short run as long as

AR exceeds AVC

AR exceeds AFC

AVC exceeds AFC

AFC exceeds AVC

Question 13

Under which type of market structure is the firm’s pricing decision the most difficult?

perfect competition


monopolistic competition


Question 14

If firms in monopolistic competition are earning short-run profits,

barriers to entry will allow the profits to continue in the long run

total supply in the market will decrease in the long run as firms reduce output to keep prices high

the entry of new firms will eliminate the profits in the long run

each existing firm will experience an increase in its average revenues in the long run

Question 15

In an oligopoly, the pricing policy of each firm is independent of that of other firms.



Question 16

Under monopolistic competition, a firm’s marginal revenue curve is

identical to the average revenue curve

above the average revenue curve

below the average revenue curve

unrelated to the average revenue curve

Question 17

The best example of an oligopolistic industry in the United States is

gas stations

grocery stores

automobile production


Question 18

A kin
ked demand curve results when one firm’s price changes are followed downward but not upward by competing firms.



Question 19

In a p
urely competitive market, the Herfindahl Index would have a value approaching





Question 20

ng the buyer of one good to purchase another good as well is termed

predatory pricing

price discrimination

tying contracts

exclusive dealing

Question 21

Regarding U.S. antitrust activity, the rule of reason was expressed in the

Standard Oil case

Robinson-Patman Act

Clayton Act

ALCOA case

Question 22

Public utilities are often referred to as

supernatural monopolies

oligopolistic monopolies

natural monopolies

competitive monopolies

Question 23

hich of the following is always true of monopolists?

they charge the highest possible price

they always earn high profits

they do not have to worry about demand

they charge a price higher than marginal cost

Question 24

administered price is a price

set by overall demand and supply

established by a seller

set by the government

determined through collective bargaining

Question 25

The demand for the product of a monopolist is perfectly inelastic.



Question 26

As u
nits of input are added to the productive process, the average product

rises and then declines

declines and then rises

remains the same

is always greater than the marginal product

Question 27

profit is equal to

total revenue minus total cost

total revenue minus explicit cost

total revenue minus variable cost

total revenue minus marginal cost

Question 28

The ma
rginal cost curve crosses the average total cost curve at the

highest level of average total cost

lowest level of average total cost

point where the ATC equals the AVC

point where the ATC equals the AFC

Question 29

l cost is the

change in total cost resulting from producing one more unit of output

change in total fixed cost resulting from producing one more unit of output

total cost when one more unit of output is produced

total fixed cost when one more unit of output is produced

Question 30

The marg
inal product decreases, reaches a minimum, and then rises as output increases.



Question 31

The princ
iple of diminishing marginal returns is applicable only to the use of labor as a productive resource.



Question 32

If a firm adds one more worker and total output increases from 100 to 120, the marginal product of labor equals





Question 33

Average rev
enue (AR) is equal to

total revenue/output

total revenue minus total cost

price per unit

both (a) and (c)

Question 34

The marginal
product refers to the impact of which unit of a productive resource?





Question 35

An example of an implicit cost is




forgone interest when investing one’s savings in one’s own business

Question 36

A graph of total fixed cost

is a downward sloping line

is a straight horizontal line

is an upward sloping line

has a U-shape

Question 37

To arrive at a logical determination of a firm’s optimum output, economists assume that the firm seeks to

maximize output

minimize cost

maximize profit or minimize loss

maximize price

Question 38

According to the simple circular flow concept, whenever planned investment is greater than planned saving during a period of less than full employment, there is a tendency for

total output to remain stable

prices to rise

employment to increase

inventories to accumulate

Question 39

In the circular flow, services rendered by the resource owners are compensated through payments of wages, rent, interest, and profits.



Question 40

A surplus budget will tend to have which one of the following effects on the circular flow of business activity?

increase total output and lower prices

increase total output and/or prices

decrease total output and/or prices

have a neutral effect

Question 41

An increase in planned savings, all else held constant, will always result in

a slowdown in the circular flow of income

an increase in the circular flow

an increase in planned investment spending

an increase in the price level

Question 42

Which of the following defines flows out of the circular flow that occur when resource income is received and not spent directly on purchases from domestic firms?





Question 43

Taxes are a leakage from the circular flow.



Question 44

If inventories are accumulating, income must be greater than spending.



Question 45

Total output and the price level may decline simultaneously.



Question 46

The operation of the total economy can best be demonstrated by a


circular flow

Ferris wheel

roller coaster

Question 47

Inventory accumulation occurs whenever

output is less than spending

output exceeds spending

investment exceeds saving

a deficit budget occurs

Question 48

To have an increase in investment, consumption must decrease.



Question 49

In the simple circular flow model, if planned I exceeds planned S, then

the economy is not at equilibrium

the size of the circular flow is increasing

if the economy is at full employment, then prices will rise

all of the above

Question 50

Consider an economy that is operating at less than full employment. Suppose that total resource income equals $400,000, of which $350,000 is used for consumption spending and $50,000 is saved. If planned investment is $75,000, which of the following is most likely to occur?

inventories will accumulate

output will fall

income will rise

prices will fall

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