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The theory of cultural marginality corresponds with caring in the human health experience by encouraging nurses to critically examine their own cultural biases and privileges, and by understanding the marginalizing experiences of cultural minority groups (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021).The lack of mutual understanding between health care providers and immigrants has increased as more people start to migrate to the United States, an article from 1996 stated that almost 1 in 10 people living in the United States was a foreign-born immigrant and the number of foreign-born in the population exceeded 25 million (H;, 2001), now imagine how that number double or maybe tripled by 2024. Cultural marginality is defined as “situations and feelings of passive betweenness when people exist between two different cultures and do not yet perceive themselves as centrally belonging to either one” (H; 2001).

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Cultural marginality can be seen in cities and in a state with a great migration rate such as Florida, working as a nurse in Miami and now in North Florida I can understand and relate to the patients and their needs to find and identify themselves with a culture. Often migrants tend to embrace the American culture but also keep close their own heritage and culture, thus creating a new mixed culture of both nationalities. Since 1960, Florida’s population has increased 248% to 19,057,542 in 2011, making it the fourth largest state in the nation (Hill, 2014) although this vital statistic is from past years one can see the increase in migration to the state of Florida.

Years ago, I worked in a dialysis unit that was the closest unit to the Everglades, and I had a many Native Americans although they are the first Americans their culture is very different from the American culture we see now. He was Miccosukee and I had to learn how to interact with them and learn their culture and costumes. At first it was challenging because they see the white man as a threat, I can say I blame them nevertheless I got to know him and his family during the hours he was on treatment, once I showed interest to learn his culture new doors opened, his friends and family were now wanting to treat at our clinic. Their culture is so fascinating and interesting that once I asked to learn more the better, he felt with me caring for him, his wife was Seminole, and both explained to me that although the same tribe they have different names because Miccosukee separated and reminded in the Everglades where he lived in the reservation. I learned about his culture through his stories, and he taught me beliefs as well as I educated myself through research. My patient was very misunderstood by many of the staff there because of his culture, beliefs and traditions. By educating myself and by showing respect to his culture I was able to provide positive care and achieve trust and provide a safe place to treat three times a week. As nurses we must look beyond our beliefs and our culture and immerse our self to live a different culture in order to help our patients succeed in order to provide positive outcomes for everyone.


Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC nursing, 20(1), 1–10.

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H; C. (2001, July 24). Cultural marginality: A concept analysis with implications for immigrant adolescents. Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing.


Smith, Mary J., & Liehr, P. R. (2013a). Middle range theory for nursing Mary J. Smith; Patricia R. Liehr (ed.). Springer Publ.

Hill, J. R. (2014). Cultural indicators report – Florida family policy council. STATE OF FLORIDA Cultural Indicators. https://flfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/FFPC-Cultural-Indicators-Report

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