Deliverable 1 – Presentation


Evaluate the importance of innovation and change for an organization.

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You are a new intern at organization XYZ, and you have been given a task to create a 5-minute presentation to your supervisor on why innovation is important to an organization’s success. This could lead to a full-time position with the company so you want to make sure you shine.


Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a slide presentation that:

  • Discusses the importance of innovation.
  • Details how innovation can impact an organization.
  • Provides an analysis of internal and external drivers of change.
  • Develops an action plan to eliminate or reduce barriers to change.

A – 4 – Mastery

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Comprehensive discussion of the importance of innovation.

A – 4 – Mastery

Comprehensive details about the impact of innovation on an organization.

A – 4 – Mastery

Comprehensive analysis of internal and external drivers of change.

A – 4 – Mastery

A comprehensive action plan to eliminate or reduce barriers to change.

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