Eco MCQs Set – 2

When the midpoint formula is used to calculate elasticity, a percent change in Y is measured as ________.

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a)      change in Y * Y midpoint

b)      Y midpoint + change in Y

c)      Y midpoint ÷ change in Y

d)      change in Y ÷ Y midpoint

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2  of 25

The law of diminishing marginal utility helps to explain why _______.

a)      the amusement park offers a two-day pass at a cheaper price then buying two single-day passes

b)      at buffets people will eventually eat less and less food

c)      people will eventually get bored of doing something for a long time or repeatedly

d)      all of the above

3  of 25

The reason the midpoint formula is used to calculate a percent change for elasticity is that with the midpoint formula ___________.

a)      elasticity is independent of the direction in which variables are changing

b)      elastic

ity is always a negative number

c)      elasticity is always a number between -1 and 1

d)      elasticity is always a number between 0 and 1

4  of 25

Katie has a lemonade stand. She is currently charging 50 cents for a glass of lemonade. If the price elasticity of demand is 1.5, which of the following statements is true?

a)      If Katie raises her price, she will not lose very many new customers, and her total revenue will increase.

b)      If Katie raises her price, she will lose a lot of customers, and her total revenue will decrease.

c)      If Katie lowers her price, she will not get very many new customers, and her total revenue will decrease.

d)      none of the above

5  of 25

If demand is unit elastic, __________.

a)      total revenue is constant no matter what price is charged

b)      total revenue is zero no matter what price is charged

c)      total revenue increases as price increases

d)      total revenue decreases as price increases

6  of 25

If the elasticity of demand equals 1, ____________.

a)      the quantity demanded changes proportionally to changes in price

b)      the quantity demanded is relatively unresponsive to price

c)      the quantity demanded is relatively responsive to price

d)      the quantity demanded is unrelated to price

7  of 25

In Mexico, it takes 3 days to produce a bulldozer and 12 days to produce an airplane. In Brazil, it takes 2 days to produce a bulldozer and 10 days to produce an airplane. The opportunity cost of producing an airplane is lower in ________.

a)      Mexico

b)      Brazil

c)      neither; it is the same in both countries

d)      either; it depends upon the elasticity of demand for airplanes

8  of 25

A drought hits the Midwest and wipes out part of the wheat crop, shifting the supply curve in. If demand for wheat is inelastic, what do you expect to happen to the total revenue of wheat farmers as a whole?

a)      Total revenue will decrease.

b)      Total revenue will equal zero.

c)      Total revenue will increase.

d)      Total revenue will stay the same.

9  of 25

Which of the following might influence a person’s marginal utility and thus their choices?

a)      product information they read

b)      addictive tendencies

c)      advertising

d)      all of the above

10  of 25

Economists often use “marginal analysis” in making decisions. Marginal refers to _________.

a)      a shift in a curve

b)      an incremental change

c)      a movement along a curve

d)      the total amount

11  of 25

The rule of utility maximization states, “To maximize utility, a consumer adjusts spending until _________.”

a)      the total utility from the last dollar spent on each good is the same

b)      the marginal utility from the last dollar spent on each good is the same

c)      the total utility from each good is the same

d)      the marginal utility from the last unit of each good is the same

12  of 25

Jan is in equilibrium if she ___________.

a)      has equal total utility from all goods

b)      follows the rule of utility maximization

c)      has purchased an equal quantity of all goods

d)      has not exhausted her budget constraint

13  of 25

Kaiden buys chocolate and donuts, which are both normal goods. When the price of chocolate rises, the substitution effect tells Kaiden to buy ____________.

a)      more chocolate and less donuts

b)      less chocolate and less donuts

c)      less chocolate and more donuts

d)      more chocolate and more donuts

14  of 25

The following is Clyde’s monthly schedule of how many mini hamburgers he eats, depending upon the price of the hamburger.

Quantity Purchased / Consumed  Price      Total Utility

5             $5           10 utils

10           $4           20 utils

20           $3           30 utils

35           $2           35 utils

55           $1           35 utils

Clyde reaches the satiation point if ______.

a)      he consumes 10 hamburgers during the month

b)      he consumes 20 hamburgers during the month

c)      he consumes 35 hamburgers during the month

d)      he consumes 55 hamburgers during the month

15  of 25

The following is Clyde’s monthly schedule of how many mini hamburgers he eats, depending upon the price of the hamburger.Quantity Purchased / Consumed  Price      Total Utility5             $5           10 utils10           $4           20 utils20           $3           30 utils35           $2           35 utils55           $1           35 utils

The price of hamburgers is $3 this month. His marginal utility for the 20th hamburger is ______.

a)      1 util

b)      2 utils

c)      10 utils

d)      15 utils

16  of 25

The following is Clyde’s monthly schedule of how many mini hamburgers he eats, depending upon the price of the hamburger.Quantity Purchased / Consumed  Price      Total Utility5             $5           10 utils10           $4           20 utils20           $3           30 utils35           $2           35 utils55           $1           35 utils

The price of hamburgers is $5 this month. The total revenue the hamburger seller receives from Clyde this month is ______.

a)      $5

b)      $10

c)      $25

d)      $50

17  of 25

The following is Clyde’s monthly schedule of how many mini hamburgers he eats, depending upon the price of the hamburger.Quantity Purchased / Consumed  Price      Total Utility5             $5           10 utils10           $4           20 utils20           $3           30 utils35           $2           35 utils55           $1           35 utils

The price of hamburgers decreases from $3 to $2 during the next month. This represents an elasticity of demand that is between ______.

a)      0 and 1 (inelastic)

b)      1 and 2 (elastic)

c)      2 and 3 (elastic)

d)      3 and 4 (elastic)

18  of 25

Farmer Karla goes to the farmers market to sell her 100 bundles of carrots. While at the farmers market, Karlas supply of carrots can be best described as ______.

a)      perfectly inelastic

b)      elastic

c)      perfectly elastic

d)      The answer depends upon the price of carrots.

19  of 25

When Coke is on sale at Safeways grocery store, sales of Pepsi drop (and vice versa). This is because the two goods have a cross elasticity of demand that is ____________.

a)      less than one

b)      greather than one

c)      positive

d)      negative

20  of 25

If the price of an inferior good decreases, ____________.

a)      the substitution effect would lead the consumer to buy more of the good

b)      the substitution effect would lead the consumer to buy less of the good

c)      the income effect would lead the consumer to buy more of the good

d)      it depends; any of the above may or may not occur

21  of 25

You are at a restaurant. You can purchase steak for $35, fish for $30, a hamburger for $15, and a pasta dish for $7.50. You would obtain 25 utils from the steak, 30 utils from the fish, 20 utils from the hamburger, and 15 utils from the pasta dish. What is your best choice to get the most for your money?

a)      steak

b)      fish

c)      hamburger

d)      pasta dish

22  of 25

Companies sometimes use designers or celebrities to endorse their product through advertising or by putting their names on the product. Companies do this because they hope that these actions will _________.

a)      increase the marginal utility consumers receive when buying the product

b)      decrease the price elasticity

c)      increase profit

d)      all of the above

23  of 25

Ceteris paribus, which of the following will result in demand for a good having a higher price elasticity of demand?

a)      The time period under consideration is very short.

b)      The good is a large part of your budget.

c)      The good does not have many substitutes.

d)      All of the above would all result in higher price elasticity of demand.

24  of 25

The total utility for water is higher than the total utility for diamonds. You can explain the diamond-water paradox (that diamonds are expensive but not necessary for survival / not as useful, while water is inexpensive yet necessary for survival / very useful) because _______.

a)      prices do not have any relationship with utility

b)      the marginal utilities of diamonds and water must be equal

c)      the marginal utility of diamonds is lower than that of water because diamonds are scarce

d)      the marginal utility of water is lower than that of diamonds because water is more abundant

25  of 25

Bad choices, such as shopping, drinking, or gambling to excess, ______.

a)      show that the utility maximization model is not applicable to the behavior of addicts

b)      show that utility only matters after a good is consumed, not before

c)      cannot be replaced by good choices in the future

d)      show that the perceptions of the utility provided by consumption can be incorrect

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