Discussion Two

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Due to the significant impact of culture in the business environment, conduct a cultural analysis of your project country. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements: Values and Communication and Business Etiquette.

· Discuss

Hofstede’s dimensions of culture

that influence business in your project country.

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· Use

The World Factbook


Commisceo Global Culture Guides

to expand this further by identifying specific elements of communication, both verbal and non-verbal.

· Finally, using Commisceo Global Culture Guides, identify five rules of business etiquette that would directly influence business interactions.

What risks or opportunities can you identify from this analysis of culture? Consider areas of management that can be adjusted when considering cultural drivers.

INT 113 Module Two Discussion Sample: Cultural Analysis 

Follow the format of this post to complete your own analysis. You will use some of the same resources cited in the bibliography, so please follow the same format. 

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture: Turkey (Hofstede, 2015) 

Power Distance: Score of 66 

 Dependent  Hierarchical  Unapproachable managers  Patriarchal  Formal communication with management 

Individualism: Score of 37 

 Strong collectivistic society  Influential group mindset  Indirect communication, need for harmony  Moral foundation to relationships  Strong influence of nepotism 

Masculinity: Score of 45 

 More feminine cultural style  Consensus in the group  Sympathetic  Avoidance of conflict  Desire for leisure time Uncertainty Avoidance: Score of 85  Strong desire for laws and rules  Ritualistic  Religious Long-Term Orientation: Score of 46 

 Middle of the scale, nothing inferred 

Communication (Turkey – Turkish Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette, 2016) 

Language: Turkish (90%), Kurdish (6%), Arabic (1.2%) 

Nonverbal: Shaking hands and kissing on both cheeks, standing to greet those senior to you, crossing arms while talking is impolite, staring is typical 

Business Etiquette (“Turkey – Turkish Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette,” 2016) 

· Appointments are necessary

· Punctuality is expected—likely to be left waiting 

· Small talk is important for relationship building 

· Personal space is not recognized—standing very close is typical 

· Eye contact while speaking stands for sincerity 

Business Observations: Communication risks might exist between Turkey and countries that are more direct in communication, especially early in a business relationship. Due to the hierarchical structure in business, management should expect a high level of respect to be shown. Communication will be more indirect between management and subordinates. Considerations for religious beliefs and rituals will be important in the workplace. Training on conflict management in the Turkish culture might be useful. A manager should outline the best approach to conflict management with the use of indirect communication. 


Hofstede, G. (2015). Turkey – Geert Hofstede. Geert-hofstede.com. Retrieved from http://geerthofstede.com/turkey.html 

Turkey – Turkish language, culture, customs and etiquette. (2016). Commisceo-Global. Retrieved from http://www.commisceo-global.com/country-guides/turkey-guide


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