data management

Homework 2
DS-UA 301
Advanced Topics in Data Science
Instructor: Parijat Dube
Due: February 18, 2024
General Instructions
This homework must be turned in on both Gradescope by 11:59 pm on the due date. It must be your own
work and your own work only—you must not copy anyone’s work, or allow anyone to copy yours. This
extends to writing code. You may consult with others, but when you write up, you must do so alone. Your
homework submission must be written and submitted using Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb). No handwritten
solutions will be accepted. You should submit:
1. One Jupyter Notebook containing all of your solutions in this homework.
2. One .pdf file generated from the notebook.
Please make sure your answers are clearly structured in the Jupyter Notebooks:
1. Label each question part clearly. Do not include written answers as code comments. The code used to
obtain the answer for each question part should accompany the written answer.
2. All plots should include informative axis labels and legends. All codes should be accompanied by
informative comments. All output of the code should be retained.
3. Math formulas can be typesetted in Markdown in the same way as LATEX. A Markdown Guide is
provided on Brightspace for reference.
For more homework-related policies, please refer to the syllabus.
Problem 1 – Algorithmic Performance Scaling
25 points
OpenML ( has thousands of datasets for classification tasks. Select any sufficiently
large (having greater than 50K instances) dataset from OpenML with multiple (greater than 2) output classes.
1. Summarize the attributes of the selected dataset: number of features, number of instances, number
of classes, number of numerical features, and number of categorical features. Is the dataset balanced?
Plot the distribution of the number of samples per class. (5)
2. For the selected dataset, select 80% of the data as the training set and the remaining 20% as the test
set. Generate 10 different subsets of the training set by randomly subsampling 10%, 20%, . . . , 100% of
the training set. Use each of these subsets to train two different classifiers: Decision Tree and Gradient
boosting in sklearn. You will work with default hyperparameters for these classifiers in sklearn. When
training a classifier also measure the wall clock time to train. After each training, evaluate the accuracy
of trained models on the test set. Report model accuracy and training time for each of the 10 subsets
of the training set for the two models in a table. (8)
3. Using the data collected in part 2, you will create learning curve for the two classifiers. A learning curve
shows how the accuracy changes with increasing size of training data. You will create one chart with
the horizontal axis being the percentage of the training set and the vertical axis being the accuracy
on the test set. On this chart, you will plot two learning curves for both Decision Tree and Gradient
Boosting. (5)
4. Next, using the data collected in part 2, you will create a chart showing the training time of classifiers
with increasing size of training data. So, for each classifier, you will have one plot showing the training
time as a function of training data size. (3)
Homework 2
DS-UA 301
Advanced Topics in Data Science
Instructor: Parijat Dube
Due: February 18, 2024
5. Study the scaling of training time and accuracy of classifiers with training data size using the two
figures generated in parts 3 and 4 of this problem. Compare the performance of classifiers in terms of
training time and accuracy and write 3 main observations. Which gives better accuracy? Which has a
shorter training time? (4)
Problem 2 – Precision, Recall, ROC
15 points
This question is based on a paper from ICML 2006 (reference below) that talks about the relationship between
ROC and Precision-Recall (PR) curves and shows a one-to-one correspondence between them. You need to
read the paper to answer the following questions.
1. Does true negative matter for both the ROC and PR curve? Argue why each point on the ROC curve
corresponds to a unique point on the PR curve. (5)
2. Select one OpenML dataset with 2 output classes. Use two binary classifiers (Adaboost and Logistic
regression) and create ROC and PR curves for each of them. You will have two figures: one containing
two ROC and the other containing two PR curves. Show the point where an all-positive classifier lies
in the ROC and PR curves. An all-positive classifier classifies all the samples as positive. (10)
Reference paper:
• Jesse Davis, Mark Goadrich, The Relationship Between Precision-Recall and ROC Curves, ICML 2006.
Problem 3 – Perceptron
15 points
Consider a 2-dimensional data set in which all points with x1 > x2 belong to the positive class, and all
points with x1 ≤ x2 belong to the negative class. Therefore, the true separator of the two classes is a linear
hyperplane (line) defined by x1 − x2 = 0. Now, create a training data set with 10 points randomly generated
inside the unit square in the positive quadrant. Label each point depending on whether or not the first
coordinate x1 is greater than its second coordinate x2 . Now consider the following loss function for training
pair (X̄, y) and weight vector W̄ :
L = max{0, a − y(W̄ · X̄)},
where the test instances are predicted as ŷ = sign{W̄ · X̄}. For this problem, W̄ = [w1 , w2 ], X̄ = [x1 , x2 ]
and ŷ = sign(w1 x1 + w2 x2 ). A value of a = 0 corresponds to the perceptron criterion and a value of a = 1
corresponds to hinge-loss.
1. You need to implement the perceptron algorithm without regularization, train it on the 10 points
above, and test its accuracy on 5000 randomly generated points inside the unit square. Generate the
test points using the same procedure as the training points. You need to have your own implementation
of the perceptron algorithm, using the perceptron criterion loss function. (6)
2. Change the loss function from perceptron criterion to hinge-loss in your implementation for training
and repeat the accuracy computation on the same test points above. Regularization is not used. (5)
3. In which case (perceptron criterion or hinge-loss) do you obtain better test accuracy and why? (2)
4. In which case (perceptron criterion or hinge-loss) do you think that the classification of the same 5000
test instances will not change significantly by using a different set of 10 training points? (2)
Homework 2
DS-UA 301
Advanced Topics in Data Science
Instructor: Parijat Dube
Due: February 18, 2024
• Perceptron Algorithm in Python available at
Problem 4 – Linear Separability
10 points
Consider a dataset with two features x1 and x2 in which the points (−1, −1), (1, 1), (−3, −3), (4, 4) belong to
one class and (−1, 1), (1, −1), (−5, 2), (4, −8) belong to the other.
1. Is this dataset linearly separable? Can a linear classifier be trained using features x1 and x2 to classify
this data set? You can plot the dataset points and argue. (2)
2. Can you define a new 1-dimensional representation z in terms of x1 and x2 such that the dataset is
linearly separable in terms of 1-dimensional representation corresponding to z? (4)
3. What does the separating hyperplane look like in the new 1-dimensional representation space? (2)
4. Explain the importance of nonlinear transformations in classification problems. (2)

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