Due the coming Monday

Provide a summary and response to “Just Walk on By” (see handout “Reading Responses” for more details)

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-Read “Just Walk on By” (354) MLA format



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Hong 122

Reading Responses

Demonstrating reading comprehension, along with discussing pertinent ideas found within the reading, are essential skills in the college classroom. You will be expected to submit reading responses on almost all the readings we do for class.

For each RR assignment, provide a clear summary of the author’s main points. Please be as specific as possible with your use of verbs here—does the author argue, discuss, explore, demand, question the topic at hand? Since summaries are short, you need to make sure that every sentence of your summary does something useful (beware the filler sentences—I’m familiar with them!) If there is more than one reading assigned for class, choose one to respond to—you do not need to do both.

After a brief summary, please provide a short response to the main points of the reading. If you’d like, you can use these starter stems:

· What struck me most about the reading was…

· The question I’d most like to ask the author is…

· The idea I most take issue with is…

· The most crucial point in the reading was…

· The part of the text I found most confusing was…

How to submit your work:

· Submit your reading response assignments (RRs) through WebCT email, and title your email with the following subject heading: Reading Response Number and name.

· Ex) RR1_BradPitt

· Submit your reading response in the body of the email, and ALSO as a Word attachment.

· Timely and thoughtful reading response submissions will count for 50 points of your final grade

Grading Criteria

5 = Exceeds expectations. The summary and response clearly show that the student read the reading carefully, and thought critically about the topic at hand. Contains negligible grammatical errors.

4 = Meets expectations. The summary and response show that the student read the reading, but may only have partially understood its main points. Contains some grammatical errors.

3 = Issues with grammar & punctuation. The summary and response show that the student comprehended the reading, but the response contains major grammatical errors.

1 = Does not meet expectations. The summary and response show that the student did not comprehend the reading. Contains major grammatical errors.

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