Deontological Ethics

 This week’s reading provides overview of the police in American society. After reviewing the reading for week 6, as well as the week 6  lesson for this week; discuss/debate with your classmates the ideologies associated with utilitarianism and deontological ethics concerning human behavior and the ethical or unethical decisions and/or actions of those working in law enforcement. In doing so, differentiate the distinction between crime and torts committed by police officers i.e., strict liability tort, intentional tort, and negligence tort, as well as the elements associated with federal liability concerning a law suit under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983, as the cornerstone of police civil liability at the federal level. Discuss the impact ethics plays in policing. Is proper ethical training important, why or why not? Lastly, discuss what can police leaders do to instill organizational ethics? This essay must have at least two references. 

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