DQ 1-1


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There are so many ways to find information. Technology has opened the doors such that one can read another’s dissertation from across the globe. There are experts who disagree with each other and yet have evidence to back up their arguments. How can a clinical practitioner distinguish between good research and bad research?

DQ 1 reponses

1. In research, observations and experimental studies involves gathering data and testing more than one hypothesis. When in search of valid and quality test results it can be tricky to find the most accurate test. As clinical practitioners face the issue of what is a good research and bad research. A good research is define as a well-designed experiment, where adequate controls lead to solid interpretations (Dr. M., 2015). In contrast,bad research is a poorly designed experience that lacks adequate controls and invalid results. Results from a bad research are not repeatable and future basis have a defective base line (Dr. M.,2015). To determine a good search vs. a bad search, practitioners use their best critical judgment and not what they believe is good. Objectively, research should be carefully evaluated and peer reviews canbe utilize since scientist are the experts.


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 Dr. M. (Feb, 2015).What is good versus bad research? How is this determined? Science, Research, and Scientist. Retrieved from; 


2. A research is a methodical manner of gathering, studying, and translating information to spread the understanding of a sensation that is interesting or being concerned about (Leedy & Ormrod, 2015).  A research starts with an unanswered question or a problem that a “good research” would be able to give the answer to the problem.  A “bad research” would be a work that did not solve the problem and provided no information that is learned from.  “If advertising researchers are to have a credible voice in public policy formulation, then it is necessary to agree upon a set of research standards and apply these standards to all research” (Martin, 1994).  This should be how a clinical practitioner distinguishes between a good research and bad research. 

Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2015). Practical research: Planning and design (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. ISBN-13: 9780133741322

 Martin, C. J. (1994). Pollay’s pertinent and impertinent opinions: ‘good’ versus ‘bad’ research. Journal of Advertising, (1). 117.  Retrieved from



 I would like to comment on the ways that information management has changed since I was in college early in life. I’m 50 so do the math. There was a time of microfiche, dewey decimal system, living in the stacks of journals, books and other reference materiels. This was laborious and extremely time consuming and school was a difficult undertaking to obtain the research needed. The environment was great to go studyi in, yet if it was not at this library, you had to pack up and head to the other side of campus to go to the graduate library. The point is, there are so many more time management tools that we have today that streamline the research process, we can be more comprehensive in our research and compilation of data. “Nusing is the largest healthcare disciplin in the worlld and is central to every healthcare system worldwide. This centality provides a unique opportunity and the express responsibility for the creation of new knowledge through research in reconstructing global healthcare in the 21st century” (Schulz, 2004). That being said, we as clinicians must make it our responsibility to ensure the research we see clinically adheres to the scientific method and follows accepted standard in research design. Good research is that which ultimately benefit our patients, subject, or employees. Studies typically are not valid without randomization, double blind designs, etc. I work with University of Colorado Sports Medicine and Orthopedic physicians and they are always studying one thing or

another so I see these studies in progress constantly. From technique, to stem cell generated therapies, these ultimately are in the considered benefit of the patient.

Schultz, A. (2004). Role of research in reconstructing global healthcare for the 21st century.  Nursing Administration Quarterly,  28 (2), 133-143.

4. Research is not simply gathering information or regurgitating works from others. Rather, it is a systematic process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information to answer a question (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016, p 2). Good research has a clearly stated hypothesis, is valid and reliable, and has a good to large sample size. Good research is purposeful and meaningful with good content, data is clearly sourced and referenced, and the context is clear (Levine, 2012). Good research is also peer reviewed and is beneficial to its audience. Good research also discloses information such as conflict of interest. Bad research has limitations to its data, does not provide references to original research or work, and has misleading titles or abstracts. Clinical research that involves human or animal test subjects should be ethical and overseen by an international review board.


Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2016). Practical research: Planning and design (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Levine, D. (2012). How do you know if a research study is any good? Retrieved from https://www.elsevier.com/connect/how-do-you-know-if-a-research-study-is-any-good.

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