Read: Keller & Alsdorf: Chapters 11 — 12
Chapter 17: The Management and Control of Quality
Chapter 18: Strategic Performance Measurement: Cost Centers, Profit Centers, and the Balanced Scorecard
Chapter 19: Strategic Performance Measurement: Investment Centers and Transfer Pricing
Chapter 20: Management Compensation, Business Analysis, and Business Valuation
Watch: The Difference Between Metrics, KPIs and Key Results
At the beginning of this course, students were to individually determine what was known about the course concepts prior to delving into the literature and materials. Now at the conclusion of the course, reflect upon all that has been learned. For this discussion, first person is allowed, describe (1) what you have learned about the strategic allocation of resources, (2) did you gain what you had hoped to from this course (why or why not), (3) and anything else that you feel is important as it relates to the importance of this concept to the broader areas of business.
Discussion, the initial thread must be500 words minimum. Submit replies of at least 250 words each to at least 3 other students. Each reply may be in first person, and does not need to have scholarly support since this is a discussion. Your replies must be in current APA format in terms of grammar and punctuation, as well as proper citations if resources are used. If resources are used, your replies must include a reference list. Make sure you are adding to the discussion with each reply. The original post and the replies are meant to simulate classroom discussions.
*Note: Doing the minimum does not guarantee full credit, but rather ensures the minimum score
within that category will be met. Discussions are meant to be engaging and simulate classroom
discussions. Therefore, class members are encouraged to add value to the discussions by going
above and beyond the minimum requirements.