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Discussion Board 4


Based on your reading in Chapters 18-22 in Living with Art, respond to two of the THREE following questions: Your responses should be from 250-300 words per question.

In prepartion for this Discussion Board, be sure to review the Power Points, “How to Write a Comparison” and “How to Look at Art” (in the Interactives, Unit 2). These mini-lectures will help you in questions which ask you to make comparisions.  

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In responding to the questions for each discussion board, you are expected to cite specific examples from the course text (or other sources) to illustrate and support your points—these supporting examples should be different from those that the author of the course text uses when discussing similar themes or issues. Try looking in other chapters of the course text, even those that are not assigned; you will find a wealth of images throughout the book. It should be part of your learning experience in this course to simply LOOK at as much art as you can and to see not only what the experts see, but also to experience a work of art for yourself and to “discover” what is there in your own way.

Also, remember that if you copy or paraphrase word or ideas from the text or other sources, make sure that you follow appropriate procedures for crediting those sources. Put any quoted text in quotation marks “” and follow it with the source in parenthesis (). Citing incorrectly will reduce your grade and may be considered plagiarism. You must cite your sources in MLA format at the end of each response. Review announcements on how to cite correctly.

Finally, please note that responses that merely report back information from the text or that do little more than repeat other students’ posts will not receive high marks. Originality and critical thought are the goals here.

Note: Don’t forget to comment on at least two of your peers’ posts; please remember to indicate to whom or to which post your peer comments are directed.

Question 1

1) From the following list, select 2 pairs of comparisons. You will be selecting a total of 4 items.  For each pair, compare the significance, ritual use, or cultural function or purpose. Always include an example of art work for each item, either from the book or internet with a link.  Look for interesting similarities and important differences between the items you have selected.

1)      ijele

2)      iwan

3)      nkisi (pl. minkisi)

4)      nkondi (pl. minkondi)

5)      muqarnas

6)      nowo

7)      chattri 

8)      dao

9)      bodhisattva

10)  devaraja 

11)  garbhagriha

12)  haboku 

13)  haniwa

14)  jia

15)  koan

16)  kondo

17)  pagoda

18)  raigo

19)  shikhara

20)  stupa

21)  tanka 

22)  taotie

23)  yakshi

24)  Zen

25)  duk duk

26)  kachina

27)  kiva

28)  potlatch

29)  tubuan

30)  tumbaga


Question 2

2) In Islamic culture, there are certain religious restrictions on use of imagery and representation of human or animal forms is forbidden in many art forms. As a result, Islamic art has developed highly sophisticated abstract, geometric, and linear decorative elements. Compare and contrast this aspect of Islamic art with art of another culture we have studied (your choice) that is centrally concerned with pictorial representations of iconic figures or realistic depictions of historical events or realistic situations. In your discussion, consider the various elements of art and design principles covered in Unit I of this course. As always, use specific examples of art.

 Question 3

3) Compare the art works of two artists from any two different art movements covered in Chapter 21. Describe, then compare, the contexts, concerns and main aspects of each movement and how that appears in the works you’ve selected. Be sure to explain why you made your particular choices of movements, artists and artworks.  Evaluating the artwork you’ve selected according to any criteria you think are relevant (given what you have learned so far in the course). Be sure to use specific examples of art works in your discussion.

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