The peer reviewed article on the issues of Qualitative Criminology and Victimology discusses the issues aimed at expanding systematic methodical research in different entities. The author discusses the remarks lodged against qualitative criminology and victimology and how knowledge and examination using the methods have demoted the legitimacy of scholarly research. Copes et al., (2020) goes in depth explaining the importance of analyzing and collecting data to present findings within the criminology and criminal justice field. The systematic approach on how to collect and analyze the data to present research is based on the detailed enumeration of the qualitative data analysis and research.
Huey & Ferguson., (2020) explores research examining the quantitative analysis of missing persons. Police data limitations can affect the qualitative facts of victimization, resulting in it being overlooked. Victimization correlates with missing persons due to the lack of insufficient information and understanding the facts leading to the data limitations.
Using peer reviewed articles can help improve scholarly writing through credibility. The information must be correct and reviewed before it is published. Both articles discussed were peer reviewed. The difference between the two articles is that Huey & Ferguson., (2020) focuses on information not reported due to the lack of details (information being withheld), whereas Copes et al., (2020) focuses on the lack of knowledgeable information. I would utilize the second article as evidence to support my ideas because of the different resources and tools provided which confirms the accuracy of information.
Copes H., Beaton B., Ayeni D., Dabney D., Tewksbury R. (2020). A content analysis of qualitative research published in top Criminology and Criminal Justice journals from 2010 to 2019. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(6), 1060.
https://doi-org/10.1007/s12103-020-09540-6Links to an external site.
Huey L., Ferguson L. (2020a). “Did not return in time for curfew”: A descriptive analysis of homeless missing persons cases. International Criminal Justice Review. Advance online publication.