Denver Boards, a B2B (50 Question)


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51) All of the following are true of dynamic pricing except:

a. anonymity often is a key ingredient.

b. buyers and sellers interact with bids and offers in real time.

c. e-malls are a prime example of this pricing model.

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d. a deal is struck when there is an exact match between a buyer and a seller on price, volume, and other variables, such as location or quality.


52) Denver Boards, a B2B manufacturer of snowboard equipment, can reach and target new retail customers in order to grow its online business by __________.

a. hiring an affiliation service to drive traffic to its website

b. reviewing POS data

c. mining data

d. advertising in traditional media


53) The e-SCM process that includes integrated production and distribution processes is ____________.


a. supply chain replenishment

b. collaborative planning

c. e-procurement

d. e-logistics


54) When planning, designing and implementing integrated supply chain operations, management requires a holistic focus that takes into account all of the following primary factors except:

a. strategy, structure, and people.

b. location and revenues.

c. IT and business processes.

d. culture, including performance measurement, monitoring, and incentives.


55) Which of the following about supply chain problems is not true?

a. Supply chains in military and business operations have been plagued with problems for generations.

b. Supply chain problems have sometimes caused armies to lose wars and companies to go out of business.

c. Supply chain problems are most apparent in complex supply chains.

d. Supply chain problems are lowest when many business partners are involved.


56) The last fifteen orders from a manufacturer to its suppliers range from $100,000 to $8,750,000. This is an example of ___________.

a. the bullwhip effect

b. demand manipulation

c. supply inadequacy

d. order instability


57) Software that helps integrate different types of information systems among collaborating companies is called __________.

a. middleware

b. browser technology

c. collaborative software

d. extranet technology


58) All of the following are types of communication and collaboration done in real time except:

a. blogging.

b. webinars.

c. instant messaging.

d. VoIP.


59) The Lotus Notes/Domino suite includes all of the following except:

a. instant video.

b. document management.

c. database.

d. communication support.


60) All of the following apply to instant video except:

a. It evolved from the spread of instant messaging and Internet telephony.

b. The idea is for a kind of video chat room that allows users to chat in real time and see the people they are communicating with.

c. It is the natural result of wanting to link people via both voice and audio.

d. The highest quality approach is to add video cameras to the participants’ computers.


61) An example of G2C is ____________.

a. an employee at the Chamber of Commerce gets local demographic data from a U.S. census site.

b. a driver applies for and pays for the renewal of his auto tag online.

c. a road contractor uses the Internet to submit a closed bid on a paving contract.

d. a regional hospital conducts an online reverse auction for cleaning supplies.


62) All of the following are potential advantages of e-learning except:

a. college professors are anxious to develop new online courses.

b. knowledge retention is higher.

c. learning time is reduced.

d. it costs less to deliver education online than in a traditional classroom.


63) One of the facilitators of e-learning is ________ technology such as

a. Web 2.0

b. Blackboard

c. WebCT

d. Macromedia


64) All of the following describe Second Life (SL) and SL Educators (SLED) except:

a. SLED sponsors meet-and-greet events in SL, helping real-life educators to connect with each other.

b. Educators have been slow to embrace SL because of the complexity of its media-rich features.

c. Students and educators can work together in SL from anywhere in the world as part of a globally networked virtual classroom environment.

d. Using SL as a supplement to traditional classroom environments provides new opportunities for enriching existing curricula.


65) More and more people are willing to pay for digital music, as shown by the success of ___________.

a. Napster

b. Kazaa

c. iTunes

d. P2P


66) The exclusive online publication of Stephen King’s e-book Riding the Bullet ____________.

a. was a failure because the cost of the book was too high.

b. produced very few sales.

c. was an unqualified success and established electronic publishing as a legitimate competitor for traditional publishers.

d. was disrupted by hackers who breached security, then distributed free copies of the book.


67) A major purpose of an organizational knowledge base is to support and allow ____________.

a. knowledge sharing.

b. e-learning.

c. responsible blogging.

d. organizational capital.


68) Food Lion is a U.S. supermarket chain that relies on ________ to compete against Wal-Mart and other stores.

a. low prices and vast selection

b. m-commerce technology for customer convenience

c. huge online selection and fast delivery

d. organic and unique gourmet foods


69) The development of m-commerce is being driven by all of the following technological, business, social, and economic factors except:

a. the transition to a manufacturing economy.

b. the widespread availability of more powerful mobile devices.

c. the growth of a handset culture and mobile workforce.

d. the improved price/performance of mobile services.


70) As in e-commerce, m-commerce B2C applications are concentrated in each of the following areas except:

a. retail shopping.

b. advertising.

c. telecommunications.

d. financial.


71) A ________ is suitable for mobile users who need to make very short-range device-to-device wireless connections within a small space, such as a single room, and most commonly with Bluetooth.

a. personal area network

b. local area network

c. wireless area network

d. Wi-Fi area network


72) The major enterprise mobile applications are all of the following except:

a. e-mail and cell phone contacts.

b. sales force automation.

c. field force automation.

d. research and development.


73) You are walking near a coffee shop and suddenly your cell phone beeps with a message: “Come inside and get a free biscotti with any purchase.” This is an example of ___________.

a. permission marketing.

b. location-based advertising.

c. customer relationship management.

d. m-commerce.


74) Wikipedia is a free online collaborative encyclopedia that had to resolve each of the following problems except:

a. people with malicious agendas posting false information.

b. competition from the bigger Encyclopedia Britannica.

c. poor or substandard quality of the content.

d. invasions of privacy.


75) Perspectives about Web 2.0 include all of the following except:

a. Web 2.0 is organized around pages, software, technology, individuals, and corporations.

b. Web 2.0 has become the framework for bringing together the contributions of millions of people to enhance creativity, information sharing, and collaboration.

c. Web 2.0 communities are one of the most powerful influences on society.

d. Web 2.0 stands to greatly improve internal business processes and marketing.


76) The real estate brokerage industry has been disrupted by companies such as Zillow and HomeGain for each of the following reasons except:

a. Homeowners can enter and go to zestimate to get an approximation of their home’s market value with a map of the neighborhood.

b. The Zillow and Homegain sites provide more services and information than Web 1.0.

c. The Web 2.0 real estate sites have driven down commissions from 6 percent to almost 1 percent.

d. Homeowners can get comparisons of the estimated price of their home with neighbors’ homes.


77) All of the following are true about YouTube except:

a. YouTube is building a community that is highly motivated to watch and share videos.

b. The company encourages users to contact YouTube.

c. Some experts think Yahoo paid too much for YouTube.

d. The growth of YouTube has been extremely rapid, depending largely on referrals from users who alerted their friends and family to a favorite video.


78) Distinct layers of the Web 3.0 topology include each of the following except:

a. v-commerce.

b. API services.

c. application services.

d. serviced clients.


79) An evolving extension of the Web in which Web content can be expressed not only in natural language, but also in a form that can be understood, interpreted, and used by intelligent computer software agents is known as ___________.

a. net neutrality

b. mobile social networks

c. semantic web

d. voice commerce


80) For ________ companies, it may be even more important to change strategies quickly.

a. traditional

b. pure play

c. service

d. retail


81) Projections of the business, technological, political, economic, and other environments are called __________.

a. forecasts

b. SWOT analysis

c. competitive intelligence

d. value propositions


82) A specific outcome of the strategy initiation phase is the ________, which includes the vision, mission, value proposition, goals, capabilities, constraints, strengths, and weaknesses of the company.

a. company analysis

b. value proposition

c. core competency

d. functional strategy


83) After four years in business, a magazine publisher decides to add the online distribution of its magazine to its existing traditional publishing business. The company would need to develop a __________.

a. business strategy.

b. business plan.

c. business case.

d. business metric.


84) The ________ pricing strategy means adding up all the costs involved, such as material, labor, rent, overhead, and so forth, and adding a percentage mark-up as profit.

a. cost-plus

b. competitor model

c. revenue markup

d. price percentage


85) With the balanced scorecard approach, the term balance arises because the combined set of measures is supposed to encompass indicators that are all of the following except:

a. core and non-core.

b. financial and nonfinancial.

c. leading and lagging.

d. quantitative and qualitative.


86) Not all EC investments need to be formally justified. All of the following are cases where formal evaluation may not be needed except:

a. when the value of the investment is relatively small for the organization.

b. when competitors have made that type of investment.

c. when the relevant data are not available, are inaccurate, or are too volatile.

d. when the EC project is mandated and must be done regardless of the costs and benefits.


87) Metrics are used to describe all of the following except:

a. standards.

b. costs.

c. benefits.

d. the ratio of costs to benefits.


88) In B2C, an example of a tangible EC metric from the buyer’s perspective is ____________.

a. ease of use of EC

b. convenience in purchasing

c. profit per customer

d. cost/price of the product


89) Transaction costs include all of the following except:

a. production costs incurred for labor and overhead.

b. search costs incurred by buyers and sellers in locating each other and specifi c products and services.

c. negotiation costs that result from meetings, communication-related expenses, exchanges of technical data or brochures, entertainment, and legal costs.

d. monitoring costs incurred when buyers and sellers make sure that the exchange proceeds according to the terms under which the sale was made.


90) McAfee allows users of its VirusScan virus-detection software to automatically update the latest security patches online. This is an example of ________ to attract customers who value this automatic update.

a. competitive advantage

b. core competency

c. product or service differentiation

d. agility


91) ________ is money invested in a business by an individual or a group of individuals in exchange for equity in the business.

a. Venture capital

b. Operating capital

c. Start-up funding

d. Advancement


92) A ________ site is an exact duplicate of the original Website physically located on a Web server on another continent.

a. backup

b. mirror

c. download

d. hot


93) The Web hosting option under which the business acquires the hardware, software, staff, and dedicated telecommunications services needed to host a Website is called ___________.

a. self-hosting

b. mirror hosting

c. using a storebuilder

d. ISP hosting


94) Creating content that offers upgraded or more expensive versions of the product is called ___________.

a. up-selling

b. comment

c. cross-selling

d. promotion


95) ________ offers one of the most popular storefront packages with three levels of merchant solutions: starter, standard, and professional.

a. Google


c. eBay

d. Yahoo!


96) Which of the following is a major property right relevant to EC and websites?

a. Control of the use of the property

b. The right to any benefit from the property

c. The right to exclude others from the property

d. All are major property rights.


97) Which of the following is true about the scope of business ethics?

a. The scope of business ethics has expanded to encompass the nature and quality of the relationships with shareholders, customers, business partners, suppliers, the community, environment, and future generations.

b. The scope of business ethics has been limited to a company’s actions with regard to how it treats employees and obeys laws.

c. The scope of business ethics has not changed because laws have not changed.

d. The scope of business ethics has not changed even though laws have expanded.


98) Corporate Web policy guidelines include all of the following except:

a. issue word-of-mouth acceptable use policies (AUP).

b. make it clear to employees that they cannot use copyrighted or trademarked material without permission.

c. post disclaimers concerning content.

d. have attorneys with cyber law expertise review Web content.


99) Companies can improve their responsibility as custodians of customers’ personal data by implementing ___________.

a. opt-in and opt-out information practices.

b. AUP.

c. e-mail monitoring.

d. firewalls.


100) EC sellers need to protect against fraud and each of the following except:

a. public keys.

b. customers who deny that they placed an order.

c. customers who give false credit card or bad check information in payment for products and services provided.

d. use of their name by imposter sellers.


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