DQ 3-2


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Why is it important to disseminate not only research findings, but also evidence-based practice project findings?

DQ 3-2 Responses


According to the article, Disseminating research results-the challenge of bridging the gap between health research and health action, dissemination is define as a communication of innovation, it is planned and systematic process or unplanned diffusion process (Crosswaite & Curtice, 1994). An important aspect of disseminating is communication, due to career structures and technical barriers communication lacks. For effective communication users and researchers need to share new information with a wider population and also with the general public. Effective dissemination needs an active and systematic approach, just like evidence-based practice. The directed research needs to be from a bigger audience.

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Catriona Corsswaite & Lisa Curtice. (1994) Disseminating research results-the challenge of bridging the gap between health research and health action, Health Promotion International. Retrieved from;



It is important to disseminate research findings as that will be the hard data that will eventually support the practical application and subsequent EBP’s. A


study conducted by Walsh, 2010 looked at “research evidence dissemination and use in practice. It explored the effective dissemination and use of evidence in the daily clinical practice of community nursing”.  The way that research is transferred into evidence based practice indicates effective interpretation of the data and successfully converting it to program implementation. The use of good research is tantamount to good patient safety and EBP’s.


Walsh, N. (2010). Dissemination of evidence into practice: opportunities and threats: Evidence-based practice is considered central to improving health care in the community. Nicki Walsh reports on research into the perceived barriers that may impede its effective implementation in practice.  Primary Health Care , (3), 26.


Dissemination is important to evidence-based practice project findings because providing information from different areas and variation of evidence-based findings will provide and support the research.  Information supported by credibility will help prove to the reader the validity of information the writer is trying to provide.  “Clear communication and active dissemination of findings from research reports to all audiences in easy-to-understand formats are critical to increasing awareness, consideration, adoption and use of evidence” (McCormack, Sheridan, & Lewis, 2013).  With credible information and a wide variety of information provided, will help others utilize that research for other information to help support and back up what they will try to prove.  A proven research with many disseminated information, is the way to go if the researcher wants the credibility.


McCormack L., Sheridan S., & Lewis M. (2013). Communication and Dissemination Strategies to Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.  Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK179090/

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