draw using archimate

draw using archimate the business, application, and technology layer of Joi Gifts company (its a delivery company that delivers flowers and other gifts) and then identify the aspects of each layer (passive, active, behaviour). and finally write the components of each layer

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attached below is my report that could help you in drawing the archimate

In this project we are going to design and implement an enterprise architecture solution for joi
gifts. They were founded on the notion that by giving one gift at a time, they can make the world
a happier place. They set out to build a platform that provides a variety of presents that are ideal
for those special occasions when you need to show someone you care. They employ the art of
gifting to create special events for you and the people you care about the most with fresh flower
arrangements, delectable chocolates and cakes, gourmet gift baskets, exquisite jewelry,
personalized gifts, and more. joi gifts needs to have a better exchange and return process as well
as better customer service.
The primary objective of our project is to implement all we have learned about through studying
the enterprise architecture design and analysis, EA framework, and TOGAF.
About the company:
The idea behind Joi was based on the belief that, one present at a time, we might bring happiness
to the world. Their goal was to develop a platform that would provide a selection of presents that
are ideal for those special occasions when you want to express your concern to someone. They
employ the art of gifting to create unforgettable moments for you and the people you care about
the most. Their offerings include beautiful jewelry, gourmet gift baskets, delectable chocolates
and cakes, fresh flower arrangements, personalized gifts, and more. With their unique
hand-delivery service, which involves elegantly attired Agents of joi, they create “joi moments”
and make sure your gift makes the impression it deserves.
Mission statement:
Make our region happier one gift at a time.
Vision statement:
To be the best online gifting company in the world.
Organizational structure:
Organizational process architecture:
The organizational process architecture of Joi Gifts is divided into three primary sections. The
management process comes first and comprises the strategy that enables planning and
decision-making. Goals are set by Joi Gifts, along with the company’s direction and the plan of
action to reach these objectives. It also requires them to make sure they spend their resources
wisely and effectively, which is a top goal for financial planning. The second is the fundamental
procedures, which start with marketing to advertise and brand Joi Gifts in addition to promoting
their goods and services. Second, this section withholds all intellectual property, contracts, and
any potential legal problems. Thirdly, customer care focuses on offering aid and support to
customers. Fourthly, operations, which includes production, supply chain management, logistics,
and quality control, enables daily tasks that keep Joi operating efficiently. Fifth, product
development is in charge of enhancing and producing goods and services by conducting the
necessary design, invention, testing, and research and development. Finally, managing
relationships with all other businesses—including suppliers and distributors—is a crucial aspect
of partnerships. The last process consists of human resources support procedures, which mostly
handle rehire, training, performance reviews, benefits, and other employee-related tasks. Second,
accounting, budgeting, financial analysis, and resource management for the business are under
the purview of finance. Lastly, administrative services include record keeping, office
administration, and other assistance needed to keep joi operating smoothly.
An organization’s many roles and operations can be thought of and managed in an organized
manner with the help of the Joi Gits Process Architecture. It acknowledges the mutual reliance of
these procedures and their necessity for cooperation in order to meet the aims and objectives of
the business. It is easier to allocate resources, establish priorities, and make sure the organization
runs smoothly when procedures are divided into these three major divisions. A business can
increase overall performance and streamline processes with the use of this strategy.
SWOT analysis:
1. User-friendly interface: Users can easily
1. Service expansion into new markets: Joi
access and use the Joi program with ease
has the chance to broaden its clientele and
thanks to its user-friendly interface.
revenue potential by offering its services in
other markets.
2. Large assortment of products: Joi gives
customers a vast range of options to pick
2. Collaborations with nearby companies: By
from, including flowers, presents, and
working together with nearby companies, Joi
personalized things.
can provide distinctive, locally relevant
products and draw in more clients.
3. handy delivery options: To help customers
send flowers or gifts on time, the application
3. Integration with other platforms: Joi’s
offers handy delivery alternatives like
visibility and audience reach can be increased
scheduled delivery and same-day delivery.
by integrating with well-known social media
or e-commerce platforms.
1. Limited geographic reach: The fact that
1. Intense competition: There are several
Floward’s services are now only available in a
well-established competitors in the online
few areas may limit the number of potential
gifting and flower delivery business. To stay
on top, Joi must set itself apart.
2. Limited language support: Users who do
2. Economic downturn: Joi’s sales and
not speak English may find the application
revenue might be impacted by consumer
difficult to use due to its possible lack of
spending on upscale goods like flowers and
language support.
presents during economic downturns.
3. Dependency on outside suppliers: Joi
3. Technological developments: In order to be
sources and delivers its products from outside
competitive, Joi may need to regularly update
vendors, which could result in inconsistent
its platform and keep up with the newest
product quality and delivery experiences.
trends due to the rapid evolution of
Overall problem:
In this project, we will examine one of the biggest issues that Joi Gifts deals with, especially
around the holidays; two of the most crucial things that every business must ensure are customer
service and exchange and return policies. Unfortunately, Joi Gifts does not have the ideal setup.
Our main objective is to modify these procedures so that customers may use our website more
easily and comfortably without switching to one of our rivals, such as Floward or Bloss. By
employing state-of-the-art technology, expedited processes, and improved tracking methods, we
hope to mitigate this worry and improve the overall customer experience, establishing Joi Gifts
as the pioneer in the Saudi Arabian gift-giving market.
Scope and purpose of analysis:
When analyzing Joi Gifts, several facets of the company are taken into consideration. The
analysis covers the enterprise architecture, business processes, technology infrastructure, and
user experience, with the objective of ensuring that the enterprise architecture is efficient and
aligned with the company’s strategic goals. The workflows and operations, such as order
processing, inventory management, and returns and exchanges, are also reviewed. In addition,
the analysis evaluates the technology infrastructure’s reliability and scalability in supporting the
company’s growth and changing technological needs. Lastly, the user experience analysis
concentrates on the customers’ interactions with Joi Gifts’ online platforms, with the goal of
improving their user-friendliness and aesthetic appeal.The main goals are to improve customer
service, streamline business operations, and align IT systems with the company’s objectives.
These will help Joi Gifts position themselves as the best online gifting company in the world
while spreading happiness. The analysis is a strategic action that will allow them to make a more
efficient and friendly organization. Ultimately allowing them to provide a great experience for
their customers and become leaders in the industry.
Literature review:
Case study 1: A global retail chain
A multinational retail company featuring a sophisticated supply chain, thousands of physical
locations, and a substantial web presence.
Problem Statement: The retail chain must harmonize its digital and physical retail experiences,
among other issues like disjointed IT systems and inefficient supply chain management. The
needs for improved client experiences, simpler supply chain management, and increased
operational efficiency are at the center of their issue description.
How will EA improve their work?
1. Efficiency and Integration: The retail chain uses a variety of IT solutions, from inventory
management software to e-commerce platforms and point-of-sale (POS) systems in
physical locations. Inefficiencies in data exchange, reporting, and customer experience
result from this fragmentation. The company will be able to discover redundancies, build
a system integration plan, and get a comprehensive picture of their IT environment thanks
to enterprise architecture. They can increase data flow, optimize processes, and boost the
general effectiveness of their IT infrastructure by doing this.
2. Supply Chain Optimization: The retail chain faces challenges in managing a complicated
supply chain that includes multiple suppliers and delivery sites. They frequently deal with
problems like delays, inefficiency, and inaccurate inventory. A comprehensive
understanding of operations and data flows can be obtained by modeling the complete
supply chain using enterprise architecture. Through supply chain process optimization,
they may save expenses, cut down on stockouts, and speed up deliveries.
3. Strategic Alignment: The chain of stores wants to grow into new areas and create
cutting-edge digital services. They have trouble, nevertheless, matching these strategic
objectives with their IT expenditures. The company will be able to establish clear
strategies and roadmaps that connect IT projects with business goals with the aid of
enterprise architecture. By ensuring that their technological investments complement
their strategies for growth and innovation, they will eventually increase their chances of
long-term success.
4. Regulatory Compliance: A number of laws pertaining to consumer protection and data
privacy apply to the retail sector. The reputation of the brand may suffer and fines may be
incurred for noncompliance. To guarantee that the retail chain complies with these rules
and safeguards both its customers and its brand, enterprise architecture may help create
governance structures and security frameworks.
To sum up, the implementation of Enterprise Architecture will allow the multinational retailer to
handle their intricate IT issues, improve the smoothness and effectiveness of their customers’
shopping experiences, streamline their supply chain, connect IT to their business goals, and
guarantee compliance with regulations. In a retail environment that is changing quickly, this
all-encompassing strategy will enhance their entire job and make them more competitive and
Case study 2: Government Agency
A national government organization in charge of offering social services including
unemployment insurance, healthcare, and education.
Problem Statement: The government organization must overcome a number of obstacles,
including disjointed information systems, ineffective service delivery, and a deficiency of
departmental data interoperability. Their problem statement focuses on the necessity of better
data security, better resource allocation, and improved citizen services.
How enterprise architecture will improve their work?
1. Integrated Citizen Services: In order to receive the assistance they require, individuals
frequently have to deal with several departments within the agency due to its frequently
fragmented service offering. They will be able to develop an integrated platform with
enterprise architecture, giving residents a single point of access to services, benefits
applications, and request tracking. By doing so, the citizen experience is streamlined,
bureaucracy is decreased, and service delivery is enhanced.
2. Resource Allocation: The government organization faces difficulties with less-than-ideal
resource allocation, which results in inefficiencies and overspending. Programs inside the
agency and their resource needs can be modeled using enterprise architecture. The
agency may allocate funds more wisely and ensure that the monies are going to the areas
with the most need and impact by evaluating this data.
3. Security and Privacy: The organization is in charge of managing private citizen
information. It is essential to guarantee data security and adherence to privacy laws. To
safeguard citizen data, enterprise architecture can assist in defining security frameworks
and access controls. In order to comply with regulatory standards and lower the risk of
data breaches and privacy violations, it can also help build compliance systems.
4. Service Innovation: The organization wants to provide higher-quality services and launch
creative initiatives to deal with new social issues. IT investments will be more in line
with the agency’s strategic objectives thanks to enterprise architecture. It can help with
the creation of a technological roadmap that encourages the introduction of new services,
such telehealth services for online medical consultations or e-learning platforms for
remote learning.
In a nutshell the government agency will be able to innovate in service delivery, enhance data
sharing and security, simplify citizen services, and allocate resources more effectively through
the use of enterprise architecture. In the end, this will improve the agency’s entire work of
serving the public by improving citizen support, increasing the efficiency of government
operations, and improving compliance with regulatory standards.

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