Discussion Board Replies/Literature Review Annotated Bibliography/Business

1. (Original Content Only) (400 words per reply) (APA citation) (In-text citations)

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Chapter 7: Mass customization of products has become a common approach in manufacturing organizations. Explain the ways in which mass customization can be applied to service firms as well.

Mass customization is vastly used in manufacturing organizations. According to Daft (2016) mass customization refers to “using mass-production technology to quickly and cost-effectively assemble goods that are uniquely designed to fit the demands of individual customers” (p.271). This type of large-scale customization can also be applied to service firm organizations with the help of technology. An example of this being an individual looking to purchase a home may work with a realtor inquiring about their services to successfully find the desired property. This is a service exchange. But the realtor will show homes to the buyer based on their specific qualifications for the property. The realtor can do this by using customization features on their website search to satisfy the consumer.

Chapter 7: A top executive claimed that superior management is a craft technology because the work contains intangibles (such as handling personnel, interpreting the environment, and coping with unusual situations that have to be learned through experience). If this is true, is it appropriate to teach management in a business school? Does teaching management from a textbook assume that the manager’s job is analyzable and, therefore, that formal training rather than experience is most important?

It is appropriate to teach management in business schools. Organizations need employees who can interpret the environment, cope with unusual situations, and lead a group of individuals well through chaotic transitions. While an executive employer may claim that management is a craft technology that is learned though time and experience, this executive cannot guarantee that all managers hired into leadership roles will come with an extensive resume of service. Therefore, students should be educated how to lead well in case they are positioned in a manager role earlier in their career. I do not believe that teaching management from a textbook assumes that a manager’s job is analyzable able to be taught through formal training alone. Personally, I believe superior management is a mix of formal education and past experience. Management taught to students can be used in a variety of beneficial functions and therefore remains important.

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Chapter 8: Do you believe that technology will eventually enable high-level managers to do their job with little face-to-face communication?

A study published analyzed the rates and outcomes of individuals working remotely. According to Silver (2023) in 2021 a staggering 17.9% of all employees in the United States work or have the ability to work remotely from home. This is a vast increase from the 2000’s census where only 3.2% of Americans worked from where they lived. Therefore, based on these statistics I do predict that technology will eventually enable high-level managers to do their job with minimal face-to-face communication. All that being said, personally I believe good managers are at the front lines of their team’s work. There is a lot to be learned from experiencing what your employees experience that can only happen in person. Additionally, an issue of concern with 100% working from home managers is their ability to build rapport and trust with employees from a virtual screen.

Chapter 9: Look through several recent issues of a business magazine (Fortune, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, etc.) and find examples of 2 companies that are using approaches to busting bureaucracy. Explain the techniques that these companies are applying.

We are seeing a change in the way organizations involve bureaucracy into their management decisions. As outlined by Daft (2016), “bureaucratic control is the use of rules, policies, hierarchy of authority, written documentation, standardization, and other bureaucratic mechanisms to standardize behavior and assess performance” (p.363). According to Hamel and Zanini (2018) in Harvard Business Law JP Morgan CEO describes bureaucracy as a disease that kills creativity. In this business, the company is working to limit internal meetings. Always staying self-critical and attempting to rethink standard processes. Another organization that is working to eliminate bureaucracy is Airbnb with the help of their VP of engineering, Mike Curtis. According to an article from The Review (2023), the company can do this through being more selective on the types of employees they hire. Analyzing skills of trustworthiness, how they react to uncomfortable situations/questions, and establishing that imperfections are an asset not a liability. Furthermore, in the interview Curtis details that the organization works to abandon policies and in turn adapt new principals. An example provided being in old policy’s, engineers cannot create a new backend service without the approval of managers. In the new principle, engineers can develop backend services with the assistance of a group of senior technical leaders.

Chapter 9: Do you believe that a no growth philosophy of management should be taught in business schools?

Yes, I believe the no growth philosophy of management should be taught in business schools. The reasoning for this recommendation is to better equip students to understand the different possibilities of lifecycles a business may have included the possibility of downturns in the economy. Students need to understand how to overcome and succeed in a chaotic environment that offers may twists and turns.

How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?

A biblical worldview should be applied to this week’s discussion post in relation to the role of managers in an organizational system. Proverbs 26:20 states “where there is no wood the fire goes out; And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases” (NIV). This verses details that our actions produce results. A good managers can keep the fire of their company going by adding encouragement and direction such as the wood is described in this verse. But in the same way the manager can destroy the organization by not properly offering management that is needed. An additional verse that can be used to combine in this week’s reading is Psalm 54:4 which states “Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul” (NIV). This verse serves as a constant reminded that as Christians, we must look to God to help lead us and guide us in our career decisions.


Daft, R. L. (2016). Organization theory & design (12th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Hamel, G. & Zanini, M. (2018). The end of bureaucracy. Harvard Business Review.


New International Version. (2001). YouVersion.


Silver H. (2023). Working from Home: Before and After the Pandemic. Contexts (Berkeley, Calif.), 22(1), 66–70.


The Review. (2023). Bureaucracy isn’t inevitable – Heres how Airbnb beat it.


2. (Original Content Only) (400 words per reply) (APA citation) (In-text citations)

Chapter 7: Mass customization of products has become a common approach in manufacturing organizations. Explain the ways in which mass customization can be applied to service firms as well.

Mass customization refers to the use of standardization and economies of scale to meet consumer needs while maintaining an optimal production level at a reasonably low cost. Mass customization is applicable in the service industry through modular services, the use of technology, and the personalization of services (Daft, 2021). Modular services allow clients to choose and combine various services depending on their needs. For instance, in a logistics company, a client may choose IT, consulting, and transportation services based on their situation. Technology, such as data analytics, may be used for mass customization to understand the behavior of consumers and tailor services to specific demographics. Digital platforms are popular with mass customization in service firms. Service firms provide personalized services depending on the client’s needs, for example, personalized decoration packages or amenities in hotels based on the client’s preferences.

Pallant et al. (2020) asserted that service firms can deconstruct their offerings to enable clients to co-configure their ideal service level to match preferences. For instance, airlines may offer “seat-only” (i.e., without luggage) and entertainment to consumers flying the economy class. Further, they may offer deconstructed services, such as tax-free sales, catering, and security. Therefore, the service firm provides personalized experiences using technology to customize the services while maintaining the efficiency of standardization. It also prioritizes staff training to improve how diverse requests are handled while providing quality consistently.

Chapter 7: A top executive claimed that superior management is a craft technology because the work contains intangibles (such as handling personnel, interpreting the environment, and coping with unusual situations that have to be learned through experience). If this is true, is it appropriate to teach management in a business school? Does teaching management from a textbook assume that the manager’s job is analyzable and, therefore, that formal training rather than experience is most important?

While it could be true that superior management is a craft technology that requires learning through experience, people gain knowledge through different techniques among them pedagogy. Quain et al. (2018) explained that teaching the management discipline might involve a combination of the experiences of different top-level managers and peer-reviewed articles’ research on management to help students learn about superior management. Therefore, it is appropriate to teach management in business schools. Teaching does not cover all the challenges and scenarios students might face in real-life management jobs. However, it provides the necessary foundation for managerial candidates (Daft, 2021). The learning objectives in management courses prepare students for what they might find in a job setting.

The managers’ job is analyzable because students learn a lot from management case studies. Further, management students learn about leadership, conflict resolution, and workplace skills from scripted TV shows and movies. An analysis of these movies provides valuable lessons about leadership and management, for instance, Apocalypse Now teaches students about management challenges involving leaders who detach from the company mission. However, formal training and experience complement each other, although experience could be more important. Experienced managers continue to learn from their peers through observation or journal articles and magazines. Combining theoretical knowledge of the principles of management, practical skills from simulations, internships, and case studies, as well as networking prepares a student to become a better manager. Therefore, while management entails intangibles that give it the characteristics of a craft technology, aspiring managers must gain formal training.

Chapter 8: Do you believe that technology will eventually enable high-level managers to do their jobs with little face-to-face communication?

Advances in technology and changes in human behavior have changed how high-level managers communicate. Further, globalization has provided opportunities for companies to venture into markets in other regions to grow their portfolio and bottom line (Daft, 2021). As such, managers are forced to constantly get in touch with their counterparts and subordinates in their firms’ branches across the globe. This calls for virtual communication using tools, such as Zoom, Slack, and Google Meet. Changes in technology are making it easier for high-level managers to hold remote meetings, saving companies a lot of money that could have been spent on travels for face-to-face meetings. Additionally, technology will improve instant messaging, social media communication, and collaboration to allow for real-time communication and enable high-level managers to manage tasks and projects remotely (Gupta et al., 2022).

Artificial Intelligence and automation will improve how workers handle routine tasks, thereby freeing managers of the need for face-to-face communication and supervision. As such, technology will provide further opportunities for high-level managers to concentrate more on strategic decision-making with minimal face-to-face communication (Daft, 2021). However, the effectiveness of technology as a means of communication will depend on the nature of work, organizational culture, and human behavior. Organizations that have a culture that values face-to-face communication might have problems transitioning to remote communication. Non-verbal cues, a crucial element of communication, might be lost in virtual communication.

Chapter 9: Look through several recent issues of a business magazine (Fortune, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, etc.) and find examples of 2 companies that are using approaches to busting bureaucracy. Explain the techniques that these companies are applying.

In bureaucratic organizations, the system establishes a clear distinction between thinkers and doers (Lazega, 2020). The doers are the subordinates while the thinkers are the top-level and middle-level managers. In such an organization, workers complain of long decision cycles, reduced risk-taking, and slow innovation. However, some organizations are using different approaches to bust bureaucracy to improve creativity and initiative. Lazega (2020) asserted that busting bureaucracy allows managers to get feedback directly from workers regarding what needs to change.

Nucor Corporation, the largest steel producer in the U.S., for example, uses radical decentralization to bust bureaucracy. The organization has various highly independent plants operating with 30% of the number of managers per worker as their competitors (Hamel & Zanini, 2022). Further, the company utilizes a super-lean head office comprising 100 staffers. The company empowers its frontline teams to spend up to $50,000 without managerial sign-off. Nucor’s strategy aims to empower workers at the lowest level and spur efficiency over conformity.

Haier, the Chinese appliance manufacturer, is another example of a company making efforts to bust bureaucracy using two management layers. The company divides its operations into 4,000 small entrepreneurial units that use internal contracting to coordinate with one another (Hamel & Zanini, 2022). As such, the company has succeeded in eliminating 12,000 middle manager roles. Haier sought to reduce the number of managers to bust bureaucracy.Chapter 9: Do you believe that a no-growth philosophy of management should be taught in business schools? How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?

A no-growth philosophy should be incorporated into business studies for it might provide useful information on survival in the market, especially during economic downturns. However, positive growth is the most crucial objective of any firm, a no-growth philosophy could help deal with crises. Daft (2021) argues that schools should teach the necessary techniques to help managers navigate the inevitable changes in the business environment. Teaching the no-growth philosophy might provide students with the knowledge to steer through complex environments.

Further, teaching the no-growth philosophy could increase sustainability by encouraging firms to maintain their current operations at optimal levels without expansion. Further, it might promote stability since it is not every time that businesses are thriving. As such, managers might know when to refrain from making risky decisions. The no-growth philosophy encourages quality over quantity. However, the philosophy might lead to stagnation and slowing growth while being unable to match rivals.

The key to embracing the no-growth philosophy in business involves focusing resources on the company’s robust market segments where its value proposition revolves around differentiation. This can be seen biblically to mean self-mastery to navigate the challenges that occur when the business is not growing. It entails being discreet and prudent in the deeds of the organization. In the book Romans, Apostle Paul advises believers to think soberly and with faith and not to think highly of themselves, (New International Version, 2011, Romans 12:3).  This can be translated as a challenge to organizations when going through the no-growth phase to keep the faith and remain strong in meeting customer needs.


Daft, R. L. (2021). Organization theory & design (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Gupta, M. J., Chaturvedi, S., Prasad, R., & Ananthi, N. (2022). Principles and practice of management. AG Publishing House (AGPH Books).

Hamel, G. & Zanini, M. (2022, September 16). Fixing bureaucracy requires more than a month-long sprint. Here’s why. Fast Company.

https://www.fastcompany.com/90789977/fixing-bureaucracy-requires-more-than-a-month-long-sprint-heres-whyLinks to an external site.

Lazega, E. (2020). Bureaucracy, collegiality and social change: Redefining organizations with multilevel relational infrastructures. Edward Elgar Publishing.

New International Version. (2011). Holy Bible (New International Version). HarperCollins.

Pallant, J. L., Sands, S., & Karpen, I. O. (2020). The 4Cs of mass customization in service industries: A customer lens. Journal of Services Marketing, 34(4), 499–511.


3. (15 sources, no more than 5 years old) (Correct APA format)

Literature Review Annotated Bibliography Assignment



Write a brief critical synopsis of each journal, book, etc. on your topic. After going through your reading list, you will have an abstract or annotation of each source you read. Later annotations are likely to include more references to other works since you will have your previous readings to compare, but, at this point, the important goal is to get accurate critical summaries of each individual work. Each reference must be formatted per APA and listed before the synopsis.

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic (“Annotated Bibliographies”, 2021).


For all sources used in your Literature Review you should:

You      should have a minimum of 15 sources.

Provide      an APA formatted references (this should look like what you would      include in a normal reference section.)

Summarizethe source      and discuss the research study that was conducted and what the findings      were.

Assessthe source and discuss how      useful it is and how it compares with other sources in your paper.

Reflecton how the      source will be useful to you in your Literature Review. How does it help      to shape your argument and how are you using it to shape your writing?

Each annotation should look like:

Author (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Vol no(issue). Pg to pg., URL or doi

In your summary, you will begin with a discussion of the research question the study is attempting to answer. You will summarize the research that was conducted and the specific findings that were uncovered. You will then provide a summary of what this means for the topic.

Next, you will discuss how the source compares with other sources in your paper and how useful is the source in attributing to your writing.

Finally, you will discuss how the source is useful in your Literature Review You will need to be specific on why it is important to use and exactly how you will use it in your writing to shape your arguments.

4. (Discussion Board Replies) (150 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

As an employer wants to reduce the production cost during the economic recession, he/she could choose to (1) lay off some workers without changing wages or (2) keep all workers but cut wages for all. Which method would you choose? Why?

As an employer who wants to reduce the production cost during economic decisions, I would choose the second method to keep all workers but cut wages for all. Both methods would result in individuals suffering however, keeping workers allows them to still earn an income. If the employees feel as though it is not enough despite the economic recession then it is their choice whether to resign or not. An extreme example of the negative effects of unemployment during an economic recession is discussed in the International journal of social psychiatry as it states, “About 12 studies examined the co-relation between unemployment and suicide rate, with ten studies showing a positive correlation” (Kamekis et al., 2021, pg. 1). During these times it would be essential to ensure employees are being checked to ensure they are able to effectively perform. There are many methods to offer employees help and guidance that are free such as one-on-one meetings. Scripture discusses this as a God-given responsibility as it states, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Ephesians 4:32) This also allows for employees to view that leaders of the company value and care about them which allows room for loyalty during the economic recession. Organizations depend heavily on the productivity of employees which highlights the significance of being there for employees despite cutting their wages. Frontiers in public health state, “A positive work environment also improved the employee commitment level and achievement-striving ability significantly. Both employee commitment and achievement-striving ability also improved employee performance” (Zhenjing et al., 2022, pg. 1) There is also room for discussion as to whether employees would rather go through wage cuts or a decrease in benefits. Questioning employees as a whole, also allows for them to see that leaders within the organization care about their needs and values.


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.

https://esv.literalword.com/Links to an external site.

Kamekis, A., Rachiotis, G., Markaki, A., Samara, V., & Symvoulakis, E. K. (2021). Employment and suicidal rates during economic recession: A country-targeted integrative review. The International journal of social psychiatry, 67(6), 801–815.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764020969740Links to an external site.

Zhenjing, G., Chupradit, S., Ku, K. Y., Nassani, A. A., & Haffar, M. (2022). Impact of Employees’ Workplace Environment on Employees’ Performance: A Multi-Mediation Model. Frontiers in public health, 10, 890400.

https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.890400Links to an external site.

5. (Discussion Board Replies) (150 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

As an employer wants to reduce the production cost during the economic recession, he/she could choose to (1) lay off some workers without changing wages or (2) keep all workers but cut wages for all. Which method would you choose? Why?

Author Note

Nicole Hicks I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nicole E. Hicks.

Email: nehicks@liberty.edu

Choosing between a layoff and a wage cut for a company is a hard decision to make. The company I currently work at went through a layoff a little over six months ago. The people who got laid off were contributing employees to the organization who had families. I was lucky enough to not be affected by the layoff but the layoff was not easy to witness. The people that were affected were coworkers of mine that I had grown to call friends. I felt terrible for what happened. As I recall what the organization went through I’d imagine that the organization considered a wage cut.

When choosing between a layoff and a wage cut I feel as though a wage cut would be the worst choice. The size of a hypothetical pay cut needed to save a layoff is large. Employers who do not cut base pay think that it would damage morale or lead employees to quit, or they perceive base pay as a commitment to employees (Bertheau, Kudlyak, Larsen, & Bennedsen, 2023).

Romans 4:4 says, “Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due” (What Does Romans 4:4 Mean?, n.d.). When we have a job, we get paid. That paycheck is not a gift. It is what our employer owes us in exchange for our work (What Does Romans 4:4 Mean?, n.d.).

Work Cited

Bertheau, A., Kudlyak, M., Larsen, B., & Bennedsen, M. (2023). Why Firms Lay Off Workers Instead of Cutting Wages: Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data.

“What Does Romans 4:4 Mean?” (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2024, from

https://www.bibleref.com/Romans/4/Romans-4-4.htmlLinks to an external site.

Discussion Thread_ Layoff or Wage Cut?.pdf

6. (Discussion Board Replies) (150 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

Respond to the charge thatimmigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S.

Additional information:

“When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:33–34, NIV).

“There is no evidence that over time, immigrants reduced wages, lowered the living standards of the resident population or raised unemployment rates.” — John Stapleford, Bulls, Bears, and Golden Calves. IVP Academic (p. 227)

The Malaysian journal of economic studies states, “Upwards of 75 million persons in the United States—almost one-quarter of the current resident American population— is part of the immigrant community, defined as foreign born and the children of the foreign born” (Hirschman, 2014, pg. 1). The U.S. is known to have been built by immigrants due to the American dream. The American dream drives immigrants to live better lifestyles than the previous environment they had left. Although 75 million individuals may seem to be such a large portion, it is only around 13.5% of the U.S. population. Immigrants do not have the goal of “taking over” such as driving down wages by participating in the labor market as it is safe to say, that immigrants wish to better the country. A harsh argument to this charge is that illegal immigrants may flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S. Despite being illegal, immigrants still come to the U.S. with the desire to live the American dream settling for minimum wage jobs that do not alter the wages of the U.S. All immigrants actually benefit the U.S. by providing an increase in labor which in turn lowers prices of product and services that ultimately leads to increases in wages. This charge may be stated upon greed as money has shown to hold tremendous value to individuals as individuals may feel as though money within the labor market could be increased if it was limited to natural-born citizens. Scripture warns of greed and money as it states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs” (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, 1 Timothy 6:10)


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online. https://esv.literalword.com/Links to an external site.

  • Hirschman C. (2014). Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects. Malaysian journal of economic studies : journal of the Malaysian Economic Association and the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, 51(1), 69–85.
  • 7. (Discussion Board Replies) (150 words per reply) (APA citation) (in-text citations are a must)

  • Respond to the charge that immigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S.
  • Additional information:

  • This topic has been a very politically charged statement for many years. In general, I tend to disagree with this statement. In the phrase above I am taking the assumption we are talking about legal immigration. However, even illegal immigration tends to affect low skill positions and usually only affects small business employment as reporting of employees can be quite different as opposed to larger corporations.
  • The U.S. government started implementing immigration policies after World War II for different economic and political ends, i.e., embarrass communist countries. (Miller, 2020) At one time the U.S. was known as the melting pot due to all the immigrants we had coming into the country. These immigrants help fight our wars and make this country great. This discussion makes be think of Exodus 12:49 “The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.” We need not forget where we came from. Recently, the government implemented the H-2A visa program that allows the agricultural industry to employ low-skilled Latin American workers to work the crops. (Miller, 2020) These low cost, low skilled workers are keeping prices not only for American consumers low but allows farmers to compete in the world market. Which is what we want as this creates more jobs in the long run.

    The economics to this argument does not make sense. Skilled immigrants are competing in the same job market as everyone else. There are expectations to what should be paid for a particular position. Additionally, labor laws and equal rights tend to restrain most organizations from doing anything shady. There is an argument I like to call the McDonald’s argument. Working in McDonalds is considered low skilled, but some politicians and advocates are trying to say these workers deserve $15 an hour. Keep in mind, these are jobs that were traditionally tailored to young adults.  This actually does not help the employee, consumer, or employer. Reason being the prices across the board increase. Business are not able to sustain those wages without increasing prices and it will trickle down into other markets and industries.

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