Discussion post …. due 1/24/18 by noon


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Chapter 5 explores the various neurodevelopmental disorders, along with their causes and treatments. One disorder that underwent the most changes with the publication of the DSM-5 is autism spectrum disorder.

After reading Chapter 5 and the section on autism from the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition)

(DSM-5) consider the American Psychiatric Association’s decision to collapse all of the pervasive developmental disorders (including autism and Asperger’s syndrome) under the larger umbrella of “autism spectrum disorder” in the DSM-5.

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In your initial post, address the following:

· What are your thoughts on the DSM-5 changes regarding the pervasive developmental disorders? More specifically, do you agree or disagree with the reclassification of Asperger’s syndrome as level 1, high-functioning autism? Why/why not?

· When it comes to autism, there are many myths. Answer one of the following questions and, in addition, cite from the Chapter 5 reading as well as the DSM-5 to support your responses:

o Do you believe that autism is caused by early childhood vaccinations?

o Do you believe that those diagnosed with autism have special talents and abilities?

o Do you believe that those diagnosed with autism have a lowered IQ or that they experience an intellectual disability?

In your peer responses, engage with at least two individuals who chose different myths than you so you can obtain a broader understanding of this topic. Identify gaps in their reasoning and offer insight into areas they may not have considered.


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