design a network for building ( case study)

the assignment will be to design a network to achieve the stated goals of Dooma-Flochie as specified by the desired outcomes of the e-commerce class case study

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attached is the case study and the questioned asked to the client

Network Design and Performance

Case Study

Dooma-Flochies, Inc. with headquarters located on Podunk Road in Trumansburg, NY, is the sole manufacturer of Dooma-Flochies (big surprise). They currently have a manufacturing facility in, Lake Ridge, NY (across Cayuga Lake) on Cayuga Dr. and have recently diversified by purchasing a company, This-N-That, on Industry Ave. in, Dime Box Texas. This-N-That is the sole competitor of Domma-Flochies with their product Thinga-Ma-Jigs. This acquisition gives Dooma-Flochies, Inc a monopoly in this market.

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Before expanding to Lake Ridge and Dime Box Dooma-Flochies’ operation was entirely on the campus depicted in Figure 1. Several years prior to this, Domma-Flocjie had begun using Hi Tek to facilitate their networking needs. Hi has worked there for 12 years and in anticipation of his retirement, Dooma-Flochies has decided to automate Hi’s job. Several years ago they let a smooth talking computer/network installer with credentials from an esteemed university in Rochester, NY (RIT) talk them into automating their office. He had recommended something called token ring. They thought this was pretty and must be novel because he also recommended some kind of novel program. They wondered about the guy’s education when they saw how he spelled novel (NOVELL) and said it No Veil (kind of like a bare headed bride ** Note: They decided it was appropriate to have a token ring to match a bride with no veil **). Since this guy was kind of a hometown boy (grew up in Lodi), they decided to help advance his career and accepted his proposal. After the completion of this project, everyone in the office had a computer and could usually generate and obtain reports from Server. This made the ability to generate sales slips, orders (as well as demands), etc. much easier. In fact, it was so easy they had to use Hi to deliver the reports and orders to the other buildings. This worked okay but as Hi aged, his deliveries seem to suffer. The management at Dooma-Flochies upgraded his job a few years ago by purchasing him a new Schwinn Classic, but this strategy was only sufficient for a few years. Hi’s retirement is imminent and something has to be done. At a family gathering, the president of Dooma-Flochies, was lamenting his problem when his nephew (who attended a Downstate NY university) suggested that the company install FAX machines in each of the buildings and simply FAX the paper work across the site. He even recommended the new system could be termed EDifications Sent ELectronically (EDSEL). They were discussing the feasibility of EDSEL when his neice Ford said she had a better idea. It seems Ford had attended the same school as that bright young man who had installed their token ring and novel software. Ford had concentrated in networking in IT at this esteemed university and had learned about something called e-commerce. Not only that but she also thought she could get a class to use the Dooma-Flochie enterprise as a case study. Unfortunately, she was correct. The project was termed the “Future Online Realtime Deployment System” hereafter called FORDS High Tech project.

The Lake Ridge facility is depicted in Figure 2 and the Dime Box facility is Figure 3.

Your assignment will be to design a network to achieve the stated goals of Dooma-Flochie as specified by the desired outcomes of the e-commerce class case study.

The president and his wife have their summer home on Seneca lake at 84 Whites Point and are planning to spend the Winter months at their condominium in New Smyrna Beach Fl on 824 Downing st.; however, he wants to stay in touch with the business from both locations and wants a secure connection set up from both to the headquarters. In addition, your company (located in Dover, Delaware) is to manage the network so another connection must be established to your home office. The company is discussing establishing an office in New York City, but has not finalized those plans.

Network Goals:

1. Identify all hardware that would be required for this purpose, including model names, cost of the model, specifications of the model, price as well as dimensions and where you are planning to place the model.

2. Hardware list includes, but is not restricted to, Servers, Routers, Switches, NIC cards etc. If your design needs any particular kind of hardware, you should include it and specify what its function is for that particular network.

3. Your network must satiate all of the above conditions, which are explicitly specified as well as include the ones that are assumed and are not necessarily mentioned in the above paragraphs.

4. Devise a suitable addressing scheme, including CIDR notations and explain the reason why you chose that addressing scheme by providing details like number of hosts possible for that range as well as the subnet address and the broadcast address. What Interior routing protocol do you think is ideal for the network that you have designed? Will it work with a Static Protocol or need a Dynamic one?

5. Finally, provide with layouts of your network, logical as well as physical ones. Students using OpNet to model their network and have it running will win bonus points on their final score.

Business Goals:

1. The first goal is that a customer should be able to interact with the company completely using just the website. He should be able to place order for the products and this order should be suitably processed, and given an approximate date for completion. You should figure out the processes that might be involved when a customer is placed the order and mention how you are planning to address it. [What does this mean for the network? When the inventory level reaches a certain point, a production order must be automatically generated and made available to production. Production must be able to make entries into the system to provide tracking of product in order to provide the necessary back-order information at the time of placing an order. Also, assembly might need that information to prepare for the assembly/finishing of that product. Production and assembly needs to be able to place supply orders online. Shipping orders are handled electronically. Etc.]

2. Details regarding the order should be made available for the people that are placing the order.

3. Provide access based on need. Roaming sales personnel need secured access just the same as in-house sales. Customers need access to the ordering component only. While ordering, the connection needs to be persistent. Catalog and non-pertinent company information (about us) information needs web presence for all. On-line payment needs secure connection. Employees need external access.

4. The facility in Dime Box has administrative offices but all orders are sent to the main office in Trumansburg.

5. Management needs secure remote access.

6. Automated notification should be provided to the people involved with the order, and all notifications should be sent to the President to ensure that he is aware of what status the order might currently be in. The notifications to the president can even be about other critical things like the status of the inventory and not just about a particular order.

7. With your help the president plans to move this company into world wide online order based sales. Online availability is critical.

Technical Goals:

1. Availability must be 24/7 (mission critical both internal and external availability)

2. Performance is mission critical.

3. You must allow for remote management as in-house network staff is small and have had little training.

4. You must have network usage and security policy.

5. Your plan must be user friendly.

6. Appropriate security measures must be put in place. Give details about how you plan to restrict access and grant access.

7. You will be bidding against other well known reputable consulting companies.

Figure 1. Existing Site

Figure 2 Lake Ridge Site

Figure 3. Dime Box Facility
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 Case Study 1 Questions:
1.     What is the allocated budget ? $250,000
2.     Where does the server room located? Currently, there is no server room
3.     What is the number of users with PCs inside each existing site?
Currently there are

4.     What is the current cabling used in each location? (cat5e or cat6) Current cabling does not meet the company’s current and future needs

5.     Do want us to upgrade token Ring or use a completely new Ethernet network What is your recommendation and why? 

6.     regarding the ordering system , it is not clear what the we should do , do you want to talk about how to connect the system to the network or how to built the ordering online system because it is more software engineering than networking . Talk about the kind of network (hardware) you recommend based on the business requirements

7.     all the sites should have access to our servers in the main branch? yes

8.     Regarding the order software, do you need more details about the way it works or just about its connection with the network? Your solution should be from a network point of view

9.     Distances are given in Meters or feet? feet

10. Shipment is done by truck, or ships? Currently, only trucking

11. In Dimebox branch, where are administration offices located? See Business goals # 4

12. What is the current network connectivity status? How many devices are currently on the network? How they are physically laid out? Is cabling running all over the floor, hidden in walls or threaded through the ceiling? What are the switches used and its speed? Currently, only the office is networked (token ring) NOVELL
13. What is the minimum Internet speed wanted?  See Business Goals on page 2 – I only can tell you what we need the network for, you must tell me what we need to meet the business needs
14. Will the corporation provide wireless access? If yes will it be in all department and buildings? Wireless access would be helpful if we can justify the cost
15. Are there phones in offices? yes
16.  What is the internet speed available now? What speed do you want for future? Internet access is through time warner cable company which is not very reliable
17. Do employees access their emails outside the company? yes
18. Do you have plans for future expansion? We like to increase our customer base by 20% over the next year
REMEMBER, you are the IT expert, I’m only a business person who must rely on your expertise.

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